No records
32 |
Global Consensus Recommendations on Improving the Safety of Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions |
2024 |
Wu E.B.; Kalyanasundaram A.; Brilakis E.S.; Mashayekhi K.; Tsuchikane E.; Rafeh N.A.; Agostoni P.; Alaswad K.; Araya M.; Avran A.; Ayoub M.; Azzalini L.; Babunashvili A.M.; Bayani B.; Behnes M.; Bhindi R.; Boudou N.; Boukhris M.; Bozinovic N.Z.; Bryniarski L.; Bufe A.; Buller C.E.; Burke M.N.; Buettner H.J.; Cardoso P.; Carlino M.; Chan C.-K.; Chen J.; Christiansen E.H.; Colombo A.; Croce K.; Damas de los Santos F.; de Martini T.; Dens J.; di Mario C.; Doshi D.; Dou K.; Egred M.; Elbarouni B.; ElGuindy A.M.; Escaned J.; Furkalo S.; Gagnor A.; Galassi A.R.; Garbo R.; L.Gasparini G.; Ge J.; Ge L.; Goel P.K.; Goktekin O.; Gonzalo N.; Gorgulu S.; Grancini L.; Hall A.B.; Hanratty C.; Harb S.; Harding S.A.; Hatem R.; Hellig F.; Henriques J.P.S.; Hildick-Smith D.; Hill J.M.; Hoye A.; Jaber W.; Jaffer F.A.; Jang Y.; Jussila R.; Kalnins A.; Kalra S.; Kandzari D.E.; Kao H.-L.; Karmpaliotis D.; Kassem H.H.; Kearney K.E.; Kerrigan J.; Khatri J.; Khelimskii D.; Kirtane A.J.; Knaapen P.; Kornowski R.; Krestyaninov O.; Kumar V.G.; Kumar P.; Lamelas P.M.; Lee S.-W.; Lefevre T.; Leibundgut G.; Leung R.; Leung S.-K.; Li Y.; Li Y.; Lim S.-T.; Lo S.; Lombardi W.; Maran A.; McEntegart M.; Moses J.; Munawar M.; Nagamatsu W.; Navarro A.; Ngo H.M.; Nicholson W.; Oksnes A.; Olivecrona G.K.; Padilla L.; Patel M.; Pershad A.; Postu M.; Pyxaras S.; Qian J.; Quadros A.; Hanna Quesada F.L.; Råmunddal T.; Rao V.S.; Rathore S.; Reifart N.; Riley R.F.; Rinfret S.; Saghatelyan M.; Santiago R.; Seth A.; Sianos G.; Smith E.; Spaedy A.; Spratt J.; Stone G.W.; Strange J.W.; Tammam K.O.; Thompson C.A.; Toma A.; Tremmel J.A.; Ungi I.; Vadalà G.; Vo M.; Vu V.H.; Walsh S.; Weilenmann D.; Werner G.S.; Wojcik J.; Wollmuth J.; Wu C.-J.; Xu B.; Yamane M.; Ybarra L.F.; Yeh R.W.; Zambakides C.; Zhang Q. |
Heart Lung and Circulation |
1 |
Philips; Asahi Intecc; Abbott Vascular; Boston Scientific Corporation, BSC; Terumo Medical Corporation; Abbott Laboratories; Bio-Excel; Orchestra Biomedical and Ostial Corporation; APT Medical and Teleflex |
Funding text 1: Dr Jaber has received consultation fees and educational institutional grants from Medtronic, and Proctoring fees from Abbott, and has equity in Traverse Medical. Dr Jaffer has received sponsored research support from Canon, Siemens, Teleflex, Shockwave, Amarin, Mercator, and Boston Scientific; and is a consultant/speaker for Boston Scientific, Biotronik, Siemens, Magenta Medical, A | |
722 |
Q2 |
6834 |
34 |
The association of inflammatory biomarkers and long-term clinical outcomes in older adults with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome |
2024 |
Dirjayanto V.J.; Martin-Ruiz C.; Pompei G.; Rubino F.; Kunadian V. |
International Journal of Cardiology |
1 |
NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre; National Institute for Health and Care Research, NIHR; Newcastle cardiovascular research team; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; British Heart Foundation, BHF, (CS/15/7/31679); British Heart Foundation, BHF |
We are grateful to the Newcastle cardiovascular research team for their support with the long-term follow-up. This research is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre based at Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle University. VK has received research funding from the British Heart Foundation (CS/15/7/31679). | |
1122 |
Q1 |
3475 |
177 |
Haemophilia care in Asia: Learning from clinical practice in some Asian countries |
2024 |
Angchaisuksiri P.; Amurao-Abiera M.; Chou S.-C.; Chewcharat P.; Chozie N.A.; Gomez R.; Leng T.S.; Lin P.-C.; Mai N.T.; Muda Z.; Seth T.; Sosothikul D.; Siu-Ming Wong R. |
Haemophilia |
1 |
Haemophilia Society; Pfizer |
Funding text 1: Singapore's healthcare is a co\u2010payment system with government's subsidy depending on patient's family income, with additional funding from the Haemophilia Society. For in\u2010patients co\u2010paying is available through Medishield insurance, patient's Medisave and Government subsidy. While for out\u2010patient treatment, there is support through Government subsidy of about 50 | |
1145 |
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3338 |
288 |
56685900600 |
Ria Margiana |
Dr.dr. Ria Margiana, M.Biomed. |
Departemen Anatomi |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Therapeutic gene delivery by mesenchymal stem cell for brain ischemia damage: Focus on molecular mechanisms in ischemic stroke |
2024 |
Saleh R.O.; Majeed A.A.; Margiana R.; Alkadir O.K.A.; Almalki S.G.; Ghildiyal P.; Samusenkov V.; Jabber N.K.; Mustafa Y.F.; Elawady A. |
Cell Biochemistry and Function |
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753 |
Q2 |
6473 |
510 |
56685900600 |
Ria Margiana |
Dr.dr. Ria Margiana, M.Biomed. |
Departemen Anatomi |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes in preeclampsia: A next-generation therapeutic tool |
2024 |
Margiana R. |
Cell Biochemistry and Function |
1 |
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753 |
Q2 |
6473 |
524 |
57192904541 |
Syarifah Dewi |
Dr.dr. Syarifah Dewi, M.Biomed |
Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Andrographis paniculata: A potential supplementary therapy for cardiovascular diseases - A systematic review of its effects and molecular actions |
2024 |
Eziefule O.M.; Arozal W.; Wanandi S.I.; Dewi S.; Nafrialdi; Saraswati M.; Louisa M. |
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research |
1 |
National Key Research and Development Program of China, NKRDPC; Ministry of Science and Technology, China Medical University; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES; Xinjiang Science and Technology Supported; Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, HUCM; China Medical University, CMU; Asian University; Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, MOHE; National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC; Uni |
Funding text 1: National Key R&D Program of China, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine “Young Crops Program” Project funded this research; Funding text 2: The National Natural Science Foundation of China and Xinjiang Science and Technology Supported with grants Dr. Chen received grants from Ministry of Science and Technology, China Medical University, and Asian University, Taiwan; Funding text 3: | |
312 |
Q2 |
14790 |
399 |
14527452900 |
Erni Juwita Nelwan |
dr. Erni Juwita Nelwan, Sp.P.D.-KPTI., Ph.D. |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Barriers and enablers to blood culture sampling in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam: a Theoretical Domains Framework-based survey |
2024 |
Suntornsut P.; Asadinia K.S.; Limato R.; Tamara A.; Rotty L.W.A.; Bramanti R.; Nusantara D.U.; Nelwan E.J.; Khusuwan S.; Suphamongkholchaikul W.; Chamnan P.; Piyaphanee W.; Lan Vu H.T.; Nguyen Y.H.; Nguyen K.H.; Pham T.N.; Le Q.M.; Vu V.H.; Chau D.M.; Thi Hoang Vo D.E.; Harriss E.K.; van Doorn H.R.; Hamers R.L.; Lorencatto F.; Atkins L.; Limmathurotsakul D. |
BMJ Open |
1 |
Wellcome Trust, WT, (220557/Z/20/Z); Wellcome Trust, WT |
This research was funded by the Wellcome Trust (220557/Z/20/Z). | |
1059 |
Q1 |
3829 |
299 |
57191055282 |
Andi Arus Viktor |
Dr. dr. Andi Arus Viktor, SpM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Mata |
Ilmu Penyakit Mata (Sp-1) |
Retinoblastoma in Asia: Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes in 2112 Patients from 33 Countries |
2024 |
Kaliki S.; Vempuluru V.S.; Mohamed A.; Al-Jadiry M.F.; Bowman R.; Chawla B.; Hamid S.A.; Ji X.; Kapelushnik N.; Kebudi R.; Sthapit P.R.; Rojanaporn D.; Sitorus R.S.; Yousef Y.A.; Fabian I.D.; Abdulqader R.A.; Aggarwal P.; Ahmad A.; Akib M.N.R.; Al Mesfer S.A.; Al Ani M.H.; Al-Badri S.A.F.; Angeles Alcasabas A.P.; Al-Dahmash S.A.; Al-Haddad C.; Yahya Al-Hussaini H.H.; Al-Jumaily U.; Alkatan H.M.; Razzaq Mahmood Al-Mafrachi A.A.; Samad Majeed Al-Shaheen A.A.; Al-Shammary E.H.; Amiruddin P.O.; Armytasari I.; Astbury N.J.; Atalay H.T.; Ataseven E.; Atchaneeyasakul L.-O.; Balayeva R.; Bascaran C.; Begimkulova A.S.; Bhaduri A.; Bhat S.; Bhattacharyya A.; Blum S.; Buaboonnam J.; Burton M.J.; Caspi S.; Chaudhry S.; Chen W.; Chuluunbat T.; Dangboon W.; Das A.; Das P.; Das S.; Du Y.; Dudeja G.; Eka Sutyawan I.W.; Fadoo Z.; Faranoush M.; Foster A.; Frenkel S.; Ghassemi F.; Gomel N.; Gunasekera D.S.; Gündüz A.K.; Gupta H.; Gupta S.; Gupta V.; Hamzah N.; Hasanreisoglu M.; Hassan S.; Haydar H.A.; Hongeng S.; Hussein Al-Janabi A.N.; Islamov Z.; Janjua T.A.; Jeeva I.; Jo D.H.; Kantar M.; Keomisy J.; Khan Z.J.; Khaqan H.A.; Khetan V.; Khodabande A.; Kim J.H.; Kiratli H.; Koç I.; Kulvichit K.; Kuntorini M.W.; Li C.; Li K.; Limbu B.; Liu C.; Lutfi D.; Mahajan A.; Maitra P.; Makimbetov E.K.; Maktabi A.M.Y.; Manzhuova L.; Masud S.; Mehrvar A.; Menon V.; John V Mercado G.; Chandra Mishra D.K.; Mohammad M.T.; Mudaliar S.S.; Mushtaq A.; Nair A.G.; Natarajan S.; Nency Y.M.; Neroev V.; Nuruddin M.; Pagarra H.; Palanivelu M.S.; Papyan R.; Pe'er J.; Polyakov V.; Qadir A.O.; Qayyum S.; Qian J.; Quah B.; Rahman A.; Rajkarnikar P.; Ramanjulu R.; Rashid R.; Roy S.R.; Saab R.H.; Saakyan S.; Sabhan A.H.; Saiju R.; Sayalith P.; Sedaghat A.; Seth R.; Shakoor S.A.; Sharma M.K.; Siddiqui S.N.; Singh U.; Singha P.; Soebagjo H.D.; Sultana S.; Sun X.; Supriyadi E.; Surukrattanaskul S.; Suzuki S.; Tan D.; Tang J.; Tashvighi M.; Teh K.H.; Tehuteru E.S.; Thawaba A.D.M.; Toledano H.; Le Trang D.; Tripathy D.; Tuncer S.; Unal E.; Ushakova T.L.; Usmanov R.; Verma N.; Victor A.A.; Vishnevskia-Dai V.; Wang Y.-Z.; Wangtiraumnuay N.; Riono W.P.; Wiwatwongwana A.; Wiwatwongwana D.; Wong E.S.; Wongwai P.; Wu S.-Q.; Xiang D.; Xiao Y.; Xu B.; Xue K.; Yam J.C.; Yang H.; Yaqub M.A.; Yarovaya V.A.; Yarovoy A.A.; Ye H.; Yuliawati P.; Zhang Y.; Zia N.; Zondervan M. |
Ophthalmology |
1 |
Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation, HERF |
Supported by The Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer, Hyderabad, India (S.K.); and the Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation , Hyderabad, India (S.K.). The funders had no role in the preparation, review or approval of the manuscript. | |
3913 |
Q1 |
391 |
389 |
57204616263 |
Amanda Tiksnadi |
dr. Amanda Tiksnadi, Sp.S. |
Departemen Neurologi |
Neurologi (Sp-1) |
Abnormal motor cortical plasticity as a useful neurophysiological biomarker for Alzheimer's disease pathology |
2024 |
Murakami T.; Abe M.; Tiksnadi A.; Nemoto A.; Futamura M.; Yamakuni R.; Kubo H.; Kobayashi N.; Ito H.; Hanajima R.; Hashimoto Y.; Ugawa Y. |
Clinical Neurophysiology |
1 |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT, (15H01563, 15H05881, 16H05322, 17K09809, 19H01091, 20K07866, 22390181, 23H00495, 25293206); Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT |
This work was supported in part by a grant to T.M. from the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Grant 15H01563 ), and grants to Y.U. (Grants 22390181 , 25293206 , 15H05881 , 16H05322 , 17K09809 , 19H01091 , 20K07866 , and 23H00495 ). | |
1212 |
Q1 |
3032 |
371 |
56963740300 |
Bambang Gunawan |
dr. Bambang Gunawan, Sp.OT.(K). |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Ilmu Bedah Ortopaedi Sp-1 |
Functional, radiological, and quality of life outcome of unstable acetabular fracture with quadrilateral plate involvement at a tertiary care center in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Ardiansyah A.; Dilogo I.H.; Gunawan B.; Oesman I.; Herlambang D. |
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology |
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720 |
Q1 |
6864 |