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57200573842 |
Nina Dwi Putri |
Nina Dwi Putri, S.Ked., Sp.A.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Expert Panel Recommendations on the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Invasive Candidiasis in Indonesia |
2024 |
Rozaliyani A.; Nelwan E.J.; Wahid M.; Aditianingsih D.; Karyanti M.R.; Pratiekauri S.; Susilo A.; Isbaniyah F.; Agustin H.; Saharman Y.R.; Adawiyah R.; Setianingrum F.; Irawany V.; Sedono R.; Latupeirissa D.; Putri N.D.; Sofvina W.; Tugiran M. |
Acta medica Indonesiana |
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15714 |
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37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Preceding Overlap Syndrome of Sjögren's Syndrome and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Literature Review Based on a Case Report |
2024 |
Cindy C.; Wibowo S.A.K.; Ariane A.; Hidayat R. |
Acta medica Indonesiana |
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282 |
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15714 |
221 |
37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Validity and reliability of Sarcopenia Quality of Life® Indonesia questionnaire in sarcopenic patients |
2024 |
Ariane A.; Laksmi P.W.; Setiati S.; Hidayat R.; Kusumo-Wibowo S.A.; Sumariyono; Mahri F.; Tanadi C.; Beaudart C. |
Rheumatology and Autoimmunity |
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Bambang Setyohadi; Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia, FKUI |
We would like to acknowledge Bambang Setyohadi, MD, internist rheumatologist and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital for all the support throughout this research. All authors have not received any funding for this research. | |
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57200573842 |
Nina Dwi Putri |
Nina Dwi Putri, S.Ked., Sp.A.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Immunogenicity and Safety of Half-Dose Heterologous mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination for Adults Primed with the CoronaVac® and ChAdOx1-S Vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 |
2024 |
Putri N.D.; Zhafira A.S.; Wicaksana P.; Sinto R.; Hanafi G.; Wiyono L.; Prayitno A.; Karyanti M.R.; Naibaho M.L.; Febrina F.; Sukandar H.; Setiawaty V.; Mursinah M.; Putra A.R.; Wibowo H.; Sundoro J.; Satari H.I.; Oktavia D.; Multihartina P.; Harbuwono D.S.; Hadinegoro S.R. |
Vaccines |
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Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia; Ministry of Education, MOE; Puskesmas Cempaka Putih; Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia on the Partnership in Research Indonesia and Melbourne, (PRJ-120/LPDP/2021) |
Funding text 1: This research was funded by the Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia with the publication funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia on the Partnership in Research Indonesia and Melbourne (funding code PRJ-120/LPDP/2021).; Funding t | |
1655 |
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57200573842 |
Nina Dwi Putri |
Nina Dwi Putri, S.Ked., Sp.A.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Emerging progressive atypical acute kidney injury in young children linked to ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol intoxication |
2024 |
Hidayati E.L.; Fahlevi R.; Puspitasari H.A.; Tartila; Puspaningtyas N.W.; Primacakti F.; Saraswati M.; Miranda M.E.; Prawira Y.; Prayitno A.; Pardede S.O.; Putri N.D. |
Pediatric Nephrology |
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Fahreza Aditya Neldy; Indonesian Pediatric Society; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia |
We dedicated this work to the children and family who were affected by EG/DEG intoxication. Our greatest gratitude to all help from the Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia: Budi Gunadi Sadikin and his staff: Rizka Andalusia, The Indonesian Pediatric Society, the expert in Gambia and Melbourne: Prof Stephen Allen, Prof Vivian, Prof Julie Bines, Prof Trevor Duke, our hospital management: Fatima | |
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57200573842 |
Nina Dwi Putri |
Nina Dwi Putri, S.Ked., Sp.A.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
International Care programs for Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID) and the way forward |
2024 |
Brackel C.L.H.; Noij L.C.E.; Vijverberg S.J.H.; Legghe C.L.; Maitland-van der Zee A.H.; van Goudoever J.B.; Buonsenso D.; Munblit D.; Sigfrid L.; McFarland S.; Anmyr L.; Ashkenazi-Hoffnung L.; Bellinat A.P.N.; Dias N.L.S.; Edwards A.; Fashina T.; Juraški R.G.; Gonçalves A.L.N.; Hansted E.; Herczeg V.; Hertting O.; Jankauskaite L.N.; Kaswandani N.; Kevalas R.; Krivácsy P.; Lorenz M.; Malone L.A.; McVoy M.; Miller D.W.; Morrow A.K.; Nugawela M.D.; Oliveira C.R.; Oliveira P.R.S.; Osmanov I.M.; Overmars I.M.; Paintsil E.; Pinto Pereira S.M.; Prawira Y.; Putri N.D.; Ramos R.C.F.; Rasche M.; Ryd-Rinder M.; De Rose C.; Samitova E.; Jovanović T.S.; Say D.; Scott J.T.; Shachar-Lavie I.; Shafran R.; Shmueli E.; Snipaitiene A.; Stephenson T.; Ténai N.; Tosif S.; Turkalj M.; Valentini P.; Vasconcelos L.R.S.; Villard L.; Vilser D.; Hashimoto S.; Terheggen-Lagro S.W.J. |
Pediatric Research |
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National Institutes of Health, NIH, (K23AI159518); National Institutes of Health, NIH; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF, (OPP1209135); Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF; Wellcome Trust, WT, (215091/Z/18/Z); Wellcome Trust, WT; UK Research and Innovation, UKRI, (COVLT0022); UK Research and Innovation, UKRI; Medical Research Council, MRC, (MR/P020372/1); Medical Research Council, MRC; National Institute for Health and Care Research, NIHR; Department of Health and Social Care, DH; Fore |
Funding text 1: L.S. received support by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Wellcome [215091/Z/18/Z] and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1209135]. C.R.O. and E.P. were supported, in part, from grants by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to C.R.O. (K23AI159518), its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official | |
1040 |
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37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Characteristics and prevalence of clinical remission of rheumatoid arthritis in a nationwide study from Indonesia |
2024 |
Suryana B.P.P.; Hidayat R.; Sarmidi S.; Wibowo S.A.K.; Hamijoyo L.; Rahmadi A.R.; Marpaung B.; Ginting A.R.; Kambayana G.; Kurniari P.K.; Sylvawani M.; Najirman; Suarjana N.; Achadiono D.N.W.; Rahmawati L.D.; Awalia; Suntoko B.; Warlisti I.V.; Nurudhin A.; Prabowo N.A.; Partan R.U.; Reagan M.; Adnan E.; Ongkowijaya J.A.; Akil N.; Pratama M.Z. |
International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases |
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Queen Mary Hospital |
The authors thank all Indonesian Rheumatology Association (IRA) members for contributing to this study. The authors also thank all the physicians and residents who helped sample the patients in this study. Also thank you very much for Chak Sing Lau from Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong for comments and suggestions in improving this article. | |
715 |
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6929 |
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37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Assessment of the public knowledge, perception and attitude in Indonesia toward spondyloarthritis: a national survey |
2024 |
Wahono C.S.; Pratama M.Z.; Rahman P.A.; Halim E.N.; Pranawa F.J.; Aditya J.; Rahmawati L.D.; Yuliasih; Awalia; Sylvawani M.; Musdalita E.; Marpaung B.; Ginting A.R.; Partan R.U.; Darma S.; Najirman; Anggoro S.; Parlindungan F.; Hidayat R.; Langow S.S.; Nurudhin A.; Werdiningsih Y.; Kertia N.; Wachid D.N.; Paramaiswari A.; Suntoko B.; Helmi R.Y.; Warlisti I.V.; Dewi S.; Hamijoyo L.; Rahmadi A.R.; Kambayana G.; Kurniari P.K.; Suarjana I.N.; Ongkowijaya J.A.; Faridin; Adnan E.; Syahriani F. |
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education |
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Universitas Brawijaya, UB |
Authors thank to all the members from the Indonesian Rheumatology Association (IRA) for the contribution of this study. Authors also thank all the physicians and residents that helped the sampling of the patients in this study. This study was supported by the 3in1 program of the Universitas Brawijaya in 2022. | |
358 |
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13485 |
596 |
37067327300 |
Rudy Hidayat |
Dr.dr. Rudy Hidayat SpPD-KR, FINASIM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Profesi Dokter (Profesi) |
Correlation of tumor necrosis factor-α and sclerostin in bone turnover process of premenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis |
2024 |
Chair M.; Hi̇Dayat R.; Sumariyono; Abdullah M.; Parlindungan F. |
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Turkey) |
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Universitas Indonesia, UI, (PENG- 1/UN2, R3.1/PPM.00/2019, PENG-1/UN2.R3.1/PPM.00/2019); Universitas Indonesia, UI |
The authors wish to thank Harry Isbagio, Zuljasri Albar, Bambang Setyohadi, Suryo Anggoro, and Anna Ariane for their time and tremendous support in the field. This study was supported by Universitas Indonesia PITTA B Grant Scheme (Grant Number PENG- 1/UN2.R3.1/PPM.00/2019). | |
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