Publikasi Scopus 2024 Per Dept/Prodi, 499 artikel (Per 30 Juni 2024)

Ardiana Kusumaningrum
dr. Ardiana Kusumaningrum, Sp.M.K.
Departemen Mikrobiologi
Mikrobiologi (Sp-1)
Clinical presentation, management, and outcome of suspected central nervous system infections in Indonesia: a prospective cohort study
Maharani K.; Dian S.; Ganiem A.R.; Imran D.; Estiasari R.; Ardiansyah E.; Andini P.W.; Kristina F.; Pangeran D.; Chaidir L.; Alisjahbana B.; Rukmana A.; Kusumaningrum A.; Adawiyah R.; Subekti D.; Yunihastuti E.; Yunus R.E.; Waslia L.; van Ingen J.; van Laarhoven A.; Hamers R.L.; van Crevel R.
National Institutes of Health, NIH, (R01AI145781); National Institutes of Health, NIH; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID; Medical Research Council, MRC, (MR/S004963/1); Medical Research Council, MRC
This work was supported by the National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (Grant Number R01AI145781) and Medical Research Council UK (Grant Number MR/S004963/1). This study was carried out as part of the routine work.