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28 |
23034345900 |
Raph L. Hamers |
Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia |
At-admission prediction of mortality and pulmonary embolism in an international cohort of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 using statistical and machine learning methods |
2024 |
Mesinovic M.; Wong X.C.; Rajahram G.S.; Citarella B.W.; Peariasamy K.M.; van Someren Greve F.; Olliaro P.; Merson L.; Clifton L.; Kartsonaki C.; Abdukahil S.A.; Abdulkadir N.N.; Abe R.; Abel L.; Abrous A.; Absil L.; Acker A.; Adachi S.; Adam E.; Adriano E.; Adrião D.; Ageel S.A.; Ahmed S.; Aiello M.; Ainscough K.; Airlangga E.; Aisa T.; Hssain A.A.; Tamlihat Y.A.; Akimoto T.; Akmal E.; Qasim E.A.; Alalqam R.; Alberti A.; Al-dabbous T.; Alegesan S.; Alegre C.; Alessi M.; Alex B.; Alexandre K.; Al-Fares A.; Alfoudri H.; Ali A.; Ali I.; Alidjnou K.E.; Aliudin J.; Alkhafajee Q.; Allavena C.; Allou N.; Alves J.; Alves J.M.; Alves R.; Cabrita J.A.; Amaral M.; Amira N.; Ammerlaan H.; Ampaw P.; Andini R.; Andréjak C.; Angheben A.; Angoulvant F.; Ansart S.; Anthonidass S.; Antonelli M.; de Brito C.A.A.; Anwar K.R.; Apriyana A.; Arabi Y.; Aragao I.; Arancibia F.; Araujo C.; Arcadipane A.; Archambault P.; Arenz L.; Arlet J.-B.; Arnold-Day C.; Arora L.; Arora R.; Artaud-Macari E.; Aryal D.; Asaki M.; Asensio A.; Ashley E.A.; Ashraf M.; Assie J.B.; Asyraf A.; Atique A.; Attanyake A.M.U.L.; Auchabie J.; Aumaitre H.; Auvet A.; Azemar L.; Azoulay C.; Bach B.; Bachelet D.; Badr C.; Baig N.; Baillie J.K.; Baird J.K.; Bak E.; Bakakos A.; Bakar N.A.; Bal A.; Balakrishnan M.; Balan V.; Bani-Sadr F.; Barbalho R.; Barbosa N.Y.; Barclay W.S.; Barnett S.U.; Barnikel M.; Barrasa H.; Barrelet A.; Barrigoto C.; Bartoli M.; Baruch J.; Basmaci R.; Basri M.F.H.; Battaglini D.; Bauer J.; Rincon D.F.B.; Dow D.B.; Beane A.; Bedossa A.; Bee K.H.; Begum H.; Behilill S.; Beishuizen A.; Beljantsev A.; Bellemare D.; Beltrame A.; Beltrão B.A.; Beluze M.; Benech N.; Benjiman L.E.; Benkerrou D.; Bennett S.; Bento L.; Berdal J.-E.; Bergeaud D.; Bergin H.; Bertoli G.; Bertolino L.; Bessis S.; Betz A.; Bevilcaqua S.; Bezulier K.; Bhatt A.; Bhavsar K.; Bianco C.; Bidin F.N.; Singh M.B.; Humaid F.B.; Kamarudin M.N.B.; Bisoffi Z.; Bissuel F.; Biston P.; Bitker L.; Bitton J.; Blanco-Schweizer P.; Blier C.; Bloos F.; Blot M.; Blumberg L.; Boccia F.; Bodenes L.; Bogaert D.; Boivin A.-H.; Bolaños I.; Bolze P.-A.; Bompart F.; Bonelli P.; Bonfasius A.; Borges D.; Borie R.; Bosse H.M.; Botelho-Nevers E.; Bouadma L.; Bouchaud O.; Bouchez S.; Bouhmani D.; Bouhour D.; Bouiller K.; Bouillet L.; Bouisse C.; Bounphiengsy T.; Bountthasavong L.; Boureau A.-S.; Bourke J.; Bouscambert M.; Bousquet A.; Bouziotis J.; Boxma B.; Boyer-Besseyre M.; Boylan M.; Bozza F.A.; Braconnier A.; Braga C.; Brandenburger T.; Monteiro F.B.; Brazzi L.; Breen D.; Breen P.; Brewster D.; Brickell K.; Browne A.; Browne S.; Brozzi N.; Brusse-Keizer M.; Buchtele N.; Bugaeva P.; Buisson M.; Buonsenso D.; Burhan E.; Burrell A.; Bustos I.G.; Butnaru D.; Cabie A.; Cabral S.; Caceres E.; Cadoz C.; Garcês R.C.; Callahan M.; Calligy K.; Calvache J.A.; Caminiti C.; Camões J.; Campana V.; Campbell P.; Campisi J.; Canepa C.; Cantero M.; Caraux-Paz P.; Cárcel S.; Cardellino C.S.; Cardoso F.; Cardoso F.; Cardoso N.; Cardoso S.; Carelli S.; Carlacci F.; Carlier N.; Carmoi T.; Carney G.; Carqueja I.; Carret M.-C.; Carrier F.M.; Carroll I.; Carson G.; Carvalho L.; Casanova M.-L.; Cascão M.; Casey S.; Casimiro J.; Cassandra B.; Castañeda S.; Castanheira N.; Castor-Alexandre G.; Castro I.; Catarino A.; Catherine F.-X.; Cattaneo P.; Cavalin R.; Cavalli G.G.; Cavayas A.; Ceccato A.; Cerkovnik S.; Cervantes-Gonzalez M.; Chair A.; Chakveatze C.; Chaleunphon B.; Chan A.; Chand M.; Auger C.C.; Chapplain J.-M.; Charpentier C.; Chas J.; Chatterjee A.; Iñiguez J.S.C.; Chen A.; Chenard L.; Cheng M.P.; Cheret A.; Chetta A.A.; Chiarabini T.; Chica J.; Chidambaram S.K.; Tho L.C.; Chirouze C.; Chiumello D.; Cho H.J.; Cho S.-M.; Cholley B.; Chommanam D.; Chopin M.-C.; Chow T.S.; Chow Y.P.; Christy N.; Chua H.J.; Chua J.; Cidade J.P.; Herreros J.M.C.; Ciullo A.; Clarke E.; Clarke J.; Granado R.C.-D.; Clohisey S.; Codan C.; Cody C.; Coelho A.; Coles J.; Coles M.; Colin G.; Collins M.; Colombo S.M.; Combs P.; Connor M.; Conrad A.; Contreras S.; Conway E.; Cooke G.S.; Copland M.; Cordel H.; Corley A.; Cornelis S.; Cornet A.D.; Corpuz A.J.; Cortegiani A.; Corvaisier G.; Costigan E.; Couffignal C.; Couffin-Cadiergues S.; Courtois R.; Cousse S.; Cregan R.; D’Orleans C.C.; Cristella C.; Croonen S.; Crowl G.; Crump J.; Cruz C.; Csete M.; Cullen A.; Cummings M.; Curley G.; Curlier E.; Curran C.; Custodio P.; da Silva Filipe A.; Da Silveira C.; Dabaliz A.-A.; Dagens A.; Dahly D.; Dalton H.; Dalton J.; Daly S.; Damas J.; Daneman N.; Daniel C.; Dankwa E.A.; Dantas J.; D’Aragon F.; de Jong M.; de Loughry G.; de Mendoza D.; De Montmollin E.; de Oliveira França R.F.; de Pinho Oliveira A.I.; De Rosa R.; De Rose C.; de Silva T.; de Vries P.; Deacon J.; Dean D.; Debard A.; Debray M.-P.; DeCastro N.; Dechert W.; Deconninck L.; Decours R.; Defous E.; Delacroix I.; Delaveuve E.; Delavigne K.; Delfos N.M.; Deligiannis I.; Dell’Amore A.; Delmas C.; Delobel P.; Delsing C.; Demonchy E.; Denis E.; Deplanque D.; Depuydt P.; Desai M.; Descamps D.; Desvallées M.; Dewayanti S.; Dhanger P.; Diallo A.; Diamantis S.; Dias A.; Dias A.; Da Silva F.D.; Diaz J.J.; Diaz P.; Diaz R.; Didier K.; Diehl J.-L.; Dieperink W.; Dimet J.; Dinot V.; Diop F.; Diouf A.; Dishon Y.; Djossou F.; Docherty A.B.; Doherty H.; Dondorp A.M.; Dong A.; Donnelly C.A.; Donnelly M.; Donohue C.; Donohue S.; Donohue Y.; Doran P.; Dorival C.; D’Ortenzio E.; Douangdala P.; Douglas J.J.; Douma R.; Dournon N.; Downer T.; Downey J.; Downing M.; Drake T.; Driscoll A.; Dryden M.; Fonseca C.D.; Dubee V.; Dubos F.; Dubot-Pérès A.; Ducancelle A.; Duculan T.; Dudman S.; Duggal A.; Dunand P.; Dunning J.; Duplaix M.; Durante-Mangoni E.; Durham L., III; Dussol B.; Duthoit J.; Duval X.; Dyrhol-Riise A.M.; Ean S.C.; Echeverria-Villalobos M.; Economopoulos G.; Egan S.; Eira C.; Sanharawi M.E.; Elapavaluru S.; Elharrar B.; Ellerbroek J.; Eloy P.; Elshazly T.; Elyazar I.; Enderle I.; Endo T.; Eng C.C.; Engelmann I.; Enouf V.; Epaulard O.; Escher M.; Esperatti M.; Esperou H.; Santo C.E.; Esposito-Farese M.; Estevão J.; Etienne M.; Ettalhaoui N.; Everding A.G.; Evers M.; Fabre I.; Fabre M.; Faheem A.; Fahy A.; Fairfield C.J.; Fakar Z.; Faria P.; Fateena H.; Fatoni A.Z.; Faure K.; Favory R.; Fayed M.; Feely N.; Feeney L.; Fernandes J.; Fernandes M.A.; Fernandes S.; Ferrand F.-X.; Devouge E.F.; Ferrão J.; Ferrari C.; Ferraz M.; Ferreira B.; Ferreira B.; Ferreira I.; Ferreira S.; Ferrer-Roca R.; Ferriere N.; Ficko C.; Figueiredo-Mello C.; Finlayson W.; Fiorda J.; Flament T.; Flateau C.; Fletcher T.; Florence A.-M.; Florio L.L.; Flynn B.; Flynn D.; Fogliazza F.; Foley C.; Foley J.; Fomin V.; Fonseca T.; Fontela P.; Forsyth S.; Foster D.; Foti G.; Fourn E.; Fowler R.A.; Fraher M.; Franch-Llasat D.; Fraser C.; Fraser J.F.; Freire M.V.; Ribeiro A.F.; Friedrich C.; Fritz R.; Fry S.; Fuentes N.; Fukuda M.; G A.; Gaborieau V.; Gaci R.; Gagliardi M.; Gagnard J.-C.; Gagneux-Brunon A.; Gaião S.; Skeie L.G.; Gallagher P.; Curto E.G.; Gamble C.; Gani Y.; Garan A.; Garcia R.; Garcia-Diaz J.; Garcia-Gallo E.; Garimella N.; Garofalo F.; Garot D.; Garrait V.; Gault N.; Gavin A.; Gavrylov A.; Gaymard A.; Gebauer J.; Geraud E.; Morlaes L.G.; Germano N.; ghisulal P.K.; Ghosn J.; Giani M.; Giaquinto C.; Gibson J.; Gigante T.; Gilg M.; Gilroy E.; Giordano G.; Girvan M.; Gissot V.; Glikman D.; Glybochko P.; Gnall E.; Goco G.; Goehringer F.; Goepel S.; Goffard J.-C.; Goh J.Y.; Golob J.; Gomes R.; Gomez K.; Gómez-Junyent J.; Gominet M.; Gonzalez A.; Gordon P.; Gorenne I.; Goubert L.; Goujard C.; Goulenok T.; Grable M.; Graf J.; Grandin E.W.; Granier P.; Grasselli G.; Green C.A.; Greene C.; Greenhalf W.; Greffe S.; Grieco D.L.; Griffee M.; Griffiths F.; Grigoras I.; Groenendijk A.; Lordemann A.G.; Gruner H.; Gu Y.; Guedj J.; Guego M.; Guellec D.; Guerguerian A.-M.; Guerreiro D.; Guery R.; Guillaumot A.; Guilleminault L.; de Castro M.G.; Guimard T.; Haalboom M.; Haber D.; Habraken H.; Hachemi A.; Hadri N.; Hakak S.; Hall A.; Hall M.; Halpin S.; Hamer A.; Hamidfar R.; Hammond N.; Hammond T.; Han L.Y.; Haniffa R.; Hao K.W.; Hardwick H.; Harrison E.M.; Harrison J.; Harrison S.B.E.; Hartman A.; Hashmi J.; Hayes A.; Hays L.; Heerman J.; Heggelund L.; Hendry R.; Hennessy M.; Henriquez-Trujillo A.; Hentzien M.; Hernandez D.; Hernandez-Montfort J.; Hershey A.; Hesstvedt L.; Hidayah A.; Higgins D.; Higgins E.; Higgins R.; Hinchion R.; Hinton S.; Hiraiwa H.; Hirkani H.; Hitoto H.; Ho A.; Ho Y.B.; Hoctin A.; Hoffmann I.; Hoh W.H.; Hoiting O.; Holt R.; Holter J.C.; Horby P.; Horcajada J.P.; Hoshino K.; Hoshino K.; Houas I.; Hough C.L.; Houltham S.; Hsu J.M.-Y.; Hulot J.-S.; Huo S.; Hurd A.; Ijaz S.; Ikram M.A.; Illana C.C.; Illes H.-G.; Imbert P.; Inácio H.; Dominguez C.I.; Ing Y.S.; Iosifidis E.; Ippolito M.; Irawany V.; Isgett S.; Isidoro T.; Ismail N.; Isnard M.; Itai J.; Ito A.; Ivulich D.; Jaafar D.; Jaafoura S.; Jabot J.; Jackson C.; Jamieson N.; Janes V.; Jaquet P.; Jassat W.; Jaud-Fischer C.; Jaureguiberry S.; Javidfar J.; Jaworsky D.; Jego F.; Jelani A.M.; Jenum S.; Jimbo-Sotomayor R.; Joe O.Y.; García R.N.J.; Joseph C.; Joseph M.; Joshi S.; Jourdain M.; Jouvet P.; Jung A.; Jung H.; Juzar D.; Kafif O.; Kaguelidou F.; Kaisbain N.; Kaleesvran T.; Kali S.; Kalicinska A.; Kalomoiri S.; Kamaluddin M.A.A.; Kamaruddin Z.A.C.; Kamarudin N.; Kandamby D.H.; Kandel C.; Kang K.Y.; Karpayah P.; Karsies T.; Kartsonaki C.; Kasugai D.; Kataria A.; Katz K.; Kaur A.; Kay C.; Keane H.; Keating S.; Kedia P.; Kelly A.; Kelly A.; Kelly C.; Kelly N.; Kelly S.; Kelly Y.; Kelsey M.; Kennedy R.; Kennon K.; Keomany S.; Kernan M.; Kerroumi Y.; Keshav S.; Kestelyn E.; Khalid I.; Khalil A.; Khan C.; Khan I.; Kherajani K.; Kho M.E.; Khoo D.; Khoo R.; Khoo S.; Kiat K.H.; Kida Y.; Kiiza P.; Granerud B.K.; Kildal A.B.; Kim J.B.; Kimmoun A.; Kindgen-Milles D.; King A.; Kitamura N.; Klenerman P.; Klont R.; Bekken G.K.; Knight S.R.; Kobbe R.; Kodippily C.; Vasconcelos M.K.; Komatsu M.; Korten I.S.A.R.I.C.C.; Kosgei C.; Kpangon A.; Krawczyk K.; Krishnan S.; Krishnan V.; Kruglova O.; Kumar D.; Kumar G.; Vecham P.K.; Kuriakose D.; Kurtzman E.; Kusumastuti N.P.; Kutsogiannis D.; Kutsyna G.; Kyriakoulis K.; Hamers R.L.; Lachatre M.; Lacoste M.; Laffey J.G.; Lafhej N.; Lagrange M.; Laine F.; Lairez O.; Lambert M.; Lamontagne F.; Langelot-Richard M.; Langlois V.; Lantang E.Y.; Lanza M.; Laouénan C.; Laribi S.; Lariviere D.; Lasry S.; Lath S.; Launay O.; Laureillard D.; Lavie-Badie Y.; Law A.; Lawrence C.; Lawrence T.; Le M.; Bihan C.L.; Bris C.L.; Falher G.L.; Fevre L.L.; Hingrat Q.L.; Maréchal M.L.; Mestre S.L.; Moal G.L.; Moing V.L.; Nagard H.L.; Turnier P.L.; Leal E.; Santos M.L.; Lee B.H.; Lee H.G.; Lee J.; Lee J.; Lee S.H.; Lee T.C.; Lee Y.L.; Leeming G.; Lefebvre B.; Lefebvre L.; Lefèvre B.; LeGac S.; Lelievre J.-D.; Lellouche F.; Lemaignen A.; Lemee V.; Lemeur A.; Lemmink G.; Lene H.S.; Lennon J.; León R.; Leone M.; Leone M.; Lescure F.-X.; Lesens O.; Lesouhaitier M.; Lester-Grant A.; Letizia A.; Letrou S.; Levy B.; Levy Y.; Levy-Marchal C.; Lewandowska K.; L’Her E.; Bassi G.L.; Liang J.; Liegeon G.; Lim K.C.; Lim W.S.; Lima C.; Lina B.; Lina L.; Lind A.; Lingad M.K.; Lingas G.; Lion-Daolio S.; Lissauer S.; Liu K.; Livrozet M.; Lizotte P.; Loforte A.; Lolong N.; Loon L.C.; Lopes D.; Lopez-Colon D.; Lopez-Revilla J.W.; Loschner A.L.; Loubet P.; Loufti B.; Louis G.; Lourenco S.; Lovelace-Macon L.; Low L.L.; Lowik M.; Loy J.S.; Lucet J.C.; Luna C.M.; Lungu O.; Luong L.; Luque N.; Luton D.; Lwin N.; Lyons R.; Maasikas O.; Mabiala O.; Machado M.; Machado S.; Macheda G.; Madiha H.; Maglietta G.; Mahieu R.; Mahy S.; Maia A.R.; Maier L.S.; Maillet M.; Maitre T.; Majori M.; Malfertheiner M.; Malik N.; Mallon P.; Maltez F.; Malvy D.; Mammi P.; Manda V.; Mandei J.M.; Mandelbrot L.; Manetta F.; Mankikian J.; Manning E.; Manuel A.; Malaque C.M.S.; Marino D.; Marino F.; Markowicz S.; Marques A.; Marquis C.; Marsh B.; Marshal M.; Marshall J.; Martelli C.T.; Martin D.-A.; Martin E.; Martin-Blondel G.; Martin-Loeches I.; Martinot M.; Martín-Quiros A.; Martinez F.E.; Martins A.; Martins J.; Martins N.; Rego C.M.; Martucci G.; Martynenko O.; Marwali E.M.; Marzukie M.; Jimenez J.F.M.; Maslove D.; Mason S.; Nor B.M.; Matan M.; Mathieu D.; Mattei M.; Matulevics R.; Maulin L.; Maxwell M.; Maynar J.; Mayxay M.; Mazzoni T.; Sweeney L.M.; McCanny P.; McArthur C.; McCarthy A.; McCarthy A.; McCloskey C.; McConnochie R.; McDermott S.; McDonald S.E.; McElroy A.; McElwee S.; McEneany V.; McEvoy N.; McGeer A.; McKay C.; McKeown J.; McLean K.A.; McNally P.; McNicholas B.; McPartlan E.; Meaney E.; Mear-Passard C.; Mechlin M.; Mehkri O.; Mele F.; Melo L.; Mendes J.J.; Menkiti O.; Menon K.; Mentré F.; Mentzer A.J.; Mercier E. |
Scientific Reports |
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Institute for Clinical Research; Rhodes Scholarships; NIHR HPRU; Prince Charles Hospital Foundation; NIHR Health Protection Research Unit; Seventh Framework Programme, FP7; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII; INSERM; Artificial Intelligence for Pandemics; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC; Groote Schuur Hospital Covid ICU; National Institutes of Health, NIH; South Eastern Norway Health Authority and the Research Council of Norway; Wellcome Trust, WT; COVID-19 Clinical M |
Funding text 1: This work was made possible by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Wellcome [215091/Z/18/Z, 222410/Z/21/Z, 225288/Z/22/Z and 220757/Z/20/Z]; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1209135]; the philanthropic support of the donors to the University of Oxford\u2019s COVID-19 Research Response Fund (0009109); CIHR Coronavirus Rapid Research Funding Opportunity OV2 | |
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186 |
8743255100 |
Andon Hestiantoro |
Dr. dr. Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG(K), M.P.H. |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-1) |
Altered expression of kisspeptin, dynorphin, and related neuropeptides in polycystic ovary syndrome: A cross-sectional study |
2024 |
Hestiantoro A.; Al Maghfira R.N.; Fathmasari R.; Febri R.R.; Joyo E.O.; Muharam R.; Pratama G.; Bowolaksono A. |
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine |
0 |
Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-1590/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020) |
The authors would like to thank Kresna Mutia, Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida, Naylah Muna, and Oki Riayati for the laboratory preparation and data analysis. University of Indonesia supported this work (Grant number: NKB-1590/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020). | |
393 |
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12641 |
186 |
57191492732 |
R. Muharam |
Dr. dr R. Muharam, SpOG(K) |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-2) |
Altered expression of kisspeptin, dynorphin, and related neuropeptides in polycystic ovary syndrome: A cross-sectional study |
2024 |
Hestiantoro A.; Al Maghfira R.N.; Fathmasari R.; Febri R.R.; Joyo E.O.; Muharam R.; Pratama G.; Bowolaksono A. |
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine |
0 |
Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-1590/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020) |
The authors would like to thank Kresna Mutia, Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida, Naylah Muna, and Oki Riayati for the laboratory preparation and data analysis. University of Indonesia supported this work (Grant number: NKB-1590/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020). | |
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12641 |
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365 |
57192914846 |
Neng Tine Kartinah |
Prof.Dr.dr. Neng Tine Kartinah, M.Kes. |
Departemen Fisiologi Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. Extract Increases the mRNA Expression of the Arcuate Nucleus Leptin Receptor and is Predicted in silico as an Anti-obesity Agent |
2024 |
Kartinah N.T.; Anggraini S.; Fadilah F.; Rickie R. |
Current computer-aided drug design |
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258 |
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16573 |
365 |
56966708600 |
Fadilah |
Dr. Fadilah, M.Si. |
Departemen Kimia |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. Extract Increases the mRNA Expression of the Arcuate Nucleus Leptin Receptor and is Predicted in silico as an Anti-obesity Agent |
2024 |
Kartinah N.T.; Anggraini S.; Fadilah F.; Rickie R. |
Current computer-aided drug design |
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258 |
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16573 |
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97 |
Expanding global health dermatology leadership: launching the GLODERM international mentorship programme |
2024 |
Strahan A.G.; Davies O.M.T.; Fernández L.T.; Gaylord I.W.I.; Mekonnen Y.G.; Grijsen M.L.; Ollague J.E.; Sabushimike D.; Silveira L.P.; Maurer T.; Dodiuk-Gad R.P.; Singal A.; Lim H.W.; Bhose A.; Lubov J.E.; Jain S.; Zehtab M.; Allison T.; Guerin M.; Enbiale W.; Rehmus W.; Wanat K.A.; Claire Fuller L.; Bailey E.; Freeman E.E. |
British Journal of Dermatology |
0 |
International League of Dermatological Societies; ILDS; CeraVe, Care for All; International Foundation of Dermatology; Melanie Vidal; Jehireh PerazaWilliams; Gene Colon |
Funding text 1: We would like to thank Emma van Rooijen [International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS)], Becca Garratt (ILDS), Lars French (ILDS Immediate Past President), Melanie Vidal (CeraVe), Gene Colon (CeraVe) and Jehireh PerazaWilliams (CeraVe) for their support in the development of the GLODERM Mentorship Programme. GLODERM is an official programme of the International Foundation | |
2254 |
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66 |
Global and regional seroprevalence, incidence, mortality of, and risk factors for scrub typhus: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 |
Wang Q.; Ma T.; Ding F.; Lim A.; Takaya S.; Saraswati K.; Sartorius B.; Day N.P.J.; Maude R.J. |
International Journal of Infectious Diseases |
0 |
Wellcome Trust, WT, (220211); National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC, (42201497); Youth Innovation Promotion Association, YIPA, (2023000117); NRF, (RIE2025) |
Funding text 1: This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [ 220211 ], National Natural Science Foundation of China [ 42201497 ], Youth Innovation Promotion Association [ 2023000117 ], and NRF International Partnership Funding Initiative [ RIE2025 ]. The funder had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of this study. ; Funding text 2: | |
2006 |
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1313 |
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90 |
37085506800 |
Muchtaruddin Mansyur |
Dr. dr. Muchtaruddin Mansyur, M.S., Sp.OK., Ph.D. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Okupasi (Sp-1) |
Determinant Factors of Children's Blood Lead Levels in Java, Indonesia |
2024 |
Mansyur M.; Fitriani D.Y.; Prayogo A.; Mutiara A.; Asep; Fadhillah R.; Aini R.; Putri W.W.; Ramadhani S.E.F.; Rubaya A.K.; Windarso S.E.; Santjoko H.; Sudaryanto S.; Haryono; Susilorini B.; Hariojati N.; Rodriguez A.; Bose-O'Reilly S. |
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health |
0 |
Clarios Foundation; UNICEF; Ministry of Health, MOH; Vital Strategies in the development of initial study design |
Funding text 1: Funding was provided by Clarios Foundation through \u201CProtecting Every Child\u2019s Potential\u201D which was initiated by Pure Earth, UNICEF and Clarios Foundation. It is a public - private partnership to raise awareness and mitigate health impacts due to lead exposure. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of | |
1470 |
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2211 |
90 |
37085506800 |
Muchtaruddin Mansyur |
Prof. dr. Muchtaruddin Mansyur, M.S., Sp.OK., Ph.D. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Determinant Factors of Children's Blood Lead Levels in Java, Indonesia |
2024 |
Mansyur M.; Fitriani D.Y.; Prayogo A.; Mutiara A.; Asep; Fadhillah R.; Aini R.; Putri W.W.; Ramadhani S.E.F.; Rubaya A.K.; Windarso S.E.; Santjoko H.; Sudaryanto S.; Haryono; Susilorini B.; Hariojati N.; Rodriguez A.; Bose-O'Reilly S. |
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health |
0 |
Clarios Foundation; UNICEF; Ministry of Health, MOH; Vital Strategies in the development of initial study design |
Funding text 1: Funding was provided by Clarios Foundation through \u201CProtecting Every Child\u2019s Potential\u201D which was initiated by Pure Earth, UNICEF and Clarios Foundation. It is a public - private partnership to raise awareness and mitigate health impacts due to lead exposure. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of | |
1470 |
Q1 |
2211 |
90 |
57224589606 |
Dewi Yunia Fitriani |
dr. Dewi Yunia Fitriani, S.Ked., Sp.Ok. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Determinant Factors of Children's Blood Lead Levels in Java, Indonesia |
2024 |
Mansyur M.; Fitriani D.Y.; Prayogo A.; Mutiara A.; Asep; Fadhillah R.; Aini R.; Putri W.W.; Ramadhani S.E.F.; Rubaya A.K.; Windarso S.E.; Santjoko H.; Sudaryanto S.; Haryono; Susilorini B.; Hariojati N.; Rodriguez A.; Bose-O'Reilly S. |
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health |
0 |
Clarios Foundation; UNICEF; Ministry of Health, MOH; Vital Strategies in the development of initial study design |
Funding text 1: Funding was provided by Clarios Foundation through \u201CProtecting Every Child\u2019s Potential\u201D which was initiated by Pure Earth, UNICEF and Clarios Foundation. It is a public - private partnership to raise awareness and mitigate health impacts due to lead exposure. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of | |
1470 |
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2211 |