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57217690943 |
Heri Wibowo |
Dr. Drs. Heri Wibowo, M.S. |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Histopathology Assay of The Lung After Intratracheal Injection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Recombinant in Mice: A Preliminary Study |
2024 |
Hansur L.; Louisa M.; Ernawaty B.; Wuyung P.E.; Zaini J.; Fadillah F.; Wibowo H. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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21059 |
252 |
6507855437 |
Pratiwi Pudjilestari Sudarmono |
Prof. dr. Pratiwi Pudjilestari Sudarmono, Ph.D., SpMK |
Departemen Mikrobiologi |
Mikrobiologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
A Review of the Relationship between CD4 T-lymphocytes and Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines in People Living with HIV (PLWH) |
2024 |
Amanah A.; Bela B.; Widyaningtyas S.T.; Ariyanto I.A.; Sudarmono P. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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252 |
24723637900 |
Budiman Bela |
Dr. dr. Budiman Bela, Sp.MK. |
Departemen Mikrobiologi |
Mikrobiologi (Sp-1) |
A Review of the Relationship between CD4 T-lymphocytes and Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines in People Living with HIV (PLWH) |
2024 |
Amanah A.; Bela B.; Widyaningtyas S.T.; Ariyanto I.A.; Sudarmono P. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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244 |
36124567000 |
Ade Arsianti |
Dr. Ade Arsianti, S.Si., M.Si. |
Departemen Kimia |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
In Vitro Study of Alkyl Gallates as a Growth Inhibitor of Cervical HeLa Cancer Cells |
2024 |
Arsianti A.; Bahtiar A.; Azizah N.N.; Fajrin A.M.; Nadapdap L.D.; Ardan A.R.; Ilham A.F.; Liwang F. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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41461551400 |
Melva Louisa |
Dr. Melva Louisa, S.Si., M.Biomed. |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S3) |
Histopathology Assay of The Lung After Intratracheal Injection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Recombinant in Mice: A Preliminary Study |
2024 |
Hansur L.; Louisa M.; Ernawaty B.; Wuyung P.E.; Zaini J.; Fadillah F.; Wibowo H. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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213 |
56648996700 |
Achmad Fauzi Kamal |
Prof. Dr. dr. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, Sp.OT. |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Ilmu Bedah Ortopaedi Sp-1 |
Virtual Three-Dimensional Kinematics Comparison between Normal Healthy Knee and Tumor-Suffered Knee Post Resection with Mega Prosthesis Reconstructed |
2024 |
Ardianov M.F.; Prabowo Y.; Supriadi S.; Mathar P.R.; Kamal A.F. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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213 |
56682042400 |
Yogi Prabowo |
dr. Yogi Prabowo, Sp.OT.(K). |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Ilmu Bedah Ortopaedi Sp-1 |
Virtual Three-Dimensional Kinematics Comparison between Normal Healthy Knee and Tumor-Suffered Knee Post Resection with Mega Prosthesis Reconstructed |
2024 |
Ardianov M.F.; Prabowo Y.; Supriadi S.; Mathar P.R.; Kamal A.F. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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250 |
57192889605 |
Puspita Eka Wuyung |
Dr. Dra. Puspita Eka Wuyung, M.S. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Histopathology Assay of The Lung After Intratracheal Injection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Recombinant in Mice: A Preliminary Study |
2024 |
Hansur L.; Louisa M.; Ernawaty B.; Wuyung P.E.; Zaini J.; Fadillah F.; Wibowo H. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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21059 |
117 |
35286148600 |
Bambang Widyantoro |
Bambang Widyantoro, dr., Ph.D, Sp.JP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Ilmu Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah |
Cholesterol low density lipoprotein associations with complete blood count parameters in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease patients |
2024 |
Amalia M.; Saputri F.C.; Sauriasari R.; Widyantoro B. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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21059 |
381 |
6506242684 |
Damayanti Rusli Sjarif |
Prof. Dr. dr. Damayanti Rusli Sjarif, SpA(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (Sp-2) |
Molecular analysis in exons 1 and 2 of the tripeptidyl peptidase 1 (TPP1) gene on patients with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (CLN2) in Indonesia |
2024 |
Evani S.; Pangestu H.S.; Arisandi M.R.; Prakoso N.M.; Priambodo R.; Pambudi B.; Hafifah C.N.; Aswin Y.A.; Lestari R.; Sjarif D.R. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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164 |
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21059 |