Publikasi Scopus FKUI 2021 per tanggal 4 Januari 2021 (879 artikel)

Moegni F., Kouwagam A.D.
Secondary pyosalpinx after reconstructive surgery of vaginal agenesis patient with bilateral hematosalpinx: A case report
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Urogynecology and Reconstruction Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
Moegni, F., Urogynecology and Reconstruction Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Kouwagam, A.D., Urogynecology and Reconstruction Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
Introduction and importance: Congenital or hypoplasia vaginal agenesis is a very rare condition caused by the failure of developmental Mullerian ducts. The prevalence is 0.001%–0.025% populations. This condition often misdiagnosed because the symptom does not appear. Acute symptoms such as abdominal pain may occur due to the obstruction of retrograde menstrual flow. In this case, we presented a case complex management of vaginal atresia with pyosalpinx, hematometra and bilateral hematosalpinx. Presentation of case: A 12 years old teenager, non-sexually active, complained cyclic abdominal pain that worsening in seven months before admission. Patient never had menstrual blood flow during her life. Patient was diagnosed with hematometra, hematocolpos, bilateral hematosalpinx and distal vaginal agenesis. Amnion graft neovagina was performed. Five days after surgery, patient started to have fever. On the seventh days after surgery, amnion graft was removed. The next two days patient still had fever. Because of continuous fever, patient was test of COVID 19. The result was positive. On the eleventh days after the first surgery, patient complained abdominal pain VAS 3–4. Patient was diagnosed with pyosalpinx by ultrasound examination. Laparotomy was done performing adhesiolysis, bilateral salpingectomy, and omentectomy. Discussion: In our case vaginal reconstruction surgery from vaginal approach has been done without management of the bilateral hematosalpinx because the consideration of small caliber of bilateral hematosalpinx. But then complications were developed when vaginal canal was opened, bilateral hematosalpinx were transformed into bilateral pyosalpinx and continue to developed into bilateral tubal abscess. We assume during this process, the bacteria from vagina could fastly infecting the blood and transformed it into pus and grew until tubal abscess. Conclusion: The surgical intervention in vaginal agenesis must be considered as a treatment and not only focus on the reconstruction. Laparoscopy or laparotomy may offered as options for combination treatment with vaginal approach reconstructive surgery for vaginal agenesis with obstruction complications such as hematometra and hematosalpinx to prevent the worst condition like ascending infection or misdiagnosed other severe conditions. © 2021 The Authors
Case report; Hematosalpinx complication; Neovagina; Secondary pyosalpinx; Vaginal agenesis
antibiotic agent; abdominal pain; abscess; adhesiolysis; amnion graft neovagina; antibiotic therapy; Article; bilateral hematosalpinx; bilateral tubal abscess; case report; child; clinical article; coronavirus disease 2019; echography; female; fever; hematocolpos; hematometra; human; laparotomy; omentectomy; primary amenorrhea; salpingectomy; school child; secondary pyosalpinx; surgical technique; uterine tube disease; vagina aplasia; vagina reconstruction; visual analog scale
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