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Irawati Y., Paramita C., Daniel H. |
57201260313;57219380835;57316812600; |
Challenging eyelid reconstruction in malignancies: Case reports |
2021 |
Annals of Medicine and Surgery |
71 |
102987 |
| |
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Irawati, Y., Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Paramita, C., Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Daniel, H., Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Eye is one of the most crucial organs in need of protection. The most important function of eyelids is designed to protect the eyeball. Despite their small and thin surface area, they are among the most sunlight-exposed area of skins, hence, it is prone to develop eyelid tumors. As the malignant tumors have the tendency of growing aggressively and have a high mortality, we have to meticulously remove the lesion along with its surrounding tissue, if needed, to ensure the clearance of tumor margin. To strike a suitable outcome between the cosmetic and function after tumor removal is a quite challenging task. Compromise on aesthetics and eyelids’ indispensable function of protecting the eyes during management, may lead to unfavorable cosmetic deformity and loss of vision. Therefore, it is imperative that wise selection of appropriate techniques be discussed and managed accordingly. In this article, the authors reported two case scenarios of eyelid reconstruction which was performed to show the management of full-thickness defect after removal of the malignant neoplasms. Skin flaps and graft technique used to reconstruct the eyelid in each patient was different to emphasize that eyelid malignancies require an individualized management. © 2021 |
Eyelid malignancies; Eyelid reconstruction; Full-thickness defect; Skin flaps; Skin graft |
adult,human; Article; case report; clinical article; ectropion; eyelid cancer; eyelid reconstruction; female; follow up; histopathology; human; human tissue; human,clinical article; keratinocyte; lower eyelid; lymph node biopsy; middle aged; muscle graft; palpation; reconstructive surgery; sentinel lymph node biopsy; skin flap; solid mass; squamous cell carcinoma; telangiectasia; tissue flap |
Elsevier Ltd |
20490801 |
Article |
Q3 |
391 |
12334 |
107 |
Poerbonegoro N.L., Reksodiputro M.H., Sari D.P., Mufida T., Rahman M.A., Reksodiputro L.A., Audindra S., Yosia M. |
57222574894;35090488800;57292553600;57291865900;57291413400;57292781100;57222006228;57204933098; |
Cross-sectional study on the proportion of smell and taste disturbances in hospitalized COVID-19 patients |
2021 |
Annals of Medicine and Surgery |
71 |
102909 |
| |
Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery Medical Staff Group, Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Depok, West Java, Indonesia; Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Poerbonegoro, N.L., Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery Medical Staff Group, Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Depok, West Java, Indonesia; Reksodiputro, M.H., Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery Medical Staff Group, Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Depok, West Java, Indonesia; Sari, D.P., Otorhinolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery Medical Staff Group, Universitas Indonesia Hospital, Depok, West Java, Indonesia; Mufida, T., Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Rahman, M.A., Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Reksodiputro, L.A., Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Audindra, S., Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Yosia, M., Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Background: The number of confirmed Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) cases in Indonesia had reached 1.4 million cases from a total population of 270 million. Smell and/or taste disturbances are frequently found as early symptoms of COVID-19 patients. Our study aimed to investigate the proportion and characteristics of anosmia and/or ageusia in COVID-19. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study identifies the proportion and severity of smell and taste disturbances in COVID-19 patients. Subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling. All subjects were required to fill in the questionnaire modified from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Anosmia Reporting Tool (AAO-HNS ART). Symptoms severity was measured with a numerical rating scale of 0–10; 0–3 is defined as mild, 4–6 as moderate, and 7–10 as severe. Results: Out of 51 subjects, 34 (66.7%) suffered from smell and/or taste disturbances. Twenty-nine of 34 subjects (85.3%) suffered from smell disturbance, and 24 of 34 subjects (70.5%) suffered from taste disturbance. Severe smell disturbance occurred in 68.9% of subjects, while severe taste disturbance occurred in 50%. The median onset was three days for smell disturbance and four days for taste disturbance after any symptoms of COVID-19. Conclusion: Smell and/or taste disturbances were early symptoms of COVID-19. These symptoms commonly occurred within the first four days of clinical onset and frequently manifested in severe conditions. © 2021 |
Ageusia; Anosmia; COVID-19; Indonesia |
adult; American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Anosmia Reporting Tool; Article; coronavirus disease 2019; cross-sectional study; disease assessment; disease severity; female; human; major clinical study; male; numeric rating scale; questionnaire; real time polymerase chain reaction; retrospective study; risk factor; smelling disorder; taste disorder; visual analog scale |
Elsevier Ltd |
20490801 |
Article |
Q3 |
391 |
12334 |
563 |
Arozal W., Diliana D., Wikanendra G.B., Purwantyastuti P., Rusli A. |
32067462200;57225946044;57204105059;57205722372;57225950729; |
Clinical characteristics of recurrent tuberculosis patients from a Jakarta hospital-based survey |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S58 |
S61 |
| |
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia; Clinical Pharmacology Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Pharmacy, Sanata Dharma University, Jogyakarta, Indonesia; Infection Disease Hospital, Prof. Dr Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Arozal, W., Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia; Diliana, D., Clinical Pharmacology Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Wikanendra, G.B., Department of Pharmacy, Sanata Dharma University, Jogyakarta, Indonesia; Purwantyastuti, P., Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia; Rusli, A., Infection Disease Hospital, Prof. Dr Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Objective: To analyse factors affecting the recurrence of TB in a tertiary hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods: This is a hospital-based survey, located in Jakarta, in the period of January 2014-December 2018. All patients with recurrent TB were included in the study, while the samples with successful treatment in the same period were chosen by consecutive sampling. Statistical analysis of clinical characteristics of both study groups was conducted. Results: The medical records of 2322 TB patients who presented to Sulianti Saroso Hospital were analysed retrospectively. Ninety-four cases of recurrent TB that met inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. It was observed that factors affecting recurrence of TB were medication compliance (p = .007, odds ratio (OR) 0.38 [CI 95% 0.19-0.76]) and appearance of lung cavity lesions in the first thorax x-ray examination (p < .001, OR 0.08 [CI 95% 0.03-0.20]). Conclusion: There was a relationship between recurrent TB and medication compliance and the appearance of lung cavity lesions in the first thorax x-ray examination. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
(JPMA 71: S-58 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); Clinical characteristics; Recurrent tb; Tuberculosis |
ethambutol; isoniazid; tuberculostatic agent; adult; clinical feature; clinical outcome; Conference Paper; diabetes mellitus; female; human; incidence; lung cavity; lung compliance; major clinical study; male; medication compliance; nutritional status; prospective study; tertiary care center; thorax radiography; treatment duration; tuberculosis |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
565 |
Stefani S., Andayani D.E. |
57205176413;57222706544; |
Nutritional medical therapy in cachexia patient with oesophageal adenocarcinoma metastases on dexamethasone therapy: A case report |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S143 |
S145 |
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Department of Clinical Nutrition, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Stefani, S., Department of Clinical Nutrition, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Andayani, D.E., Department of Clinical Nutrition, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Gastroesophageal adenocarcinomas have a high risk of brain metastases. Patients with oesophageal cancer often present with symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction and bleeding. On the other hand, high-dose steroids are used to supress brain oedema in cases of brain tumour, resulting in a drastic rise in appetite. Parenteral nutrition appears to reduce the appetite of humans, so it can be used in palliative patients who receive hypocaloric food to combat hunger. A man, 53 years old with intracranial metastasis space-occupying lesions (SOL) from oesophageal adenocarcinoma and cachexia, received 3x10 mg dexamethasone followed by tapering. Acute upper GI bleeding occurred during hospitalisation; thus, enteral feeding was delayed, and intravenous feeding was otherwise given. After two weeks of hospitalisation, we found that there was a decrease in hunger, change in clinical condition, tolerance to food, and functional ability. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
Brain neoplasm.; Cachexia; Nutrition; Oesophageal adenocarcinoma |
dexamethasone; adenocarcinoma; cachexia; case report; complication; esophagus tumor; human; male; middle aged; parenteral nutrition; Adenocarcinoma; Cachexia; Dexamethasone; Esophageal Neoplasms; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Parenteral Nutrition |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785960 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
566 |
Hariyanto N.I., Purwandhita R.P., Syahrani R.A., Louisa M., Wanandi S.I. |
57222706851;57202377042;57204103147;41461551400;36099320700; |
Role of TGF-?1 in human breast cancer stem cells |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S84 |
S89 |
1 | |
Master Program in BioMedical Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Molecular Biology and Proteomics, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Pharmacology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of BioChemistry and Molecular Biology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Hariyanto, N.I., Master Program in BioMedical Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Purwandhita, R.P., Department of Molecular Biology and Proteomics, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Syahrani, R.A., Department of Pharmacology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Louisa, M., Department of BioChemistry and Molecular Biology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Wanandi, S.I., Master Program in BioMedical Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Objective: To investigate the auto-induction of transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-?1) in breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) and its effect on cell viability and stemness. Methods: Human BCSCs (aldehyde dehydrogenase positive; ALDH+) were grown in serum-free Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium/Nutrient Mixture F12 (DMEM/F12) and treated for periods of 1, 2 and 4 hours with 0.1 ng/ml recombinant human TGF-?1 protein (rhTGF-?1). The medium was then replaced with serum-free DMEM/F12 without rhTGF-?1 for 24 hours. Cell viability was determined using a trypan blue exclusion assay. Type 1 TGF-? receptor (T?R1), TGF-?1, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A1 (ALDH1A1) messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels were analysed using quantitative real-Time reverse-Transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The TGF-? protein level in the culture medium was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The expression levels of rhTGF-?1, TGF-?1 and T?R1 mRNA significantly increased in BCSCs compared to control after treatment for 1 and 2 hours but decreased after 4 hours. This is in line with alteration of stemness gene, OCT4 and ALDH1A1 mRNA expressions. However, the secretion of newly synthesised TGF-?1 significantly increased after 2 hours. In contrast, viable BCSCs decreased after 1 hour and then gradually increased 2.7 times compared to control after 4 hours. Conclusion: TGF-?1 treatment in low concentration and for short period of time triggers its auto-induction in BCSCs, leading to increased cell viability and stemness gene expression via autocrine signalling. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. (JPMA 71: S-84 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); Breast Neoplasms; Neoplastic Stem Cells; Octamer Transcription Factor-3; Transforming Growth Factor beta1 |
transforming growth factor; transforming growth factor beta; transforming growth factor beta1; breast tumor; cancer stem cell; human; Breast Neoplasms; Humans; Neoplastic Stem Cells; Transforming Growth Factor beta; Transforming Growth Factor beta1; Transforming Growth Factors |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785948 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
567 |
Damayanti R., Natsir M.P.W., Annisa I., Trianto D.M., Sungkar S., Friska D. |
57215770702;57225897287;57221960863;57222707452;57016857300;57202805330; |
Protein intake and number of children associated with nutritional status |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S99 |
S102 |
| |
Undergradute Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Damayanti, R., Undergradute Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Natsir, M.P.W., Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Annisa, I., Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Trianto, D.M., Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Sungkar, S., Undergradute Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Friska, D., Undergradute Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the association between protein intake and number of children in a family, based on nutritional status of children aged 2 to 12 years of age. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling. Weight and height were measured, and the 24-hour food recall was gathered with a questionnaire. Nutritional status was assessed using weight-for-Age curve of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth chart. Protein intake was assessed using NutriSurvey. Data were analysed with chi-square test. Results: There were 99 children, 52 girls and 47 boys. From these, 57 (57.6%) were undernourished and 42 (42.4%) subjects had a good nutritional status. Sixty-five (65.6%) children had poor protein intake, while 34 (34.3%) had adequate protein intake. There was no association between protein intake and nutritional status (p = 0.805) or number of children in the family and nutritional status (p = 0.414). The principal protein source was squid, but squid is often sold for additional income. Conclusion: The nutritional status of children in Pero Konda Village could be considered undernourished. There was no association between protein intake and number of children based on nutritional status. The villagers had poor dietary habits, so good dietary habits should be promoted. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
Children; Diet; Nutritional status. (JPMA 71: S-99 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); Protein intake |
body weight; caloric intake; child; cross-sectional study; diet; feeding behavior; female; human; income; male; nutritional status; preschool child; Body Weight; Child; Child, Preschool; Cross-Sectional Studies; Diet; Energy Intake; Feeding Behavior; Female; Humans; Income; Male; Nutritional Status |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785951 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
568 |
Manggala S.K., Aditianingsih D., Harijanto E. |
57190962171;56312263600;56059081200; |
Diaphragm function in post-upper abdominal surgery: High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) versus nasal cannula a pilot study |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S4 |
S9 |
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Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Manggala, S.K., Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Aditianingsih, D., Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Harijanto, E., Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Objective: This pilot study was performed to identify the differences between the effectiveness of HFNC and conventional oxygen therapy. Methods: This study was a part of a more extensive ongoing study in a tertiary care hospital from January to April 2019. Criteria for inclusion were adult patients scheduled for upper-Abdominal surgery. Patients were randomised into two groups: conventional oxygen therapy (n=10) and HFNC therapy (n=10). The differences in (clinical parameters;Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), heart rate, respiratory rate), diaphragm thickening on ultrasound, air lung distribution on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), and blood gas analysis data between both groups were assessed at specific times. Adverse events were recorded and treated during the study. The data collected was analysed using SPSS software version 23.0. Results: During the recuritment of patients, no issues were indentified in this study. Therefore, no clinical or statistical differences in EIT and ultrasound diaphragm thickening between the two groups were observed; no clinical or statistical differences in patterns in clinical parameters were found. The mean arterial PO2 was particulary different at time 1: 137.10 mmHg for patients in the conventional therapy group and 93.95 mmHg in the HFNC group (p = 0.001). A patient in the HFNC group reported a feeling of discomfort. Conclusion: The aim of this study was to observe differences between HFNC and conventional oxygen therapy. Nonetheless, more data are needed in order to achieve a conclusive result. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
(JPMA 71: S-4 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); Blood gas analysis; Electric impedance; Oxygen inhalation therapy; Tomography; Ultrasonography |
abdominal surgery; adult; arterial oxygen tension; blood gas analysis; breathing rate; computer assisted impedance tomography; conference paper; controlled study; data analysis software; diaphragm; echography; female; heart rate; high flow nasal cannula therapy; human; lung; major clinical study; male; mean arterial pressure; oxygen therapy; pilot study; randomized controlled trial; surgery; tertiary care center; cannula; diagnostic imaging; diaphragm; oxygen therapy; pilot study; respiratory failure; oxygen; Adult; Cannula; Diaphragm; Humans; Oxygen; Oxygen Inhalation Therapy; Pilot Projects; Respiratory Insufficiency |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785933 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
569 |
Kekalih A., Friska D., Nabila D., Harimurti M.E.P. |
55633562200;57202805330;57219359635;57225933113; |
Emotional readiness and weight consequences evaluation for behavioural modification of obese adolescence in jakarta-indonesia |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S46 |
S52 |
| |
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Undergraduate Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
Kekalih, A., Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Friska, D., Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Nabila, D., Undergraduate Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia; Harimurti, M.E.P., Undergraduate Medical Education Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
Objective: With increasing incidence of obesity in Indonesia, behavioural modification plays an important role for its management. Applying the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) to assess behavioural modification readiness of obese adolescence, this study highlighted two main processes of change in TTM: emotional readiness to change (EmR) and weight consequence evaluation (WCE). Adolescence may develop difference EmR and WCE in handling obesity status especially in high school and college years, due to different phases of physic, autonomy and behavioural development. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted using validated Indonesian version of the TTM questionnaire to compare WCE and EmR scores (scale 0-100) between high school students and college freshmen group which included means comparison tests and linear regression. Results: The study involved 116 obese adolescents and majority were at the action (32%) and contemplation (31%) TTM stage. After comparing 59 high school students and 57 college freshmen, EmR and WCE scores were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Both groups had good EmR score. Weight consequences awareness were only slightly higher among college freshmen compared to high school students, scoring at 78 (20-96) and 63 (30-100) respectively. Higher body mass index was associated with better EmR and WCE scores in both groups. Conclusion: Majority of the obese adolescents were already at the action and contemplation phase and also had appropriate emotional readiness to change. However, compared to college students, high school adolescence needed more support to maintain their weight management, in the form of education to raise awareness of obesity consequences. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
(JPMA 71: S-46 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); Adolescent behaviors; Emotional adjustment; Obesity management |
adolescent; adolescent behavior; adolescent obesity; anthropometry; behavior change; body mass; body weight management; college student; comparative study; Conference Paper; cross-sectional study; emotional readiness; female; high school student; human; linear regression analysis; major clinical study; male; obesity management; psychological adjustment; questionnaire; transtheoretical model; weight consequence evaluation; body weight; Indonesia; obesity; Adolescent; Body Mass Index; Body Weight; Cross-Sectional Studies; Humans; Indonesia; Obesity |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785941 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |
570 |
Zahrah A., Muharam R., Luky Satria Marwali M., Ocktariyana, Deraya I.E., Asmarinah |
57205418186;57191492732;57225892448;57210235127;57216313121;15820317600; |
MRNA expression and DNA methylation level of the MMP-2 gene in peritoneal endometriosis |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S112 |
S115 |
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Master Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Obstetric and Ginecology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Obstetric and Ginecology, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department Miwifery, Politeknik Kesehatan Palembang, Ministry of Health, Indonesia; Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Zahrah, A., Master Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Muharam, R., Department of Obstetric and Ginecology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Luky Satria Marwali, M., Department of Obstetric and Ginecology, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Ocktariyana, Department Miwifery, Politeknik Kesehatan Palembang, Ministry of Health, Indonesia; Deraya, I.E., Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Asmarinah, Master Program of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Objective: Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease that affects 10% of women of childbearing age. Its development is known to be related to the MMP-2 gene. Specifically, the expression of MMP-2 is increase in endometriosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between mRNA expression and DNA methylation levels of the MMP-2 gene in peritoneal endometriosis. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. The samples included peritoneal endometriosis tissue from women with endometriosis and normal endometrial tissue from women without endometriosis. Twenty samples of each type were taken, and the women were 20-45 years of age. Peritoneal endometriosis tissue was acquired using the laparoscopic technique, while normal endometrial tissue was taken with the microcuretase technique. The mRNA expression of the MMP-2 gene was analysed with qRT-PCR, and the level of DNA methylation of the MMP-2 gene was analysed with a methylation-specific PCR method. Results: The mRNA expression of MMP-2 gene in peritoneal endometriosis tissue was increased, and there were significant differences between peritoneal endometriosis tissue and normal endometrial tissue. The MMP-2 gene was hypermethylated, but there was no significant difference (p = 0.596) between peritoneal endometriosis tissue and endometrial tissue in terms of methylation. This study did not show a significant correlation between mRNA expression and DNA methylation levels of the MMP-2 gene (p = 0.769, r = 0.070). Conclusion: The increase in MMP-2 gene expression in peritoneal endometriosis tissue is likely not only due to hypermethylation; there are other factors that might play a role. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
cytoskeleton. (JPMA 71: S-112 [Suppl. 2]; 2021); DNA methylation; endometriosis; MMP-2 |
gelatinase A; messenger RNA; cross-sectional study; DNA methylation; endometriosis; endometrium; female; genetics; human; metabolism; Cross-Sectional Studies; DNA Methylation; Endometriosis; Endometrium; Female; Humans; Matrix Metalloproteinase 2; RNA, Messenger |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785954 |
Conference Paper |
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242 |
17081 |
571 |
Tjahjadi R., Yusra |
57222664622;57195939842; |
Coexisting systemic lupus erythematosus and suspected hyperimmunoglobulin e syndrome: A case report |
2021 |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
71 |
2 |
S140 |
S142 |
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Department of Clinical Pathology, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Tjahjadi, R., Department of Clinical Pathology, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Yusra, Department of Clinical Pathology, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome (HIES) is a rare multisystem syndrome that affects musculoskeletal system, connective tissue, and immune system. Immune dysregulation in hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome often accompanied by autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus. While the role of IgG autoantibody is well known in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus, other subtypes of autoantibodies, IgE in particular, are now known to be involved in autoimmune process. A female with known elevated IgE was diagnosed with adult onset HIES. Atypical chest pain and otherwise normal cardiac imaging studies prompted her for further lab testings. Positive antinuclear antibody immunofluorescence test and elevated anti ds-DNA led to SLE diagnosis. Lack of characteristic clinical manifestations complicates establishing HIES while showing the extent to which IgE elevation could be related to SLE. © 2021 Pakistan Medical Association. All rights reserved. |
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome; IgE; Systematic lupus erythematosus. |
autoantibody; adult; autoimmune disease; case report; complication; female; human; systemic lupus erythematosus; Adult; Autoantibodies; Autoimmune Diseases; Female; Humans; Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic |
Pakistan Medical Association |
00309982 |
33785959 |
Conference Paper |
Q4 |
242 |
17081 |