Publikasi Scopus 2024 per tanggal 30 September 2024 (820 artikel)

Chikih C.; Kekalih A.; Kurniarobbi J.; Vidiawati D.; Menaldi A.; Junaidi J.; Rahadian B.
Chikih, Chikih (57222637163); Kekalih, Aria (55633562200); Kurniarobbi, Jull (57192892495); Vidiawati, Dhanasari (57191360812); Menaldi, Adhityawarman (57220860256); Junaidi, Junaidi (57224822252); Rahadian, Bayu (58925831400)
57222637163; 55633562200; 57192892495; 57191360812; 57220860256; 57224822252; 58925831400
Adaptation of the Oslo Sports Injury and Health Problems Questionnaire to the Bahasa Version and Its Application for Athletes Surveillance
Sport Mont
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Sports Medicine Residency Training Program, Jakarta, Indonesia; University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Jakarta, Indonesia; University of Indonesia, Center for Sports and Exercise Studies Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia; University of Indonesia, Faculty of Psychology, Depok, Indonesia; Jakarta State University, Post Graduate Program, Jakarta, Indonesia; Cibubur Youth Athlete Sports Center, Cibubur, Indonesia
Chikih C., University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Sports Medicine Residency Training Program, Jakarta, Indonesia, University of Indonesia, Center for Sports and Exercise Studies Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia; Kekalih A., University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Jakarta, Indonesia; Kurniarobbi J., University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Jakarta, Indonesia, University of Indonesia, Center for Sports and Exercise Studies Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia; Vidiawati D., University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Jakarta, Indonesia; Menaldi A., University of Indonesia, Faculty of Psychology, Depok, Indonesia; Junaidi J., Jakarta State University, Post Graduate Program, Jakarta, Indonesia; Rahadian B., Cibubur Youth Athlete Sports Center, Cibubur, Indonesia
The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) questionnaire on injuries and health problems is one of the recommended methods for monitoring athletes’ health problems, but until now it has not been available and validated in a Bahasa version. This study aims to develop the OSTRC Questionnaire into Bahasa and assess its application in adolescent athlete surveillance. The research process is divided into two stages; The adaptation and validity assessment according to ISPOR rules involving 42 adolescent athletes for 2 weeks and the second stage is 8 weeks of surveillance involving 46 adolescent athletes. Results of the analysis found that the Bahasa version of the OSLO Questionnaire for shoulder, knee, ankle, and health problems has good validity and reliability with Cronbach-α 0.905, 0.940, 0.933, and 0.840 respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient for health problems was 0.905, the shoulder region was 0.94, the knee region was 0.933 and the ankle region was 0.840, with all p-values <0.001. The sensitivity of the health problems questionnaire reached 97.6% and specificity 99.4%, while the sensitivity of the injury questionnaire reached 100% and specificity reached 99.4%. The Bahasa version of OSLO Sports Trauma Research Center Injury and Health Problems is valid and reliable and shows high sensitivity and specificity to detect and separate athletes with injuries or health problems. © 2024 Montenegrin Sports Academy. All rights reserved.
adolescent athlete; health surveillance; injury; injury surveillance; OSTRC Bahasa Version
Montenegrin Sports Academy