No records
416 |
Cynthia; Immanuel S.; Setiabudhy R.D. |
Cynthia (58975936300); Immanuel, Suzanna (12777341300); Setiabudhy, Rahajuningsih Dharma (57208596370) |
Procoagulant Phospholipid Activity and MPV Values in Acute Ischemic Stroke |
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory |
0 |
Laboratory of Clinical Pathology and Blood Bank, Mahar Mardjono National Brain Center Hospital, East Jakarta, Indonesia; Resident of Clinical Pathology Consultant Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universityoflndonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
432 |
Ludong M.; Sukartini N.; Indrasari N.; Wulandari D. |
Ludong, Marina (57192890017); Sukartini, Ninik (6505680329); Indrasari, Nuri Dyah (6506289872); Wulandari, Dewi (57204024903) |
Detecting Iron Deficiency Anemia in Type C Hospital: Role of RDW and MCV Parameters |
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory |
0 |
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
449 |
Pasaribu M.M.; Istiqomah D.N.; Wulandari D. |
Pasaribu, Merci M. (57391787700); Istiqomah, Dina N. (58976215800); Wulandari, Dewi (57204024903) |
Detection of Partial Central Diabetes Insipidus in Limited Resource Setting |
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory |
0 |
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
618 |
Laurentius A.; Siagian S.N. |
Laurentius, Andrea (57213147353); Siagian, Sisca Natalia (57214134720) |
Management of arrhythmia in chronic heart failure |
Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Management of Chronic Heart Failure |
0 |
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
623 |
Fuady A.; Arifin B.; Yunita F.; Rauf S.; Fitriangga A.; Sugiharto A.; Yani F.F.; Nasution H.S.; Putra I.W.G.A.E.; Mansyur M.; Wingfield T. |
Fuady, Ahmad (37085331400); Arifin, Bustanul (57212104215); Yunita, Ferdiana (58159036800); Rauf, Saidah (56704732500); Fitriangga, Agus (57219963716); Sugiharto, Agus (57204117635); Yani, Finny Fitry (57194206863); Nasution, Helmi Suryani (58158477500); Putra, I. Wayan Gede Artawan Eka (58201969100); Mansyur, Muchtaruddin (37085506800); Wingfield, Tom (36464537800) |
Stigma, depression, quality of life, and the need for psychosocial support among people with tuberculosis in Indonesia: A multi-site cross-sectional study |
PLOS Global Public Health |
2 |
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Primary Health Care Research and Innovation Center, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar, Indonesia; Unit of Global Health, Department of Health Sciences, University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), Groningen, Netherlands; Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gunadarma, Depok, Indonesia; Department of Nursing, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia; Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tanjungpura, West Kalimantan, Pontianak, Indonesia; Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas, West Sumatera, Padang, Indonesia; Department of Paediatric, Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital, West Sumatera, Padang, Indonesia; Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia; Department of Public Health and Prevention Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana, Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia; Department of Clinical Sciences and International Public Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom; Department of Global Public Health, WHO Collaborating Centre on Tuberculosis and Social Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Tropical and Infectious Disease Unit, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust, Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom |
#N/A |
645 |
Mendel B. |
Mendel, Brian (57221914088) |
Congenital heart diseases |
Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Management of Chronic Heart Failure |
0 |
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Sultan Sulaiman Government Hospital, North Sumatera, Indonesia; Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
658 |
Adi N.P.; Pahlavie B.M.; Mori K. |
Adi, Nuri Purwito (57023786200); Pahlavie, Bonnie Medina (58990570000); Mori, Koji (35375268300) |
Expansion of basic occupational health service through public health center: policy and practice from Indonesia |
Environmental and Occupational Health Practice |
0 |
Department of Occupational Health Practice and Management, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan, Kitakyushu, Japan; Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; District Health Office, Provincial Government of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia; Occupational Medicine Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
#N/A |
681 |
Zaragita N.; Zhou S.; Nugroho S.W.; Kaliaperumal C. |
Zaragita, Nadya (57483465700); Zhou, Stefano (59141767800); Nugroho, Setyo Widi (57516346400); Kaliaperumal, Chandrasekaran (16316347900) |
Breaking boundaries in neurosurgery through art and technology: A historical perspective |
Brain and Spine |
0 |
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia – Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Indonesia; Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Department of Neurosurgery, The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
#N/A |
No records
212 |
Amalia M.; Saputri F.C.; Sauriasari R.; Widyantoro B. |
Amalia, Muttia (57201697619); Saputri, Fadlina Chany (45561842900); Sauriasari, Rani (16246507200); Widyantoro, Bambang (35286148600) |
Cholesterol low density lipoprotein associations with complete blood count parameters in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease patients |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
0 |
Doctoral Program, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia; Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia; Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia; Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia - National Cardiovascular Center, Harapan Kita, Jakarta, 11420, Indonesia |
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316 |
Ardianov M.F.; Prabowo Y.; Supriadi S.; Mathar P.R.; Kamal A.F. |
Ardianov, Mohamad Fadhil (57208439269); Prabowo, Yogi (56682042400); Supriadi, Sugeng (16040272500); Mathar, Pelangi Raihan (58951894800); Kamal, Achmad Fauzi (56648996700) |
Virtual Three-Dimensional Kinematics Comparison between Normal Healthy Knee and Tumor-Suffered Knee Post Resection with Mega Prosthesis Reconstructed |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
0 |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia; Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jl. Salemba Raya No 6, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia; Research Center for Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia |
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