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12776781400 |
Astuti Giantini |
dr. Astuti Giantini, Sp.PK |
Departemen Patologi Klinik |
Patologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Increase in the risk of clopidogrel resistance and consequent TIMI flow impairment by DNA hypomethylation of CYP2C19 gene in STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) |
Sukmawan R., Hoetama E., Suridanda Danny S., Giantini A., Listiyaningsih E., Gilang Rejeki V., Aziz Alkatiri A., Firdaus I. |
Pharmacology Research and Perspectives |
Q1 |
No records
6506273944 |
Badriul Hegar Syarif |
Prof. Dr. dr. Badriul Hegar Syarif, SpA(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (Sp-1) |
The role of soy plant-based formula supplemented with dietary fiber to support children's growth and development: An expert opinion |
Vandenplas Y., Hegar B., Munasir Z., Astawan M., Juffrie M., Bardosono S., Sekartini R., Basrowi R.W., Wasito E. |
Nutrition |
Q2 |
No records
14422648800 |
Bambang Budi Siswanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, SpJP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Potential role of telemedicine in solving ST-segment elevation dilemmas in remote areas during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Pranata R., Tondas A.E., Huang I., Lim M.A., Siswanto B.B., Meyer M., Mitrovic V. |
American Journal of Emergency Medicine |
10 |
Q1 |
14422648800 |
Bambang Budi Siswanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, SpJP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Body mass index and outcome in patients with COVID-19: A dose–response meta-analysis |
Pranata R., Lim M.A., Yonas E., Vania R., Lukito A.A., Siswanto B.B., Meyer M. |
Diabetes and Metabolism |
42 |
Q1 |
14422648800 |
Bambang Budi Siswanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, SpJP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Visceral adiposity, subcutaneous adiposity, and severe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19): Systematic review and meta-analysis |
Pranata R., Lim M.A., Huang I., Yonas E., Henrina J., Vania R., Lukito A.A., Nasution S.A., Alwi I., Siswanto B.B. |
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN |
Q3 |
14422648800 |
Bambang Budi Siswanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, SpJP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in Indonesia: Current status and local application of international guidelines |
Dinarti L.K., Anggrahini D.W., Lilyasari O., Siswanto B.B., Hartopo A.B. |
Global Heart |
Q1 |
14422648800 |
Bambang Budi Siswanto |
Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, SpJP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
Performance of Primary Angioplasty for STEMI during the COVID-19 Outbreak |
Dharma S., Dakota I., Firdaus I., Danny S.S., Zamroni D., Yudha A., Susanto A., Siswanto B.B. |
International Journal of Angiology |
Q3 |
No records
37068046400 |
Bambang Supriyatno |
Prof. DR. dr. Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.A(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (Sp-1) |
Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage in Indonesia infants and toddlers post-PCV13 vaccination in a 2+1 schedule: A prospective cohort study |
Prayitno A., Supriyatno B., Munasir Z., Karuniawati A., Hadinegoro S.R.S., Prihartono J., Safari D., Sundoro J., Khoeri M.M. |
Q1 |