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Agung, Fransisca Handy (36488930100); Sekartini, Rini (50162572300); Sudarsono, Nani Cahyani (57201862518); Hendarto, Aryono (57204142249); Werdhani, Retno Asti (57189088848); Pudjiati, Sri Retno (58909932500); Hanum, Lathifah (55606285800); Naufal, Affan (58766280400); Sawyer, Susan M (7103253172) |
Development and validation of the adolescent behavioural change Counselling Assessment Tool in Indonesia |
BMC Health Services Research |
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Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.20, Bencongan, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten, 15810, Indonesia; Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jl. Salemba Raya No.6 Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia; Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No.6 Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia; Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI, West Java, Depok, Indonesia; Balaraja Distric Hospital, Jl. Rumah Sakit No 88, Balaraja, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia; Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, 50 Flemington Rd, Parkville, 3052, VIC, Australia |
Maternal Health; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (00/2022, NKB–434/UN2, RST/ HKP.05); Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia |
Funding text 1: The authors thank the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the director and the staff of The Directorate of Nutrition, Child and Maternal Health, the provincial health offices from 17 provinces and the clinical psychology team whose expertise greatly contributed to this assessment tool (Dian Oriza, Annisa Rahmalia, Utari Krisnamurthi, Sri Wulandari, Fina Dwi |
BioMed Central Ltd |
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