No records
519 |
Association between convalescent plasma and the risk of mortality among patients with COVID-19: A meta-analysis |
Wardhani S.O., Fajar J.K., Wulandari L., Soegiarto G., Purnamasari Y., Asmiragani A., Maliga H.A., Ilmawan M., Seran G., Iskandar D.S., Ndapa C.E., Hamat V., Wahyuni R.A., Cyntia L.O.S., Maarang F.M., Beo Y.A., Adar O.A., Rakhmadhan I.M., Shantikaratri E.T., Putri A.S.D., Wahdini R., Broto E.P., Suwanto A.W., Tamara F., Mahendra A.I., Winoto E.S., Krisna P.A., Harapan H. |
F1000Research |
1 |
Q1 |
523 |
Reverse Transcriptase Loop Mediated Isothermal AmplifiCation (RT-LAMP) for COVID-19 diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Subali A.D., Wiyono L. |
Pathogens and Global Health |
1 |
Q1 |
587 |
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1 |
Autophagy |
115 |
Q1 |
590 |
Hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: Incidence, risk factors, and pathogenesis - a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Syahrul S., Maliga H.A., Ilmawan M., Fahriani M., Mamada S.S., Fajar J.K., Frediansyah A., Syahrul F.N., Imran I., Haris S., Rambe A.S., Emran T.B., Rabaan A.A., Tiwari R., Dhama K., Nainu F., Mutiawati E., Harapan H. |
F1000Research |
7 |
Q1 |
644 |
Proximal fibular osteotomy for the management of medial compartment knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
Sugianto J.A., Hadipranata T., Lazarus G., Amrullah A.H. |
Knee |
2 |
Q1 |
No records
167 |
56685900600 |
Ria Margiana |
Dr.dr. Ria Margiana, M.Biomed. |
Departemen Anatomi |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Comparison of decomposition rate of hind limbs of preserved mice with ethanol-glycerin and formaldehyde of advanced fixative solution |
Wijaya A.N., Margiana R., Kusumaningtyas S., Furqonita D. |
Anatomy and Cell Biology |
Q2 |
440 |
55776482300 |
Pudji Sari |
Dr.Dra. Pudji Sari, M.S. |
Departemen Biologi Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Histological Analysis of Bone Callus in Delayed Union Model Fracture Healing Stimulated with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) |
Umiatin U., Hadisoebroto Dilogo I., Sari P., Kusuma Wijaya S. |
Scientifica |
Q2 |
122 |
36769252100 |
Vivian Soetikno |
dr. Vivian, Sp.FK, Ph.D. |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Development of rat metabolic syndrome models: A review |
Gunawan S., Aulia A., Soetikno V. |
Veterinary World |
Q2 |
122 |
57201441066 |
Ahmad Aulia |
dr. Ahmad Aulia, Ph.D. |
Departemen Histologi |
Akupunktur Medik (Sp-1) |
Development of rat metabolic syndrome models: A review |
Gunawan S., Aulia A., Soetikno V. |
Veterinary World |
Q2 |
456 |
6504653529 |
Arry Rodjani |
dr. Arry Rodjani, SpU |
Departemen Urologi |
Urologi (Sp-1) |
Minimal invasive treatment in pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: A comprehensive review |
Wahyudi I., Tendi W., Rahman F., Situmorang G.R., Rodjani A. |
Research and Reports in Urology |
Q2 |