Publikasi Scopus 2024 Per Dept/Prodi, 707 artikel (Per 31 Agustus 2024)

Exploring Indonesian actinomycete extracts for anti-tubercular compounds: Integrating inhibition assessment, genomic analysis, and prediction of its target by molecular docking
Nurkanto A.; Masrukhin; Erdian Tampubolon J.C.; Ewaldo M.F.; Putri A.L.; Ratnakomala S.; Setiawan R.; Fathoni A.; Palupi K.D.; Rahmawati Y.; Waluyo D.; Prabandari E.E.; Pujiyanto S.; Sumii Y.; Agusta A.; Shibata N.; Matsumoto S.; Nozaki T.
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED; Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA; Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development, SATREPS; Priority grant of Drug and Vaccine by Research Organization for Health BRIN; Reset Inovasi Untuk Indonesia Maju, Rispro LPDP Indonesia, (RIIM-B-803/II.7.5/FR/6/2022, B-1373/III.5/PR.03.08/6/2022)
This work was supported in part by a grant from Reset Inovasi Untuk Indonesia Maju, Rispro LPDP Indonesia (RIIM-B-803/II.7.5/FR/6/2022 and B-1373/III.5/PR.03.08/6/2022) and Priority grant of Drug and Vaccine by Research Organization for Health BRIN (DIPA). This research was also supported by Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) from the Japan Agency for