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57192889605 |
Puspita Eka Wuyung |
Dr. Dra. Puspita Eka Wuyung, M.S. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Curcumin Nanoparticle Enhances the Anticancer Effect of Cisplatin by Inhibiting PI3K/AKT and JAK/STAT3 Pathway in Rat Ovarian Carcinoma Induced by DMBA |
Sandhiutami N.M.D., Arozal W., Louisa M., Rahmat D., Wuyung P.E. |
Frontiers in Pharmacology |
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Q1 |
57192889605 |
Puspita Eka Wuyung |
Dr. Dra. Puspita Eka Wuyung, M.S. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Intravenous injection of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells improved regeneration of rat liver after 2aaf/ccl4-induced injury |
Liem I.K., Oktavina R., Zakiyah, Anggraini D., Deraya I.E., Kodariah R., Krisnuhoni E., Wuyung P.E. |
OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences |
Q4 |
57192893243 |
Radityo Prakoso |
dr. Radityo Prakoso, Sp.JP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Clinical outcome of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers in treatment of hypertensive patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Laurentius A., Mendel B., Prakoso R. |
Egyptian Heart Journal |
1 |
Q3 |
57192893243 |
Radityo Prakoso |
dr. Radityo Prakoso, Sp.JP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Transcatheter pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty of severe valvar pulmonary stenosis and atrial septal defect in patient with severe cyanosis and very low ventricle ejection fractions: a bailout procedure |
Siagian S.N., Haas N.A., Prakoso R. |
Cardiology in the Young |
Q3 |
57192905252 |
Marcel Prasetyo |
Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, Sp.Rad.(K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Hemosiderin deposition evaluation in hemophilic ankle joints: association between US finding and gradient-recalled echo MR imaging sequence |
Prasetyo M., Mongan A.E., Chozie N.A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
Insights into Imaging |
Q1 |
57192905252 |
Marcel Prasetyo |
Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, Sp.Rad.(K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Tuberculous septic arthritis of the hip with large abscess formation mimicking soft tissue tumors: A case report |
Prasetyo M., Adistana I.M., Setiawan S.I. |
Heliyon |
Q1 |
57192905252 |
Marcel Prasetyo |
Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, Sp.Rad.(K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Correlation between Hemophilia Early Arthropathy Detection with Ultrasound (HEAD-US) score and Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) in patients with hemophilic arthropathy |
Prasetyo M., Moniqa R., Tulaar A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
1 |
Q1 |
57192905252 |
Marcel Prasetyo |
Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, Sp.Rad.(K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Thromboembolism in Malignant Musculoskeletal Tumour: A Literature Review |
Kamal A.F., Ramang D.S., Prasetyo M. |
Advances in Orthopedics |
Q2 |
57192909174 |
Githa Rahmayunita |
dr. Githa Rahmayunita, Sp.KK. |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Effectiveness of water as the neutralising agent for glycolic acid peels in skin phototypes IV-V |
Sitohang I.B.S., Rahmayunita G., Hosfiar V.A., Ninditya S., Augustin M. |
Australasian Journal of Dermatology |
Q2 |
57192910605 |
Novi Silvia Hardiany |
Dr. dr. Novi Silvia Hardiany, M.Biomed. |
Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
The effect of fasting on malondialdehyde level in liver and plasma of New Zealand white rabbits |
Hardiany N.S., Amaanullah M.Z.B., Antarianto R.D. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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