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158 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Correlation between Hemophilia Early Arthropathy Detection with Ultrasound (HEAD-US) score and Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) in patients with hemophilic arthropathy |
Prasetyo M., Moniqa R., Tulaar A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
Q1 |
336 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Serious fungal disease incidence and prevalence in Indonesia |
Wahyuningsih R., Adawiyah R., Sjam R., Prihartono J., Ayu Tri Wulandari E., Rozaliyani A., Ronny R., Imran D., Tugiran M., Siagian F.E., Denning D.W. |
Mycoses |
Q1 |
427 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Novel retinal findings in β-thalassemia major: older age and higher ferritin level as the risk factors |
Kurnia K.H., Elvioza, Sidik M., Sari T.T., Prihartono J., Sitorus R.S. |
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology |
Q1 |
450 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Ultrasonography evaluation of the normal ulnar nerve in adult: Comparison of the cross-sectional area at elbow extension and flexion |
Prasetyo M., Rahardja R.R., Yanuar A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
European Journal of Radiology Open |
Q3 |
465 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage in Indonesia infants and toddlers post-PCV13 vaccination in a 2+1 schedule: A prospective cohort study |
Prayitno A., Supriyatno B., Munasir Z., Karuniawati A., Hadinegoro S.R.S., Prihartono J., Safari D., Sundoro J., Khoeri M.M. |
Q1 |
86 |
57205444996 |
Guritno Suryokusumo |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Effect of acute submaximal physical exercise before decompression dive on tumor necrosis factor alpha concentration among male trained divers |
Chikih C., Suryokusumo G., Sulistomo A. |
International Journal of Public Health Science |
#N/A |
462 |
36497482500 |
Grace Wangge |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
57 |
56586245200 |
Levina Chandra Khoe |
dr. Levina Chandra Khoe, M.P.H. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Economic Evaluation of Adding Bevacizumab to Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC) Patients in Indonesia |
Kristin E., Endarti D., Khoe L.C., Taroeno-Hariadi K.W., Trijayanti C., Armansyah A., Sastroasmoro S. |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention |
Q2 |
375 |
56586245200 |
Levina Chandra Khoe |
dr. Levina Chandra Khoe, M.P.H. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Good Knowledge but Poor Practice Toward COVID-19 Among Indonesian Youth |
Fuady A., Khoe L.C., Azzahra T.B., Lestari H.M., Sutanto R.L., Yo E.C., Suryoadji K.A., Sudarsono N.C., Findyartini A. |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health |
Q2 |
68 |
57224589606 |
Dewi Yunia Fitriani |
dr. Dewi Yunia Fitriani, S.Ked., Sp.Ok. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Assessing webinar outcomes for health professionals: A perspective from Indonesia during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic |
Yo E.C., Witjaksono A.N., Fitriani D.Y., Werdhani R.A., Parikesit D. |
Korean Journal of Medical Education |
Q4 |