No records
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6504153311 |
Ponco Birowo |
Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U., Ph.D. |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Bilateral corpus cavernosum abscess: a case report and a review of the literature |
2024 |
Steven; Rasyid N.; Birowo P.; Seno D.W.H.; Aulia I.; Atmoko W. |
African Journal of Urology |
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185 |
Q3 |
19959 |
82 |
6504153311 |
Ponco Birowo |
Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U., Ph.D. |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Evaluation of CHD5, H3K9me3, and H4K12ac in Human Testes with Spermatogenic Maturation Arrest: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2024 |
Paisal P.; Pujianto D.A.; Kusmardi K.; Birowo P.; Asmarinah |
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility |
0 |
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-757/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020) |
Funding text 1: The authors would like to thank Universitas Indonesia for funding this research through Hibah PUTI (Grant No. NKB-757/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020). We would also like to thank LPDP from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia for supporting the publication of this manuscript. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.; Funding text 2: The authors would like to thank Univ | |
536 |
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9685 |
227 |
6504153311 |
Ponco Birowo |
Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U., Ph.D. |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Comparative study of mobile acoustic uroflowmetry and conventional uroflowmetry: A systematic review and meta analysis |
2024 |
Rangganata E.; Rahardjo H.E.; Rasyid N.; Widia F.; Murwantara I.M.; Yugopuspito P.; Gemilang B.; Nasher F.Z.; Syadza Y.Z.; Yonathan K.; Birowo P. |
Neurourology and Urodynamics |
0 |
Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB‐585/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022); Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia |
This study is funded by Universitas Indonesia using PUTI grant scheme numbered NKB‐585/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022. The first author (E. Rangganata) received a scholarship from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP scholarship) from the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the ma | |
721 |
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6854 |
21 |
6602634832 |
Rainy Umbas |
Prof. dr. H. Rainy Umbas, Ph.D |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Penile carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 93 patients at a tertiary care center in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Manurung M.A.; Umbas R.; Hamid A.R.A.H.; Mochtar C.A. |
International Journal of Urology |
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694 |
Q2 |
7174 |
42 |
7005269743 |
Akmal Taher |
Prof. Dr. dr. Akmal Taher, SpU(K) |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Supermicrosurgery lymphaticovenous and lymphaticolymphatic anastomosis: Technical detail and short-term follow-up for immediate lymphatic reconstruction in breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema prevention |
2024 |
Brahma B.; Yamamoto T.; Panigoro S.S.; Haryono S.J.; Yusuf P.A.; Priambodo P.S.; Harimurti K.; Taher A. |
Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders |
0 |
Dharmais Cancer Hospital; National Cancer Center, NCC; Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia, FKUI |
Funding text 1: Funded by Dharmais Cancer Hospital \u2013 National Cancer Center Indonesia. Dharmais Cancer Hospital \u2013 National Cancer Center Indonesia had no involvement in the study design or collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. Dharmais Cancer Hospital \u2013 National Cancer Center Indonesia was not involved in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.; Funding te | |
930 |
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4729 |
195 |
26028200800 |
Fina Widia |
dr. Fina Widia, Sp.U. |
Departemen Urologi |
Surgeon's point of view in vesico-vaginal fistula management |
2024 |
Santosa K.B.; Marta S.N.; Sugianto R.; Widia F.; Nababan P.; Rahardjp H.E. |
Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Societa italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica |
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#N/A |
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#N/A |
205 |
26028200800 |
Fina Widia |
dr. Fina Widia, Sp.U. |
Departemen Urologi |
Challenges in the diagnosis of delayed presentation of intraperitoneal Iatrogenic bladder trauma post Caesarean delivery: A case report |
2024 |
Ficky; Wahyudi I.; Widia F.; Irdam G.A. |
Urology Case Reports |
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204 |
Q3 |
19009 |
227 |
26028200800 |
Fina Widia |
dr. Fina Widia, Sp.U. |
Departemen Urologi |
Comparative study of mobile acoustic uroflowmetry and conventional uroflowmetry: A systematic review and meta analysis |
2024 |
Rangganata E.; Rahardjo H.E.; Rasyid N.; Widia F.; Murwantara I.M.; Yugopuspito P.; Gemilang B.; Nasher F.Z.; Syadza Y.Z.; Yonathan K.; Birowo P. |
Neurourology and Urodynamics |
0 |
Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB‐585/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022); Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia |
This study is funded by Universitas Indonesia using PUTI grant scheme numbered NKB‐585/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022. The first author (E. Rangganata) received a scholarship from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP scholarship) from the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the ma | |
721 |
Q1 |
6854 |
89 |
36341995300 |
Irfan Wahyudi |
Dr. dr. Irfan Wahyudi, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Comparison of scrotal and inguinal orchiopexy for palpable undescended testis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
2024 |
Wahyudi I.; Raharja P.A.R.; Situmorang G.R.; Rodjani A. |
Pediatric Surgery International |
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575 |
Q2 |
8996 |
205 |
36341995300 |
Irfan Wahyudi |
Dr. dr. Irfan Wahyudi, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Challenges in the diagnosis of delayed presentation of intraperitoneal Iatrogenic bladder trauma post Caesarean delivery: A case report |
2024 |
Ficky; Wahyudi I.; Widia F.; Irdam G.A. |
Urology Case Reports |
0 |
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204 |
Q3 |
19009 |