Publikasi Scopus 2024 Per Dept/Prodi, 607 artikel (Per 31 Juli 2024)

Ardi Findyartini
dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D.
Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran
Pendidikan Kedokteran (S2)
“How is social media used for learning?”: relationships between social media use by medical students with their self-regulated learning skills
Findyartini A.; Greviana N.; Hanum C.; Wiyarta E.; Novarianto J.K.; Nugroho Supranoto Y.T.; Rafa Ayusha M.A.; Oktaria D.; Sueningrum A.A.S.A.S.; Pratiwi Y.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Prihanti G.S.; Zhuhra R.T.; Widjaja Y.; Wijaya D.P.; Atta K.
BMC Medical Education
CIMSA; Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022, PUTI Q1 2022); Universitas Indonesia, UI
Funding text 1: The study was funded by Universitas Indonesia (PUTI Q1 2022 Grant number NKB-406/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022). The funding body has no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript. ; Funding text 2: The authors would like to extend our gratitude to all respondents and medical schools involved in this study, especially