No records
81 |
55644113100 |
Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti |
Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Sp.K.J.(K). |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
Responding to COVID-19: Emerging Practices in Addiction Medicine in 17 Countries |
Scheibein F., Stowe M.J., Arya S., Morgan N., Shirasaka T., Grandinetti P., Saad N.A., Ghosh A., Vadivel R., Ratta-apha W., Pant S.B., Ransing R., Ramalho R., Bruschi A., Maiti T., HA A.Y., Delic M., Jain S., Peyron E., Siste K., Onoria J., Boujraf S., Dannatt L., Schellekens A., Calvey T. |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
Q1 |
86 |
55644113100 |
Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti |
Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Sp.K.J.(K). |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
The Impact of Stigma on Treatment Services for People With Substance Use Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Perspectives of NECPAM Members |
Dannatt L., Ransing R., Calvey T., Scheibein F., Saad N.A., Shirasaka T., Ramalho R., Pant S., Vadivel R., Siste K., Stowe M.J., Kalita K.N., Boujraf S., Testa R., Arya S., Morgan N., Grandinetti P. |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
Q1 |
93 |
55644113100 |
Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti |
Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Sp.K.J.(K). |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
Ascending Pattern of Alcohol Use and Underage Drinking in Asia: A Commentary on the Article by Assanangkornchai and Vichitkunakorn (2020) |
Siste K., Sen L.T. |
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research |
Q1 |
124 |
55644113100 |
Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti |
Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Sp.K.J.(K). |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
Alcohol- and Cigarette-Use Related Behaviors During Quarantine and Physical Distancing Amid COVID-19 in Indonesia |
Hanafi E., Siste K., Limawan A.P., Sen L.T., Christian H., Murtani B.J., Adrian, Siswidiani L.P., Suwartono C. |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
Q1 |
294 |
55644113100 |
Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti |
Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, Sp.K.J.(K). |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
Expert appraisal of criteria for assessing gaming disorder: an international Delphi study |
Castro-Calvo J., King D.L., Stein D.J., Brand M., Carmi L., Chamberlain S.R., Demetrovics Z., Fineberg N.A., Rumpf H.-J., Yücel M., Achab S., Ambekar A., Bahar N., Blaszczynski A., Bowden-Jones H., Carbonell X., Chan E.M.L., Ko C.-H., de Timary P., Dufour M., Grall-Bronnec M., Lee H.K., Higuchi S., Jimenez-Murcia S., Király O., Kuss D.J., Long J., Müller A., Pallanti S., Potenza M.N., Rahimi-Movaghar A., Saunders J.B., Schimmenti A., Lee S.-Y., Siste K., Spritzer D.T., Starcevic V., Weinstein A.M., Wölfling K., Billieux J. |
Addiction |
2 |
Q1 |
39 |
57196216137 |
Martina W Nasrun |
Dr.dr. Martina W Nasrun, SpKJ(K) |
Departemen Psikiatri |
Kedokteran Jiwa Sp II (Sp-2) |
Internet addiction in adolescents: Development and validation of Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (KDAI) |
Siste K., Wiguna T., Bardasono S., Sekartini R., Pandelaki J., Sarasvita R., Suwartono C., Murtani B.J., Damayanti R., Christian H., Sen L.T., Nasrun M.W. |
Psychiatry Research |
Q1 |
No records
272 |
57189088848 |
Retno Asti Werdhani |
Dr.dr. Retno Asti Werdhani, M.Epid. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
128 |
57202805330 |
Dewi Friska |
dr. Dewi Friska, M.K.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Shaping effective communication skills in first-year medical students through community diagnosis exercise |
Joe Grizella Runtu F.M., Ardhia S.H., Lokeswara A.W., Friska D. |
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
Q3 |
130 |
57202805330 |
Dewi Friska |
dr. Dewi Friska, M.K.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Protein intake and number of children associated with nutritional status |
Damayanti R., Wiratama Natsir M.P., Annisa I., Trianto D.M., Sungkar S., Friska D. |
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
Q3 |
131 |
57202805330 |
Dewi Friska |
dr. Dewi Friska, M.K.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Emotional readiness and weight consequences evaluation for behavioural modification of obese adolescence in Jakarta-Indonesia |
Kekalih A., Friska D., Nabila D., Putra Harimurti M.E. |
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
Q3 |