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6508327402 |
Soehartati Argadikoesoema |
Prof. Dr. dr. Soehartati Argadikoesoema, SpRad(K), OnkRad |
Departemen Radiologi |
Onkologi Radiasi (Sp-1) |
The potential of gallic acid as a radiosensitizer on human prostate cancer: A systematic review of preclinical studies |
Cahyono A.T., Louisa M., Mayang Permata T.B., Handoko, Nuryadi E., Kodrat H., Wibowo H., Hariandy Hamid A.R.A., Sekarutami S.M., Gondhowiardjo S.A. |
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences |
Q4 |
6508327402 |
Soehartati Argadikoesoema |
Prof. Dr. dr. Soehartati Argadikoesoema, SpRad(K), OnkRad |
Departemen Radiologi |
Onkologi Radiasi (Sp-1) |
Rapid advancement in cancer genomic big data in the pursuit of precision oncology |
Permata T.B.M., Sekarutami S.M., Nuryadi E., Giselvania A., Gondhowiardjo S. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
Q4 |
57222081857 |
Wiji Lestari |
dr. Wiji Lestari, M.Gizi., Sp.G.K. |
Departemen Ilmu Gizi |
Ilmu Gizi (S2) |
Dietary Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids Ratio is Correlated with High Molecular Weight Adiponectin Level in Indonesian Office Workers |
Fabiani H., Mudjihartini N., Lestari W. |
International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases |
Q4 |
57023786200 |
Nuri Purwito Adi |
dr. Nuri Purwito Adi, M.K.K., Sp.Ok. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Okupasi (Sp-1) |
Return to work assessment in a radiographer assistant suffering a hemianopsia due to an ischemic stroke |
Mochtar I., Adi N.P., Hardjono A.W., Mansyur M. |
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences |
Q4 |
57217690943 |
Heri Wibowo |
Dr. Drs. Heri Wibowo, M.S. |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
The potential of gallic acid as a radiosensitizer on human prostate cancer: A systematic review of preclinical studies |
Cahyono A.T., Louisa M., Mayang Permata T.B., Handoko, Nuryadi E., Kodrat H., Wibowo H., Hariandy Hamid A.R.A., Sekarutami S.M., Gondhowiardjo S.A. |
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences |
Q4 |
15122639800 |
Andri Maruli Tua Lubis |
Dr.dr. Andri Maruli Tua Lubis, Sp.OT |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Ilmu Bedah Ortopaedi Sp-1 |
Mini open triple tunnel- double flip button techniques in treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint injuries: Case report |
Deviandri R., Siswanto I.G.M.F., Lubis A.M.T. |
Trauma Case Reports |
Q4 |
19640377300 |
Made Susiyanti |
dr. Made Susiyanti, SpM |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Mata |
Ilmu Penyakit Mata (Sp-1) |
Efficacy of adjuvant intrastromal and combination of intrastromal and intracameral voriconazole in aspergillus fumigatus-induced moderate fungal keratitis in rabbits |
Sarika D.T., Louisa M., Rozaliyani A., Evelina, Susiyanti M. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
Q4 |
32067462200 |
Wawaimuli Arozal |
Dr. dr. Wawaimuli Arozal, M.Biomed., Pharm.D. |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Determine Curcumin Concentration in Organ Rats and in Ovaries at Ovarian Cancer Model Rats Using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Ms)/Ms |
Sandhiutami N.M.D., Arozal W., Louisa M., Rahmat D. |
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia |
Q4 |
35310982200 |
Ening Krisnuhoni |
dr. Ening Krisnuhoni, M.S., SpPA |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Patologi Anatomi (Sp-1) |
Atypical CT and MR imaging of insulinoma: A case report |
Matondang S., Suwita B.M., Budianto T., Krisnuhoni E. |
Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports |
Q4 |
36099320700 |
Septelia Inawati Wanandi |
Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. dr. Septelia Inawati Wanandi, |
Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Elevated extracellular co2 level affects the adaptive transcriptional response and survival of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells toward hypoxia and oxidative stress |
Wanandi S.I., Arumsari S., Afitriyansyah E., Syahrani R.A., Dewantara I.R., Nurachman L.A., Amin I.F., Haryono P.D., Budiman K., Sugiharta A.J., Remedika A.A., Taufikulhakim F.H., Iswanti F.C., Lee J.Y., Banerjee D. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
Q4 |