No records
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57192918198 |
Sri Linuwih Susetyo Wardhani Menaldi |
Dr.dr. Sri Linuwih Susetyo Wardhani Menaldi, Sp.KK(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to map leprosy-related disability in rural and remote areas in Indonesia |
2024 |
Wahyuni L.K.; Nelfidayani N.; Harini M.; Anestherita F.; Wardhani R.K.; Menaldi S.L.; Irawati Y.; Rahayu T.; Andayani G.; Daniel H.; Savitri I.; Hariyanto P.K.Y.; Paramita I.A. |
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
0 |
Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB1402/UN2, RST/HKP.05.00/2022); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
This study was funded by grant from Directorate of Research and Development, Universitas Indonesia under International-Indexed Publication Grant (PUTI) 2022 (Grant No: NKB1402/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022), with the recipient of our author LKW. Funder data could be accessed from The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparati | |
1298 |
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2726 |
69 |
57211780941 |
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya |
Dr.dr. Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya, SpKK |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Effectiveness of topical hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in xerosis cutis treatment in elderly: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial |
2024 |
Muhammad P.; Novianto E.; Setyorini M.; Legiawati L.; Yusharyahya S.N.; Menaldi S.L.; Budianti W.K. |
Archives of Dermatological Research |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
This research is funded by Directorate of Research and Development, Universitas Indonesia under Hibah PUTI 2023 (Grant No. NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023). The author expresses gratitude to Paragon Technology and Innovation for their assistance in providing test materials. | |
887 |
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5091 |
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57204324438 |
Endi Novianto |
dr. Endi Novianto, Sp.KK. |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Effectiveness of topical hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in xerosis cutis treatment in elderly: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial |
2024 |
Muhammad P.; Novianto E.; Setyorini M.; Legiawati L.; Yusharyahya S.N.; Menaldi S.L.; Budianti W.K. |
Archives of Dermatological Research |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
This research is funded by Directorate of Research and Development, Universitas Indonesia under Hibah PUTI 2023 (Grant No. NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023). The author expresses gratitude to Paragon Technology and Innovation for their assistance in providing test materials. | |
887 |
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5091 |
230 |
57204324438 |
Endi Novianto |
dr. Endi Novianto, Sp.KK. |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Association between the severity of hard-to-treat psoriasis and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: A hospital-based cross-sectional study in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Evyana D.; Novianto E.; Budianti W.K.; Krisanti R.I.A.; Wisnu W.; Wibawanti R.; Nilasari H.; Legiawati L.; Hapsari S.A.R.; Mutmainnah E. |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
Funding: This study was supported by International Indexed Publication (Publikasi Terindeks Internasional/PUTI) 2022 research grant from the Directorate of Research and Development Universitas Indonesia (No. NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. | |
885 |
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5108 |
230 |
57201257151 |
Hanny Nilasari |
dr. Hanny Nilasari, Sp.K.K.(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Association between the severity of hard-to-treat psoriasis and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: A hospital-based cross-sectional study in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Evyana D.; Novianto E.; Budianti W.K.; Krisanti R.I.A.; Wisnu W.; Wibawanti R.; Nilasari H.; Legiawati L.; Hapsari S.A.R.; Mutmainnah E. |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
Funding: This study was supported by International Indexed Publication (Publikasi Terindeks Internasional/PUTI) 2022 research grant from the Directorate of Research and Development Universitas Indonesia (No. NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. | |
885 |
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5108 |
69 |
57202804484 |
Lili Legiawati |
dr. Lili Legiawati, Sp.K.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Effectiveness of topical hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in xerosis cutis treatment in elderly: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial |
2024 |
Muhammad P.; Novianto E.; Setyorini M.; Legiawati L.; Yusharyahya S.N.; Menaldi S.L.; Budianti W.K. |
Archives of Dermatological Research |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
This research is funded by Directorate of Research and Development, Universitas Indonesia under Hibah PUTI 2023 (Grant No. NKB-118/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2023). The author expresses gratitude to Paragon Technology and Innovation for their assistance in providing test materials. | |
887 |
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5091 |
230 |
57202804484 |
Lili Legiawati |
dr. Lili Legiawati, Sp.K.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin |
Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (Sp-1) |
Association between the severity of hard-to-treat psoriasis and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: A hospital-based cross-sectional study in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Evyana D.; Novianto E.; Budianti W.K.; Krisanti R.I.A.; Wisnu W.; Wibawanti R.; Nilasari H.; Legiawati L.; Hapsari S.A.R.; Mutmainnah E. |
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Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022); Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI |
Funding: This study was supported by International Indexed Publication (Publikasi Terindeks Internasional/PUTI) 2022 research grant from the Directorate of Research and Development Universitas Indonesia (No. NKB-155/UN2.RST/ HKP.05.00/2022). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. | |
885 |
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5108 |
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8449988000 |
Iris Rengganis |
Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, SpPD-KAI |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
A phase II clinical trial of a Vi-DT typhoid conjugate vaccine in healthy Indonesian adolescents and adults: one-month evaluation of safety and immunogenicity |
2024 |
Koesnoe S.; Medise B.E.; Rengganis I.; Hadinegoro S.R.; Puspita M.; Sari R.M.; Yang J.S.; Sahastrabuddhe S.; Soedjatmiko; Gunardi H.; Sekartini R.; Wirahmadi A.; Kekalih A.; Mukhi S.; Satari H.I.; Bachtiar N.S. |
Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines |
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Amelia Rahman; Meily Uli Artha Harianja |
The authors acknowledge the following colleagues for their contributions to this study: dr. Otty Mitha Sevianti, SpA, dr. Kania Adhyanisitha, SpA, Emi Triana Putri, SKM, Dita Rachmalia, Amd.Kom, Yuni Yudha Aprilia, Amd.Keb, Romy Fadylla SE and Amelia Rahman, SE. Also, to the staff of Senen primary health center, drg. Lindawati, MKes, dr. Anna Hasnaini, dr. Edwinaditya Sekar Putri, Ifan Hanafi, Amd | |
1128 |
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3439 |
44 |
57193251655 |
Juferdy Kurniawan |
Dr.dr. Juferdy Kurniawan, Sp.P.D-KGEH. |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Correlation between controlled attenuation parameter values with SYNTAX score in patients with significant coronary artery disease |
2024 |
Sardjan J.; Lesmana C.R.A.; Rusdi L.; Kurniawan J.; Yunihastuti E.; Susilo A.; Gani R.A. |
Scientific Reports |
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973 |
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4401 |
187 |
36519326000 |
Nadia Ayu Mulansari |
dr. Nadia Ayu Mulansari, Sp.P.D.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Factors Associated with All-Cause 30-Day Mortality in Indonesian Inpatient COVID-19 Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital |
2024 |
Rinaldi I.; Yulianti M.; Yunihastuti E.; Rajabto W.; Irawan C.; Sukrisman L.; Rachman A.; Mulansari N.A.; Lubis A.M.; Prasetyawaty F.; Cahyanur R.; Priantono D.; Ahani A.R.; Muthalib A.; Sudoyo A.; Atmakusuma T.D.; Reksodiputro A.H.; Djoerban Z.; Tambunan K.; Winston K.; Shufiyani Y.M.; Wiyono L.; Pratama S.; Edina B.C. |
Journal of Clinical Medicine |
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935 |
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4693 |