Publikasi Scopus 2024 Per Dept/Prodi, 607 artikel (Per 31 Juli 2024)

Nina Dwi Putri
Nina Dwi Putri, S.Ked., Sp.A.(K).
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
Profesi Dokter (Profesi)
Gut Microbiota Profile of Infants with Breastfeeding and Mixed Feeding Patterns
Kusumaningrum T.; Tafroji W.; Gultom S.M.; Putri N.D.; Hafifah C.N.; Safari D.
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences
Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation
We dedicated this work to Dr. Nikmah Salamia Idris (Former PI for BRAVO study), who had passed away in 2020–may she rest in peace. We are grateful to the pregnant women for participating in the study, all the BRAVO team, and the staff of the Department of Child Health, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. This study was supported by a grant from the Indonesian Danone Institute Foun