No records
35 |
56267405900 |
Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih |
Dr. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpRM (K)., M.Sc. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi |
Rehabilitasi Medik (Sp-1) |
Exploring the potential benefits of anthocyanins for individuals with cerebral small vessel disease |
2024 |
Mesiano T.; Rasyid A.; Gayatri A.; Kusumaningsih W.; Witjaksono F.; Herqutanto; Amalia L.; Andarwulan N.; Harris S. |
Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery |
0 |
Doctoral Program in Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia |
This work was supported by Doctoral Program in Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. | |
299 |
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15157 |
305 |
23478815100 |
Luh Karunia Wahyuni |
dr. Luh Karunia Wahyuni, SpRM |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi |
Rehabilitasi Medik (Sp-1) |
Risk of dysphagia in a population of infants born pre-term: characteristic risk factors in a tertiary NICU |
2024 |
Dewi D.J.; Rachmawati E.Z.K.; Wahyuni L.K.; Hsu W.-C.; Tamin S.; Yunizaf R.; Prihartono J.; Iskandar R.A.T.P. |
Jornal de Pediatria |
0 |
Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia, DRPM UI, (NKB-1399/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022) |
This research is funded by the Directorate of Research and Development, Universitas Indonesia under Hibah PUTI 2022 (Grant no. NKB-1399/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022 ). | |
713 |
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6957 |
435 |
56267405900 |
Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih |
Dr. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpRM (K)., M.Sc. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi |
Rehabilitasi Medik (Sp-1) |
Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate approach to develop a pelvic floor muscle training guidebook to treat stress urinary incontinence in women |
2024 |
Hakim S.; Santoso B.I.; Rahardjo H.E.; Setiati S.; Kusumaningsih W.; Erwinanto; Prihartono J.; Ibrahim N.; Indriatmi W. |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Science |
0 |
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551 |
Q2 |
9385 |
457 |
56267405900 |
Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih |
Dr. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpRM (K)., M.Sc. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi |
Rehabilitasi Medik (Sp-1) |
Technological acceptance and features needed in mobile health apps development for people living with dementia and their caregivers in Indonesia |
2024 |
Nasrun M.W.S.; Kusumaningrum P.; Malik K.; Kusumaningsih W.; Harimurti K.; Prawiroharjo P.; Mardhiyah F.S.; Matanta R.H.; Lalenoh L.A.P.; Kiasati S.K. |
Informatics for Health and Social Care |
0 |
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736 |
Q1 |
6676 |
No records
89 |
6504653529 |
Arry Rodjani |
dr. Arry Rodjani, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Comparison of scrotal and inguinal orchiopexy for palpable undescended testis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
2024 |
Wahyudi I.; Raharja P.A.R.; Situmorang G.R.; Rodjani A. |
Pediatric Surgery International |
0 |
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575 |
Q2 |
8996 |
21 |
6506558321 |
Chaidir Arif Mochtar |
Prof. Dr. dr. Chaidir Arif Mochtar, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Penile carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 93 patients at a tertiary care center in Jakarta, Indonesia |
2024 |
Manurung M.A.; Umbas R.; Hamid A.R.A.H.; Mochtar C.A. |
International Journal of Urology |
2 |
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694 |
Q2 |
7174 |
75 |
6506558321 |
Chaidir Arif Mochtar |
Prof. Dr. dr. Chaidir Arif Mochtar, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Prevalence of burnout among urologist and its risk factors in Indonesia |
2024 |
Rustandi R.; Rahman F.; Manduaru R.; Mochtar C.A. |
African Journal of Urology |
0 |
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185 |
Q3 |
19959 |
192 |
6506558321 |
Chaidir Arif Mochtar |
Prof. Dr. dr. Chaidir Arif Mochtar, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
CD44 and CD133 protein expression might serve as a prognostic factor for early occurrence castration-resistant prostate cancer |
2024 |
Dwina Y.; Zaid L.S.M.; Saraswati M.; Rachmadi L.; Kekalih A.; Rahadiani N.; Louisa M.; Agustina H.; Mochtar C.A.; Hamid A.R.A.H. |
Prostate |
0 |
International Research Collaboration Project Universitas Indonesia |
The authors acknowledge Citara Tri Utami, Kendra Nugraha, and Rosemarie Edgina for the data collection; Grace E. R. Sigumonrong, Wening Dewi Hapsari, and Prio Wibisono for providing medical writing support; and Irawan Ardiyanto Pamungkas for his immunohistochemistry staining skills. This research received a grant from the International Research Collaboration Project Universitas Indonesia. | |
1015 |
Q1 |
4125 |
40 |
6504153311 |
Ponco Birowo |
Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U., Ph.D. |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Bilateral corpus cavernosum abscess: a case report and a review of the literature |
2024 |
Steven; Rasyid N.; Birowo P.; Seno D.W.H.; Aulia I.; Atmoko W. |
African Journal of Urology |
0 |
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185 |
Q3 |
19959 |
82 |
6504153311 |
Ponco Birowo |
Prof. dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U., Ph.D. |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Evaluation of CHD5, H3K9me3, and H4K12ac in Human Testes with Spermatogenic Maturation Arrest: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2024 |
Paisal P.; Pujianto D.A.; Kusmardi K.; Birowo P.; Asmarinah |
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility |
0 |
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-757/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020) |
Funding text 1: The authors would like to thank Universitas Indonesia for funding this research through Hibah PUTI (Grant No. NKB-757/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020). We would also like to thank LPDP from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia for supporting the publication of this manuscript. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.; Funding text 2: The authors would like to thank Univ | |
536 |
Q2 |
9685 |