No records
8521176100 |
Nafrialdi |
dr. Nafrialdi, Ph.D., SpPD |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
55795863600 |
Purwanty Astuti Ascobat |
Prof. Dr. dr. Purwanty Astuti Ascobat, M.Sc., SpFK |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
36497482500 |
Grace Wangge |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
55795863600 |
Purwantyastuti Ascobat |
Prof.Dr.dr. Purwanty Astuti Ascobat, M.Sc., SpFK |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
No records
57193731572 |
Ika Prasetya |
dr. Ika Prasetya, Sp.PD-KKV. |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Autologous Bone-Marrow vs. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients |
Yunir E., Kurniawan F., Rezaprasga E., Wijaya I.P., Suroyo I., Matondang S., Irawan C., Soewondo P. |
International Journal of Stem Cells |
Q4 |
57204106272 |
Indrati Suroyo |
dr. Indrati Suroyo, SpRad (K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Autologous Bone-Marrow vs. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients |
Yunir E., Kurniawan F., Rezaprasga E., Wijaya I.P., Suroyo I., Matondang S., Irawan C., Soewondo P. |
International Journal of Stem Cells |
Q4 |
23475336100 |
Pradana Soewondo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Autologous Bone-Marrow vs. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients |
Yunir E., Kurniawan F., Rezaprasga E., Wijaya I.P., Suroyo I., Matondang S., Irawan C., Soewondo P. |
International Journal of Stem Cells |
Q4 |
28767651600 |
Cosphiadi Irawan |
Dr. dr. Cosphiadi Irawan, SpPD-KHOM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Autologous Bone-Marrow vs. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients |
Yunir E., Kurniawan F., Rezaprasga E., Wijaya I.P., Suroyo I., Matondang S., Irawan C., Soewondo P. |
International Journal of Stem Cells |
Q4 |