No records
307 |
55201904000 |
Siti Rizny Fitriana Saldi |
Siti Rizny Fitriana Saldi, Apt, MSc |
Survival, stent patency, and cost-effectiveness of plastic biliary stent versus metal biliary stent for palliation in malignant biliary obstruction in a developing country tertiary hospital |
Farani M., Saldi S.R.F., Maulahela H., Abdullah M., Syam A.F., Makmum D. |
JGH Open |
Q3 |
463 |
55201904000 |
Siti Rizny Fitriana Saldi |
Siti Rizny Fitriana Saldi, Apt, MSc |
Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage and antibiotic susceptibility among Indonesian pilgrims during the Hajj pilgrimage in 2015 |
Harimurti K., Saldi S.R.F., Dewiasty E., Alfarizi T., Dharmayuli M., Khoeri M.M., Paramaiswari W.T., Salsabila K., Tafroji W., Halim C., Jiang Q., Gamil A., Safari D. |
Q1 |
No records
201 |
55213290600 |
Tri Kurniawati |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Rod and screw corrective manipulation technique, an alternative technique for rigid and severe scoliosis correction management |
Rahyussalim A.J., Marsetio A.F., Kurniawati T. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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290 |
55213290600 |
Tri Kurniawati |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Allogeneic umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells for treating critical-sized bone defects: a translational study |
Dilogo I.H., Rahmatika D., Pawitan J.A., Liem I.K., Kurniawati T., Kispa T., Mujadid F. |
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology |
Q1 |
349 |
55213290600 |
Tri Kurniawati |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells as critical COVID-19 adjuvant therapy: A randomized controlled trial |
Dilogo I.H., Aditianingsih D., Sugiarto A., Burhan E., Damayanti T., Sitompul P.A., Mariana N., Antarianto R.D., Liem I.K., Kispa T., Mujadid F., Novialdi N., Luviah E., Kurniawati T., Lubis A.M.T., Rahmatika D. |
Stem Cells Translational Medicine |
Q1 |
414 |
55213290600 |
Tri Kurniawati |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, Degradation Rate, and Biocompatibility of Magnesium-Carbonate Apatite (Mg-Co3Ap) Composite and Its Potential as Biodegradable Orthopaedic Implant Base Material |
Rahyussalim A.J., Marsetio A.F., Kamal A.F., Supriadi S., Setyadi I., Pribadi P.M., Mubarok W., Kurniawati T. |
Journal of Nanomaterials |
Q2 |
No records
340 |
55221773800 |
Fariz Nurwidya |
dr. Fariz Nurwidya, Ph.D. |
Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi |
Ilmu Gizi (S3) |
Hyperinflammation syndrome in covid-19 disease: Pathogenesis and potential immunomodulatory agents [Covid-19 hastalığında hiperenflamasyon sendromu: Patogenez ve potansiyel immünomodülatuvar ajanlar] |
Hidayat M., Handayani D., Nurwidya F., Andarini S.L. |
Turkish Journal of Immunology |
Q4 |
468 |
55221773800 |
Fariz Nurwidya |
dr. Fariz Nurwidya, Ph.D. |
Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi |
Ilmu Gizi (S3) |
Diagnostic predictors of active tuberculosis infection in diabetic patients with latent tuberculosis: A review on cathelicidin and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 |
Arliny Y., Yunus F., Burhan E., Andarini S., Jusman S.W.A., Yunir E., Kekalih A., Soeroton A.Y., Nurwidya F. |
Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine |
Q3 |
No records
106 |
55240204000 |
Riwanti Estiasari |
Dr. dr. Riwanti Estiasari, Sp.S. |
Departemen Neurologi |
Neurologi (Sp-1) |
Improving host-directed therapy for tuberculous meningitis by linking clinical and multi-omics data |
van Crevel R., Avila-Pacheco J., Thuong N.T.T., Ganiem A.R., Imran D., Hamers R.L., Alisjahbana B., Dian S., Estiasari R., Tram T.T.B., Vinh D.N., Hai H.T., Donovan J., Ardiansyah E., Koeken V., Kumar V., Netea M.G., van Laarhoven A., Clish C., Thwaites G., The ULTIMATE consortium |
Tuberculosis |
Q2 |
122 |
55240204000 |
Riwanti Estiasari |
Dr. dr. Riwanti Estiasari, Sp.S. |
Departemen Neurologi |
Neurologi (Sp-1) |
Understanding the effects of CMV on γδ T-cell populations in HIV patients starting antiretroviral therapy |
Ariyanto I.A., Lee S., Estiasari R., Edmands J., Bela B., Soebandrio A., Price P. |
Clinical Immunology |
Q2 |