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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
At-admission prediction of mortality and pulmonary embolism in an international cohort of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 using statistical and machine learning methods |
2024 |
Mesinovic M.; Wong X.C.; Rajahram G.S.; Citarella B.W.; Peariasamy K.M.; van Someren Greve F.; Olliaro P.; Merson L.; Clifton L.; Kartsonaki C.; Abdukahil S.A.; Abdulkadir N.N.; Abe R.; Abel L.; Abrous A.; Absil L.; Acker A.; Adachi S.; Adam E.; Adriano E.; Adrião D.; Ageel S.A.; Ahmed S.; Aiello M.; Ainscough K.; Airlangga E.; Aisa T.; Hssain A.A.; Tamlihat Y.A.; Akimoto T.; Akmal E.; Qasim E.A.; Alalqam R.; Alberti A.; Al-dabbous T.; Alegesan S.; Alegre C.; Alessi M.; Alex B.; Alexandre K.; Al-Fares A.; Alfoudri H.; Ali A.; Ali I.; Alidjnou K.E.; Aliudin J.; Alkhafajee Q.; Allavena C.; Allou N.; Alves J.; Alves J.M.; Alves R.; Cabrita J.A.; Amaral M.; Amira N.; Ammerlaan H.; Ampaw P.; Andini R.; Andréjak C.; Angheben A.; Angoulvant F.; Ansart S.; Anthonidass S.; Antonelli M.; de Brito C.A.A.; Anwar K.R.; Apriyana A.; Arabi Y.; Aragao I.; Arancibia F.; Araujo C.; Arcadipane A.; Archambault P.; Arenz L.; Arlet J.-B.; Arnold-Day C.; Arora L.; Arora R.; Artaud-Macari E.; Aryal D.; Asaki M.; Asensio A.; Ashley E.A.; Ashraf M.; Assie J.B.; Asyraf A.; Atique A.; Attanyake A.M.U.L.; Auchabie J.; Aumaitre H.; Auvet A.; Azemar L.; Azoulay C.; Bach B.; Bachelet D.; Badr C.; Baig N.; Baillie J.K.; Baird J.K.; Bak E.; Bakakos A.; Bakar N.A.; Bal A.; Balakrishnan M.; Balan V.; Bani-Sadr F.; Barbalho R.; Barbosa N.Y.; Barclay W.S.; Barnett S.U.; Barnikel M.; Barrasa H.; Barrelet A.; Barrigoto C.; Bartoli M.; Baruch J.; Basmaci R.; Basri M.F.H.; Battaglini D.; Bauer J.; Rincon D.F.B.; Dow D.B.; Beane A.; Bedossa A.; Bee K.H.; Begum H.; Behilill S.; Beishuizen A.; Beljantsev A.; Bellemare D.; Beltrame A.; Beltrão B.A.; Beluze M.; Benech N.; Benjiman L.E.; Benkerrou D.; Bennett S.; Bento L.; Berdal J.-E.; Bergeaud D.; Bergin H.; Bertoli G.; Bertolino L.; Bessis S.; Betz A.; Bevilcaqua S.; Bezulier K.; Bhatt A.; Bhavsar K.; Bianco C.; Bidin F.N.; Singh M.B.; Humaid F.B.; Kamarudin M.N.B.; Bisoffi Z.; Bissuel F.; Biston P.; Bitker L.; Bitton J.; Blanco-Schweizer P.; Blier C.; Bloos F.; Blot M.; Blumberg L.; Boccia F.; Bodenes L.; Bogaert D.; Boivin A.-H.; Bolaños I.; Bolze P.-A.; Bompart F.; Bonelli P.; Bonfasius A.; Borges D.; Borie R.; Bosse H.M.; Botelho-Nevers E.; Bouadma L.; Bouchaud O.; Bouchez S.; Bouhmani D.; Bouhour D.; Bouiller K.; Bouillet L.; Bouisse C.; Bounphiengsy T.; Bountthasavong L.; Boureau A.-S.; Bourke J.; Bouscambert M.; Bousquet A.; Bouziotis J.; Boxma B.; Boyer-Besseyre M.; Boylan M.; Bozza F.A.; Braconnier A.; Braga C.; Brandenburger T.; Monteiro F.B.; Brazzi L.; Breen D.; Breen P.; Brewster D.; Brickell K.; Browne A.; Browne S.; Brozzi N.; Brusse-Keizer M.; Buchtele N.; Bugaeva P.; Buisson M.; Buonsenso D.; Burhan E.; Burrell A.; Bustos I.G.; Butnaru D.; Cabie A.; Cabral S.; Caceres E.; Cadoz C.; Garcês R.C.; Callahan M.; Calligy K.; Calvache J.A.; Caminiti C.; Camões J.; Campana V.; Campbell P.; Campisi J.; Canepa C.; Cantero M.; Caraux-Paz P.; Cárcel S.; Cardellino C.S.; Cardoso F.; Cardoso F.; Cardoso N.; Cardoso S.; Carelli S.; Carlacci F.; Carlier N.; Carmoi T.; Carney G.; Carqueja I.; Carret M.-C.; Carrier F.M.; Carroll I.; Carson G.; Carvalho L.; Casanova M.-L.; Cascão M.; Casey S.; Casimiro J.; Cassandra B.; Castañeda S.; Castanheira N.; Castor-Alexandre G.; Castro I.; Catarino A.; Catherine F.-X.; Cattaneo P.; Cavalin R.; Cavalli G.G.; Cavayas A.; Ceccato A.; Cerkovnik S.; Cervantes-Gonzalez M.; Chair A.; Chakveatze C.; Chaleunphon B.; Chan A.; Chand M.; Auger C.C.; Chapplain J.-M.; Charpentier C.; Chas J.; Chatterjee A.; Iñiguez J.S.C.; Chen A.; Chenard L.; Cheng M.P.; Cheret A.; Chetta A.A.; Chiarabini T.; Chica J.; Chidambaram S.K.; Tho L.C.; Chirouze C.; Chiumello D.; Cho H.J.; Cho S.-M.; Cholley B.; Chommanam D.; Chopin M.-C.; Chow T.S.; Chow Y.P.; Christy N.; Chua H.J.; Chua J.; Cidade J.P.; Herreros J.M.C.; Ciullo A.; Clarke E.; Clarke J.; Granado R.C.-D.; Clohisey S.; Codan C.; Cody C.; Coelho A.; Coles J.; Coles M.; Colin G.; Collins M.; Colombo S.M.; Combs P.; Connor M.; Conrad A.; Contreras S.; Conway E.; Cooke G.S.; Copland M.; Cordel H.; Corley A.; Cornelis S.; Cornet A.D.; Corpuz A.J.; Cortegiani A.; Corvaisier G.; Costigan E.; Couffignal C.; Couffin-Cadiergues S.; Courtois R.; Cousse S.; Cregan R.; D’Orleans C.C.; Cristella C.; Croonen S.; Crowl G.; Crump J.; Cruz C.; Csete M.; Cullen A.; Cummings M.; Curley G.; Curlier E.; Curran C.; Custodio P.; da Silva Filipe A.; Da Silveira C.; Dabaliz A.-A.; Dagens A.; Dahly D.; Dalton H.; Dalton J.; Daly S.; Damas J.; Daneman N.; Daniel C.; Dankwa E.A.; Dantas J.; D’Aragon F.; de Jong M.; de Loughry G.; de Mendoza D.; De Montmollin E.; de Oliveira França R.F.; de Pinho Oliveira A.I.; De Rosa R.; De Rose C.; de Silva T.; de Vries P.; Deacon J.; Dean D.; Debard A.; Debray M.-P.; DeCastro N.; Dechert W.; Deconninck L.; Decours R.; Defous E.; Delacroix I.; Delaveuve E.; Delavigne K.; Delfos N.M.; Deligiannis I.; Dell’Amore A.; Delmas C.; Delobel P.; Delsing C.; Demonchy E.; Denis E.; Deplanque D.; Depuydt P.; Desai M.; Descamps D.; Desvallées M.; Dewayanti S.; Dhanger P.; Diallo A.; Diamantis S.; Dias A.; Dias A.; Da Silva F.D.; Diaz J.J.; Diaz P.; Diaz R.; Didier K.; Diehl J.-L.; Dieperink W.; Dimet J.; Dinot V.; Diop F.; Diouf A.; Dishon Y.; Djossou F.; Docherty A.B.; Doherty H.; Dondorp A.M.; Dong A.; Donnelly C.A.; Donnelly M.; Donohue C.; Donohue S.; Donohue Y.; Doran P.; Dorival C.; D’Ortenzio E.; Douangdala P.; Douglas J.J.; Douma R.; Dournon N.; Downer T.; Downey J.; Downing M.; Drake T.; Driscoll A.; Dryden M.; Fonseca C.D.; Dubee V.; Dubos F.; Dubot-Pérès A.; Ducancelle A.; Duculan T.; Dudman S.; Duggal A.; Dunand P.; Dunning J.; Duplaix M.; Durante-Mangoni E.; Durham L., III; Dussol B.; Duthoit J.; Duval X.; Dyrhol-Riise A.M.; Ean S.C.; Echeverria-Villalobos M.; Economopoulos G.; Egan S.; Eira C.; Sanharawi M.E.; Elapavaluru S.; Elharrar B.; Ellerbroek J.; Eloy P.; Elshazly T.; Elyazar I.; Enderle I.; Endo T.; Eng C.C.; Engelmann I.; Enouf V.; Epaulard O.; Escher M.; Esperatti M.; Esperou H.; Santo C.E.; Esposito-Farese M.; Estevão J.; Etienne M.; Ettalhaoui N.; Everding A.G.; Evers M.; Fabre I.; Fabre M.; Faheem A.; Fahy A.; Fairfield C.J.; Fakar Z.; Faria P.; Fateena H.; Fatoni A.Z.; Faure K.; Favory R.; Fayed M.; Feely N.; Feeney L.; Fernandes J.; Fernandes M.A.; Fernandes S.; Ferrand F.-X.; Devouge E.F.; Ferrão J.; Ferrari C.; Ferraz M.; Ferreira B.; Ferreira B.; Ferreira I.; Ferreira S.; Ferrer-Roca R.; Ferriere N.; Ficko C.; Figueiredo-Mello C.; Finlayson W.; Fiorda J.; Flament T.; Flateau C.; Fletcher T.; Florence A.-M.; Florio L.L.; Flynn B.; Flynn D.; Fogliazza F.; Foley C.; Foley J.; Fomin V.; Fonseca T.; Fontela P.; Forsyth S.; Foster D.; Foti G.; Fourn E.; Fowler R.A.; Fraher M.; Franch-Llasat D.; Fraser C.; Fraser J.F.; Freire M.V.; Ribeiro A.F.; Friedrich C.; Fritz R.; Fry S.; Fuentes N.; Fukuda M.; G A.; Gaborieau V.; Gaci R.; Gagliardi M.; Gagnard J.-C.; Gagneux-Brunon A.; Gaião S.; Skeie L.G.; Gallagher P.; Curto E.G.; Gamble C.; Gani Y.; Garan A.; Garcia R.; Garcia-Diaz J.; Garcia-Gallo E.; Garimella N.; Garofalo F.; Garot D.; Garrait V.; Gault N.; Gavin A.; Gavrylov A.; Gaymard A.; Gebauer J.; Geraud E.; Morlaes L.G.; Germano N.; ghisulal P.K.; Ghosn J.; Giani M.; Giaquinto C.; Gibson J.; Gigante T.; Gilg M.; Gilroy E.; Giordano G.; Girvan M.; Gissot V.; Glikman D.; Glybochko P.; Gnall E.; Goco G.; Goehringer F.; Goepel S.; Goffard J.-C.; Goh J.Y.; Golob J.; Gomes R.; Gomez K.; Gómez-Junyent J.; Gominet M.; Gonzalez A.; Gordon P.; Gorenne I.; Goubert L.; Goujard C.; Goulenok T.; Grable M.; Graf J.; Grandin E.W.; Granier P.; Grasselli G.; Green C.A.; Greene C.; Greenhalf W.; Greffe S.; Grieco D.L.; Griffee M.; Griffiths F.; Grigoras I.; Groenendijk A.; Lordemann A.G.; Gruner H.; Gu Y.; Guedj J.; Guego M.; Guellec D.; Guerguerian A.-M.; Guerreiro D.; Guery R.; Guillaumot A.; Guilleminault L.; de Castro M.G.; Guimard T.; Haalboom M.; Haber D.; Habraken H.; Hachemi A.; Hadri N.; Hakak S.; Hall A.; Hall M.; Halpin S.; Hamer A.; Hamidfar R.; Hammond N.; Hammond T.; Han L.Y.; Haniffa R.; Hao K.W.; Hardwick H.; Harrison E.M.; Harrison J.; Harrison S.B.E.; Hartman A.; Hashmi J.; Hayes A.; Hays L.; Heerman J.; Heggelund L.; Hendry R.; Hennessy M.; Henriquez-Trujillo A.; Hentzien M.; Hernandez D.; Hernandez-Montfort J.; Hershey A.; Hesstvedt L.; Hidayah A.; Higgins D.; Higgins E.; Higgins R.; Hinchion R.; Hinton S.; Hiraiwa H.; Hirkani H.; Hitoto H.; Ho A.; Ho Y.B.; Hoctin A.; Hoffmann I.; Hoh W.H.; Hoiting O.; Holt R.; Holter J.C.; Horby P.; Horcajada J.P.; Hoshino K.; Hoshino K.; Houas I.; Hough C.L.; Houltham S.; Hsu J.M.-Y.; Hulot J.-S.; Huo S.; Hurd A.; Ijaz S.; Ikram M.A.; Illana C.C.; Illes H.-G.; Imbert P.; Inácio H.; Dominguez C.I.; Ing Y.S.; Iosifidis E.; Ippolito M.; Irawany V.; Isgett S.; Isidoro T.; Ismail N.; Isnard M.; Itai J.; Ito A.; Ivulich D.; Jaafar D.; Jaafoura S.; Jabot J.; Jackson C.; Jamieson N.; Janes V.; Jaquet P.; Jassat W.; Jaud-Fischer C.; Jaureguiberry S.; Javidfar J.; Jaworsky D.; Jego F.; Jelani A.M.; Jenum S.; Jimbo-Sotomayor R.; Joe O.Y.; García R.N.J.; Joseph C.; Joseph M.; Joshi S.; Jourdain M.; Jouvet P.; Jung A.; Jung H.; Juzar D.; Kafif O.; Kaguelidou F.; Kaisbain N.; Kaleesvran T.; Kali S.; Kalicinska A.; Kalomoiri S.; Kamaluddin M.A.A.; Kamaruddin Z.A.C.; Kamarudin N.; Kandamby D.H.; Kandel C.; Kang K.Y.; Karpayah P.; Karsies T.; Kartsonaki C.; Kasugai D.; Kataria A.; Katz K.; Kaur A.; Kay C.; Keane H.; Keating S.; Kedia P.; Kelly A.; Kelly A.; Kelly C.; Kelly N.; Kelly S.; Kelly Y.; Kelsey M.; Kennedy R.; Kennon K.; Keomany S.; Kernan M.; Kerroumi Y.; Keshav S.; Kestelyn E.; Khalid I.; Khalil A.; Khan C.; Khan I.; Kherajani K.; Kho M.E.; Khoo D.; Khoo R.; Khoo S.; Kiat K.H.; Kida Y.; Kiiza P.; Granerud B.K.; Kildal A.B.; Kim J.B.; Kimmoun A.; Kindgen-Milles D.; King A.; Kitamura N.; Klenerman P.; Klont R.; Bekken G.K.; Knight S.R.; Kobbe R.; Kodippily C.; Vasconcelos M.K.; Komatsu M.; Korten I.S.A.R.I.C.C.; Kosgei C.; Kpangon A.; Krawczyk K.; Krishnan S.; Krishnan V.; Kruglova O.; Kumar D.; Kumar G.; Vecham P.K.; Kuriakose D.; Kurtzman E.; Kusumastuti N.P.; Kutsogiannis D.; Kutsyna G.; Kyriakoulis K.; Hamers R.L.; Lachatre M.; Lacoste M.; Laffey J.G.; Lafhej N.; Lagrange M.; Laine F.; Lairez O.; Lambert M.; Lamontagne F.; Langelot-Richard M.; Langlois V.; Lantang E.Y.; Lanza M.; Laouénan C.; Laribi S.; Lariviere D.; Lasry S.; Lath S.; Launay O.; Laureillard D.; Lavie-Badie Y.; Law A.; Lawrence C.; Lawrence T.; Le M.; Bihan C.L.; Bris C.L.; Falher G.L.; Fevre L.L.; Hingrat Q.L.; Maréchal M.L.; Mestre S.L.; Moal G.L.; Moing V.L.; Nagard H.L.; Turnier P.L.; Leal E.; Santos M.L.; Lee B.H.; Lee H.G.; Lee J.; Lee J.; Lee S.H.; Lee T.C.; Lee Y.L.; Leeming G.; Lefebvre B.; Lefebvre L.; Lefèvre B.; LeGac S.; Lelievre J.-D.; Lellouche F.; Lemaignen A.; Lemee V.; Lemeur A.; Lemmink G.; Lene H.S.; Lennon J.; León R.; Leone M.; Leone M.; Lescure F.-X.; Lesens O.; Lesouhaitier M.; Lester-Grant A.; Letizia A.; Letrou S.; Levy B.; Levy Y.; Levy-Marchal C.; Lewandowska K.; L’Her E.; Bassi G.L.; Liang J.; Liegeon G.; Lim K.C.; Lim W.S.; Lima C.; Lina B.; Lina L.; Lind A.; Lingad M.K.; Lingas G.; Lion-Daolio S.; Lissauer S.; Liu K.; Livrozet M.; Lizotte P.; Loforte A.; Lolong N.; Loon L.C.; Lopes D.; Lopez-Colon D.; Lopez-Revilla J.W.; Loschner A.L.; Loubet P.; Loufti B.; Louis G.; Lourenco S.; Lovelace-Macon L.; Low L.L.; Lowik M.; Loy J.S.; Lucet J.C.; Luna C.M.; Lungu O.; Luong L.; Luque N.; Luton D.; Lwin N.; Lyons R.; Maasikas O.; Mabiala O.; Machado M.; Machado S.; Macheda G.; Madiha H.; Maglietta G.; Mahieu R.; Mahy S.; Maia A.R.; Maier L.S.; Maillet M.; Maitre T.; Majori M.; Malfertheiner M.; Malik N.; Mallon P.; Maltez F.; Malvy D.; Mammi P.; Manda V.; Mandei J.M.; Mandelbrot L.; Manetta F.; Mankikian J.; Manning E.; Manuel A.; Malaque C.M.S.; Marino D.; Marino F.; Markowicz S.; Marques A.; Marquis C.; Marsh B.; Marshal M.; Marshall J.; Martelli C.T.; Martin D.-A.; Martin E.; Martin-Blondel G.; Martin-Loeches I.; Martinot M.; Martín-Quiros A.; Martinez F.E.; Martins A.; Martins J.; Martins N.; Rego C.M.; Martucci G.; Martynenko O.; Marwali E.M.; Marzukie M.; Jimenez J.F.M.; Maslove D.; Mason S.; Nor B.M.; Matan M.; Mathieu D.; Mattei M.; Matulevics R.; Maulin L.; Maxwell M.; Maynar J.; Mayxay M.; Mazzoni T.; Sweeney L.M.; McCanny P.; McArthur C.; McCarthy A.; McCarthy A.; McCloskey C.; McConnochie R.; McDermott S.; McDonald S.E.; McElroy A.; McElwee S.; McEneany V.; McEvoy N.; McGeer A.; McKay C.; McKeown J.; McLean K.A.; McNally P.; McNicholas B.; McPartlan E.; Meaney E.; Mear-Passard C.; Mechlin M.; Mehkri O.; Mele F.; Melo L.; Mendes J.J.; Menkiti O.; Menon K.; Mentré F.; Mentzer A.J.; Mercier E. |
Scientific Reports |
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Institute for Clinical Research; Rhodes Scholarships; NIHR HPRU; Prince Charles Hospital Foundation; NIHR Health Protection Research Unit; Seventh Framework Programme, FP7; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII; INSERM; Artificial Intelligence for Pandemics; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC; Groote Schuur Hospital Covid ICU; National Institutes of Health, NIH; South Eastern Norway Health Authority and the Research Council of Norway; Wellcome Trust, WT; COVID-19 Clinical M |
Funding text 1: This work was made possible by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Wellcome [215091/Z/18/Z, 222410/Z/21/Z, 225288/Z/22/Z and 220757/Z/20/Z]; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1209135]; the philanthropic support of the donors to the University of Oxford\u2019s COVID-19 Research Response Fund (0009109); CIHR Coronavirus Rapid Research Funding Opportunity OV2 | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Antimicrobial resistance among common bacterial pathogens in Indonesia: a systematic review |
2024 |
Gach M.W.; Lazarus G.; Simadibrata D.M.; Sinto R.; Saharman Y.R.; Limato R.; Nelwan E.J.; van Doorn H.R.; Karuniawati A.; Hamers R.L. |
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia |
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Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, MECRT; Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School, OUCAGS; OUCRU; JPT Family Trust; Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia; Wellcome Africa Asia Programme Vietnam, (106680/Z/14/Z); Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, LPDP, (202101182688); Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, LPDP |
Funding text 1: Wellcome Africa Asia Programme Vietnam.None. Funding statement: This work was funded by the Wellcome Africa Asia Programme Vietnam (106680/Z/14/Z), which also supports RLH and HRVD. MG was supported by the JPT Family Trust award and Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School. RL was supported by an OUCRU Prize Studentship and a Nuffield Dept of Medicine Tropical Network Fu | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Fusarium species, Scedosporium species, and Lomentospora prolificans: A systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens |
2024 |
Marinelli T.; Kim H.Y.; Halliday C.L.; Garnham K.; Bupha-Intr O.; Dao A.; Morris A.J.; Alastruey-Izquierdo A.; Colombo A.; Rickerts V.; Perfect J.; Denning D.W.; Nucci M.; Hamers R.L.; Cassini A.; Oladele R.; Sorrell T.C.; Ramon-Pardo P.; Fusire T.; Chiller T.M.; Wahyuningsih R.; Forastiero A.; Al-Nuseirat A.; Beyer P.; Gigante V.; Beardsley J.; Sati H.; Alffenaar J.-W.; Morrissey C.O. |
Medical Mycology |
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Ministries of Education and Science, Governments of Austria; Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership; Dr. Haileyesus Getahun |
Funding text 1: The work was supported by the Ministries of Education and Science, Governments of Austria and Germany and by the Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership. ; Funding text 2: We thank Dr. Haileyesus Getahun (Director, Global Coordination and Partnership Department, WHO) for assistance with the direction of the overall project. The work was supported by the Ministries of | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Specific plasma microRNAs are associated with CD4+T-cell recovery during suppressive antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 |
2024 |
Kroeze S.; Kootstra N.A.; Van Nuenen A.C.; Rossouw T.M.; Kityo C.M.; Siwale M.; Akanmu S.; Mandaliya K.; De Jager M.; Ondoa P.; Wit F.W.; Reiss P.; Rinke De Wit T.F.; Hamers R.L. |
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Jura Foundation; Gilead Sciences Netherlands; Heineken Africa Foundation, HAF; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NWO, (91615036, W07.10.101, W07.10.106); Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NWO; Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, (12454); Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken |
Funding text 1: The PanAfrican Studies to Evaluate Resistance (PASER) is an initiative of the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, with major support provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands through a partnership with Stichting Aids Fonds (12454), and with additional support from De Grote Onderneming, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Heineken A | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Aspergillus fumigatus-a systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens |
2024 |
Morrissey C.O.; Kim H.Y.; Duong T.-M.N.; Moran E.; Alastruey-Izquierdo A.; Denning D.W.; Perfect J.R.; Nucci M.; Chakrabarti A.; Rickerts V.; Chiller T.M.; Wahyuningsih R.; Hamers R.L.; Cassini A.; Gigante V.; Sati H.; Alffenaar J.-W.; Beardsley J. |
Medical Mycology |
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Ministry of Education and Science, MES; WHO AG FPPL; Public Health Action; Fungal Priority Pathogens List; WHO; Haileyesus Getahun; World Health Organization, WHO |
This work, and the original report entitled WHO Fungal Priority Pathogens List to Guide Research, Development, and Public Health Action, was supported by funding kindly provided by the Governments of Austria and Germany (Ministry of Education and Science). We acknowledge all members of the WHO Advisory Group on the Fungal Priority Pathogens List (WHO AG FPPL), the commissioned technical group, and | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Social cohesion among healthcare workers during COVID-19: Qualitative research in Indonesia, Nepal, and Vietnam |
2024 |
Thanh H.N.; Sutrisni I.A.; Rijal S.; Pandey A.; Tran T.P.; Dien R.; Thi Hong Y.N.; Timoria D.; Friska D.; Kekalih A.; Bogh C.; Karkey A.; Hamers R.L.; Chambers M.; Lewycka S.; Van Nuil J.I. |
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health |
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Higher Education Innovation Fund; Urgent Response Fund; Wellcome Trust, WT, (106680); Wellcome Trust, WT; Economic and Social Research Council, ESRC |
We would like to acknowledge all the participants who have participated in the SPEAR Study as well as the full SPEAR study team. We also would like to acknowledge all of our collaborators across the study sites as the research would not have been possible without their support. This study was funded through Wellcome (Programme core funding and Provisions for Public engagement 106680). This publica | |
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23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
Clinical presentation, management, and outcome of suspected central nervous system infections in Indonesia: a prospective cohort study |
2024 |
Maharani K.; Dian S.; Ganiem A.R.; Imran D.; Estiasari R.; Ardiansyah E.; Andini P.W.; Kristina F.; Pangeran D.; Chaidir L.; Alisjahbana B.; Rukmana A.; Kusumaningrum A.; Adawiyah R.; Subekti D.; Yunihastuti E.; Yunus R.E.; Waslia L.; van Ingen J.; van Laarhoven A.; Hamers R.L.; van Crevel R. |
Infection |
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National Institutes of Health, NIH, (R01AI145781); National Institutes of Health, NIH; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID; Medical Research Council, MRC, (MR/S004963/1); Medical Research Council, MRC |
This work was supported by the National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (Grant Number R01AI145781) and Medical Research Council UK (Grant Number MR/S004963/1). This study was carried out as part of the routine work. | |
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Early Menarche as a Protective Factor Against Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
2024 |
Sudjono C.; Quinncilla K.H.; Qonita M.; Wijaya N.J.; Kurnain D. |
Anatolian journal of cardiology |
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Impact of a spatial repellent intervention on Anopheles kdr insecticide resistance allele in Sumba, Indonesia |
2024 |
Syahrani L.; Asih P.B.S.; Bowolaksono A.; Dwiranti A.; Zubaidah S.; Rozi I.E.; Permana D.H.; Bøgh C.; Bangs M.J.; Grieco J.P.; Achee N.L.; Lobo N.F.; Syafruddin D. |
Malaria Journal |
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District health departments of Southwest and West Sumba; East Nusa Tenggara Province; Eijkman Research Center for Molecular Biology; Government of Indonesia National Research and Innovation Agency; Health Research Organization; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF; University of Notre Dame, ND, (OPP1081737); Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN; Universitas Hasanuddin; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia |
Funding text 1: The authors are grateful for the support of the Eijkman Research Center for Molecular Biology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Indonesia; The University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia; the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia; District health departments of Southwest and West Sumba, and East Nusa Tenggara Province. We appreciate the contribution of | |
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Inclusion of TAT and NLS sequences in lipopeptide molecules generates homogenous nanoparticles for gene delivery applications |
2024 |
Tarwadi; Pambudi S.; Sriherwanto C.; Sasangka A.N.; Bowolaksono A.; Wijayadikusumah A.R.; Zeng W.; Rachmawati H.; Kartasasmita R.E.; Kazi M. |
International Journal of Pharmaceutics |
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King Saud University, KSU; Agency for Research and Innovation; University of Melbourne, UNIMELB, (12/II.7/HK/2023); BRIN, (RSP2024R301) |
We extend our gratitude to Professor David Jackson for his invaluable contribution to lipopeptide synthesis conducted at the Peter Doherty Institute Laboratory, The University of Melbourne, Australia. We also express our appreciation to the support of Research and Innovation Program for Advancement of Indonesia (RIIM) Project Number of 12/II.7/HK/2023 at the Agency for Research and Innovation (BRI | |
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