No records
54 |
55802927800 |
Isabella Kurnia Liem |
dr. Isabella Kurnia Liem, M.Biomed., Ph.D. |
Departemen Anatomi |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Satisfaction of lecturers and undergraduate students of medical faculties in Indonesia towards online anatomy learning during COVID-19 pandemic |
2024 |
Liem I.K.; Fatril A.E.; Husna F.A. |
BMC Medical Education |
0 |
IAA; Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture |
Funding text 1: Our thanks to dr. Ahmad Aulia Jusuf, PhD (president of Indonesian Anatomists Association/IAA\u00A0for the 2015-2022 periode) who has supported the implementation of our study, so that it could be followed by members of IAA and their students. Our thanks also to all colleagues of Indonesian Anatomists and students who have agreed to be respondents. Strength of the study: This is the | |
914 |
Q1 |
4867 |
64 |
56543777300 |
Ardi Findyartini |
dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D. |
Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Kedokteran (S2) |
“How is social media used for learning?”: relationships between social media use by medical students with their self-regulated learning skills |
2024 |
Findyartini A.; Greviana N.; Hanum C.; Wiyarta E.; Novarianto J.K.; Nugroho Supranoto Y.T.; Rafa Ayusha M.A.; Oktaria D.; Sueningrum A.A.S.A.S.; Pratiwi Y.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Prihanti G.S.; Zhuhra R.T.; Widjaja Y.; Wijaya D.P.; Atta K. |
BMC Medical Education |
0 |
CIMSA; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022, PUTI Q1 2022); Universitas Indonesia, UI |
Funding text 1: The study was funded by Universitas Indonesia (PUTI Q1 2022 Grant number NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022). The funding body has no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript. ; Funding text 2: The authors would like to extend our gratitude to all respondents and medical schools involved in this study, especially | |
914 |
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4867 |
64 |
57197709749 |
Nadia Greviana |
drg Nadia Greviana, M.Pd.Ked |
Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter |
“How is social media used for learning?”: relationships between social media use by medical students with their self-regulated learning skills |
2024 |
Findyartini A.; Greviana N.; Hanum C.; Wiyarta E.; Novarianto J.K.; Nugroho Supranoto Y.T.; Rafa Ayusha M.A.; Oktaria D.; Sueningrum A.A.S.A.S.; Pratiwi Y.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Prihanti G.S.; Zhuhra R.T.; Widjaja Y.; Wijaya D.P.; Atta K. |
BMC Medical Education |
0 |
CIMSA; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022, PUTI Q1 2022); Universitas Indonesia, UI |
Funding text 1: The study was funded by Universitas Indonesia (PUTI Q1 2022 Grant number NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022). The funding body has no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript. ; Funding text 2: The authors would like to extend our gratitude to all respondents and medical schools involved in this study, especially | |
914 |
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4867 |
602 |
7103393434 |
Murdani Abdullah |
Prof.Dr.dr. Murdani Abdullah, SpPD-KGEH |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Current Status of Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in Asian Countries: A Questionnaire Survey |
2024 |
Tanaka H.; Oka S.; Shiotani A.; Sugimoto M.; Suzuki H.; Naito Y.; Handa O.; Hisamatsu T.; Fukudo S.; Fujishiro M.; Motoya S.; Yahagi N.; Yamaguchi S.; Chan F.K.L.; Lee S.-Y.; Li B.; Ang T.L.; Abdullah M.; Tablante M.C.; Prachayakul V.; Tanaka S. |
Digestion |
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914 |
Q2 |
4869 |
No records
432 |
57197709749 |
Nadia Greviana |
drg Nadia Greviana, M.Pd.Ked |
Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter |
Redesigning a faculty development program for clinical teachers in Indonesia: a before-and-after study |
2024 |
Mustika R.; Greviana N.; Kusumoningrum D.A.; Pinasthika A. |
Journal of educational evaluation for health professions |
0 |
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917 |
Q1 |
4846 |
432 |
57660457200 |
Anyta Pinasthika |
Pendidikan Kedokteran (S2) |
Redesigning a faculty development program for clinical teachers in Indonesia: a before-and-after study |
2024 |
Mustika R.; Greviana N.; Kusumoningrum D.A.; Pinasthika A. |
Journal of educational evaluation for health professions |
0 |
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917 |
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4846 |
No records
134 |
55240204000 |
Riwanti Estiasari |
Dr. dr. Riwanti Estiasari, Sp.S. |
Departemen Neurologi |
Neurologi (Sp-1) |
Multi-actor system dynamics in access to disease-modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis in Southeast Asia: A regional survey and suggestions for improvement |
2024 |
Viswanathan S.; Vijayasingham L.; Laurson-Doube J.; Quek A.M.L.; Tan K.; Yeo T.; Seinn M.M.A.; Ohnmar O.; Estiasari R.; Yassin N.; Hiew F.L.; Pasco P.M.; Hoang N.T.T.; Keosodsay S.; Siritho S.; Apiwattanakul M.; Ros S.; Dias de Deus B.S.; Remli R.; Abdullah S.; Lim S.-Y. |
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders |
0 |
Director General of Health Malaysia; Clinical Research Centre; Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, KKM |
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. We would like to thank the Director General of Health Malaysia for permission to publish this article, the Clinical Research Centre (CRC) of Hospital Kuala Lumpur and the Ministry of Health Malaysia for approving the study. | |
920 |
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4818 |
No records
120 |
56320510400 |
Mila Maidarti |
dr. Mila Maidarti, Sp.O.G. |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-1) |
Ten years of in vitro fertilization in Indonesia: Access to infertility care in a developing country |
2024 |
Wiweko B.; Mansyur E.; Yuningsih T.; Sini I.; Silvana V.; Maidarti M.; Harzif A.K.; Pratama G.; Sumapraja K.; Muharam R.; Hestiantoro A.; Soebijanto S.; Listyasari N.A.; Sirait B.; Hendarto H.; Djuwantono T.; Halim B.; Angsar I.; Abdullah N.; Adnyana P.; Widad S.; Samsulhadi S.; Hidayat S.T.; Bayuaji H.; Permadi W.; Hendry D.; Lubis S.; Iffanolida P.A.; Mutia K.; Septyani T.; Siregar F.A.; Khairani N.; Jovito A.; Hayatunnufus Y.; Cahya N.P.; Yulinda D.; Susanto S.; Azzahra T.B. |
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
0 |
Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization; Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
This research was supported and funded by the Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization (IA‐IVF) and the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISOG). | |
927 |
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4753 |
120 |
8743255100 |
Andon Hestiantoro |
Dr. dr. Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG(K), M.P.H. |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-1) |
Ten years of in vitro fertilization in Indonesia: Access to infertility care in a developing country |
2024 |
Wiweko B.; Mansyur E.; Yuningsih T.; Sini I.; Silvana V.; Maidarti M.; Harzif A.K.; Pratama G.; Sumapraja K.; Muharam R.; Hestiantoro A.; Soebijanto S.; Listyasari N.A.; Sirait B.; Hendarto H.; Djuwantono T.; Halim B.; Angsar I.; Abdullah N.; Adnyana P.; Widad S.; Samsulhadi S.; Hidayat S.T.; Bayuaji H.; Permadi W.; Hendry D.; Lubis S.; Iffanolida P.A.; Mutia K.; Septyani T.; Siregar F.A.; Khairani N.; Jovito A.; Hayatunnufus Y.; Cahya N.P.; Yulinda D.; Susanto S.; Azzahra T.B. |
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
0 |
Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization; Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
This research was supported and funded by the Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization (IA‐IVF) and the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISOG). | |
927 |
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4753 |
120 |
43061741400 |
Budi Wiweko |
Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, Sp.OG(K). |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-2) |
Ten years of in vitro fertilization in Indonesia: Access to infertility care in a developing country |
2024 |
Wiweko B.; Mansyur E.; Yuningsih T.; Sini I.; Silvana V.; Maidarti M.; Harzif A.K.; Pratama G.; Sumapraja K.; Muharam R.; Hestiantoro A.; Soebijanto S.; Listyasari N.A.; Sirait B.; Hendarto H.; Djuwantono T.; Halim B.; Angsar I.; Abdullah N.; Adnyana P.; Widad S.; Samsulhadi S.; Hidayat S.T.; Bayuaji H.; Permadi W.; Hendry D.; Lubis S.; Iffanolida P.A.; Mutia K.; Septyani T.; Siregar F.A.; Khairani N.; Jovito A.; Hayatunnufus Y.; Cahya N.P.; Yulinda D.; Susanto S.; Azzahra T.B. |
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
0 |
Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization; Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
This research was supported and funded by the Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization (IA‐IVF) and the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISOG). | |
927 |
Q1 |
4753 |