Publikasi Scopus 2024 Per Dept/Prodi, 233 artikel (Per 31 Maret 2024)

First detection of bovine tuberculosis by Ziehl–Neelsen staining and polymerase chain reaction at dairy farms in the Lekok Sub-District, Pasuruan Regency, and Surabaya region, Indonesia
Desire I.A.; Luqman M.; Puspitasari Y.; Tyasningsih W.; Wardhana D.K.; Meles D.K.; Dhamayanti Y.; Permatasari D.A.; Witaningrum A.M.; Perwitasari A.D.S.; Raharjo H.M.; Ayuti S.R.; Kurniawan S.C.; Kamaruzaman I.N.A.; Silaen O.S.M.
Veterinary World
Universitas Airlangga, UNAIR; Penelitian Dosen Pemula Universitas Airlangga Tahun 2022, (251/UN3/2022)
This study was supported by the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, who provided funding for this study by Penelitian Dosen Pemula Universitas Airlangga Tahun 2022 (Grant number: 251/UN3/2022). The authors would also like to thank the Food Security and Agriculture Departments of Surabaya and Pasuruan for their support and cooperation.