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57211106608 |
Suprayitno Wardoyo |
dr. Suprayitno Wardoyo, Sp.B.T.K.V(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Bedah Torak Kardiovaskuler (Sp-1) |
Perioperative strategy to minimize mortality in neonatal modified Blalock–Taussig–Thomas Shunt: A literature review [Estrategia perioperatoria para minimizar la mortalidad en la derivación neonatal modificada de Blalock-Taussig-Thomas: revisión de la literatura] |
Wardoyo S., Makdinata W., Wijayanto M.A. |
Cirugia Cardiovascular |
Q4 |
56790104300 |
Sonar Soni Panigoro |
Dr. dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, Sp.B. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Ilmu Bedah (Sp-2) |
Five-year cancer epidemiology at the nationa referral hospital: Hospital-based cancer registry data in Indonesia |
Gondhowiardjo S., Christina N., Ganapati N.P.D., Hawariy S., Radityamurti F., Jayalie V.F., Octavianus S., Putra A.P., Sekarutami S.M., Prajogi G.B., Giselvania A., Adham M., Hamid A.R.A.H., Widyastuti E., Prabowo Y., Aninditha T., Purwoto G., Aman R.A., Siregar T.P., Siswoyo A.D., Lisnawati, Handjari D.R., Atmakusuma D., Rajabto W., Mulansari N.A., Ratna N., Pitoyo C.W., Panigoro S.S., Kartini D., Yulian E.D., Andrisa R.S., Jeo W.S., Wardhani R.K., Tambunan T.F.U., Agianda F., Priyambodho |
JCO Global Oncology |
#N/A |
56790104300 |
Sonar Soni Panigoro |
Dr. dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, Sp.B. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Ilmu Bedah (Sp-2) |
Acetic Acid and Iodine Staining for Determining Malignancy in Solid Tumors |
Putri M.I.A., Panigoro S.S., Harahap A.S., Pakasi T.A., Brahma B. |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention |
Q2 |
57219660008 |
I Gusti Ngurah Gunawan Wibisana |
dr. I Gusti Ngurah Gunawan Wibisana, Sp.B(K)Onk |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Forequarter amputation post transarterial chemoembolization and radiation in synovial sarcoma: A case report |
Yulian E.D., Pandelaki J., Kodrat E., Wibisana I.G.N.G. |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Q3 |
57208146721 |
Arinto Bono Adji Hardjosworo |
dr. Arinto Bono Adji Hardjosworo, Sp.B.T.K.V., M.A.R.S |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Bedah Torak Kardiovaskuler (Sp-1) |
Ventricular Septal Rupture Complicating an Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Tanto I.V., Dharma S., Juzar D.A., Bono A.A.H. |
International Journal of Angiology |
Q3 |
57203016968 |
Parintosa Atmodiwirjo |
dr. Parintosa Atmodiwirjo, SpBP-RE(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
The Effect of Perichondrium and Graft Modification on the Viability of Conchal Cartilage Graft: An Experimental Study in Rabbit |
Hapsari N.P., Bangun K., Atmodiwirjo P., Ponco B., Dewi T.I.T., Halim J. |
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |
Q2 |
57208879216 |
Fauriski Febrian Papriska |
dr. Fauriski Febrian Papriska, Sp.U. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Open pyelolithotomy in an ectopic kidney: A case report |
Patandung R., Prapiska F.F., Kadar D.D. |
Urology Case Reports |
Q3 |
57211909508 |
Rio Wikanjaya |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Giant cell tumor of distal ulna treated using en-bloc resection combined with extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris tendon stabilization: A case report |
Solichin I., Martika W., Wikanjaya R. |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Q3 |
57210959510 |
Wildan Latief |
dr. Wildan Latief, Sp.O.T(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Spiral oblique retinacular ligament reconstruction using lateral band technique to treat swan neck deformity due to chronic mallet finger: A case report |
Latief W., Enggra N. |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Q3 |
57214887740 |
Tri Wisesa Soetisna |
Dr. dr. Tri Wisesa Soetisna, SpB., SpBTKV(K)., MARS. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
A new hope of cd133+ bone marrow stem cell for functional exercise capacity improvement in low ejection fraction coronary artery bypass graft patients: A clinical trial |
Soetisna T.W. |
Bali Medical Journal |
#N/A |