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6603791639 |
Inge Sutanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Inge Sutanto, M.Phill., SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Parasitologi Kinik (Sp-1) |
Effect of primaquine dose on the risk of recurrence in patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis |
2024 |
Commons R.J.; Rajasekhar M.; Edler P.; Abreha T.; Awab G.R.; Baird J.K.; Barber B.E.; Chu C.S.; Cui L.; Daher A.; Gonzalez-Ceron L.; Grigg M.J.; Hwang J.; Karunajeewa H.; Lacerda M.V.G.; Ladeia-Andrade S.; Lidia K.; Llanos-Cuentas A.; Longley R.J.; Pereira D.B.; Pasaribu A.P.; Pukrittayakamee S.; Rijal K.R.; Sutanto I.; Taylor W.R.J.; Thanh P.V.; Thriemer K.; Vieira J.L.F.; Watson J.A.; Zuluaga-Idarraga L.M.; White N.J.; Guerin P.J.; Simpson J.A.; Price R.N.; Adhikari B.; Anstey N.M.; Assefa A.; Boyd S.C.; Chau N.H.; Day N.P.; Degaga T.S.; Dondorp A.M.; Erhart A.; Ferreira M.U.; Ghimire P.; Green J.A.; Koh G.C.; Mekuria A.H.; Mueller I.; Naadim M.N.; Nelwan E.J.; Nosten F.; Price D.J.; Sattabongkot J.; Stepniewska K.; von Seidlein L.; William T.; Woodrow C.J.; Woyessa A. |
The Lancet Infectious Diseases |
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NJW, (089179); Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, (220211); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF; Wellcome Trust, WT; National Health and Medical Research Council, NHMRC, (1194702, 1196068, 2008501, 2016792, 2017436); National Health and Medical Research Council, NHMRC; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, (223253/Z/21/Z); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq; Capability Systems Centre, |
Funding text 1: RJC, BEB, MJG, JAS, and RNP are supported by Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grants (1194702, 2016792, 2017436, 1196068, and 2008501, respectively). CSC and the Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (grant 220211), and CSC, NJW, and FN (grant 089179) are supported by the Wellcome Trust. JH receives salary support from the US President's Malaria I |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85173156283&doi=10.1016%2fS1473-3099%2823%2900430-9&partnerID=40&md5=96c96e907027eb1c171780ca42f41546 |
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