No records
603 |
57189057498 |
Muhammad Hanif Nadhif |
ir. Muhammad Hanif Nadhif, ST |
Departemen Fisiologi dan Biofisika Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Computational Analysis of Soft Polymer Lattices for 3D Wound Dressing Materials |
Nadhif M.H., Irsyad M., Utomo M.S., Suhaeri M., Whulanza Y. |
Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
Q3 |
634 |
57189057498 |
Muhammad Hanif Nadhif |
ir. Muhammad Hanif Nadhif, ST |
Departemen Fisiologi dan Biofisika Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
The Role of 3D-Printed Phantoms and Devices for Organ-specified Appliances in Urology |
Agung N.P., Nadhif M.H., Irdam G.A., Mochtar C.A. |
International Journal of Bioprinting |
Q1 |
632 |
57195941841 |
Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan |
dr. Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan, Sp.An(K). |
Departemen Anestesiologi |
Ilmu Anestesi (Sp-1) |
A randomized controlled trial of infraorbital block using ketamine 1% for intra-and postoperative analgesia in children for ambulatory cleft lip correction |
Ramlan A.A.W., Ratnaningrum A., Marsaban A.H.M. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
Q4 |
524 |
57211502355 |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Integration of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Application in Hydroxyapatite-Based Scaffolds in the Treatment of Vertebral Bone Defect due to Spondylitis Tuberculosis: A Translational Study |
Rahyussalim A.J., Nugroho A., Zufar M.L.L., Fathurrahman I., Kurniawati T. |
Stem Cells International |
Q2 |
515 |
57202804092 |
Lis Surachmiati Suseno |
dr. Lis Surachmiati Suseno, Sp.K.K. |
Departemen Dermatologi dan Venerologi |
Dermatologi dan Venerologi (Sp-1) |
Trichloroacetic Acid Peeling for Treating Photoaging: A Systematic Review |
S. Sitohang I.B., Legiawati L., Suseno L.S., Safira F.D. |
Dermatology Research and Practice |
Q3 |
691 |
57202804092 |
Lis Surachmiati Suseno |
dr. Lis Surachmiati Suseno, Sp.K.K. |
Departemen Dermatologi dan Venerologi |
Dermatologi dan Venerologi (Sp-1) |
Acne Vulgaris Mimicking Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus in an Adolescent: Report of a Rare Case |
Sitohang I.B.S., Rheza A.M., Sirait S.P., Fitri E.M., Suseno L.S. |
Case Reports in Dermatology |
Q3 |
652 |
57192180884 |
Aldo Fransiskus Marsetio |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, Degradation Rate, and Biocompatibility of Magnesium-Carbonate Apatite (Mg-Co3Ap) Composite and Its Potential as Biodegradable Orthopaedic Implant Base Material |
Rahyussalim A.J., Marsetio A.F., Kamal A.F., Supriadi S., Setyadi I., Pribadi P.M., Mubarok W., Kurniawati T. |
Journal of Nanomaterials |
Q2 |
698 |
57193342301 |
Ari Prayitno |
dr. Ari Prayitno, Sp.A.(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage in Indonesia infants and toddlers post-PCV13 vaccination in a 2+1 schedule: A prospective cohort study |
Prayitno A., Supriyatno B., Munasir Z., Karuniawati A., Hadinegoro S.R.S., Prihartono J., Safari D., Sundoro J., Khoeri M.M. |
Q1 |
546 |
57210302708 |
Amir Aziz Alkatiri |
dr. Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
The obesity paradox: Effect of body mass index on 2-years clinical outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in Indonesia |
Firman D., Arilaksono D.G., Ambari A.M., Radi B., Indriyani S., Siagian S.N., Pranata R., Alkatiri A.A., Iryuza N., Mangkuanom A.S. |
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences |
Q2 |
514 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Intratumoral and Peritumoral Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and MGMT mRNA Expression in Different Meningioma Histopathological Grade |
Mulyadi R., Hatta M., Islam A.A., Murtala B., Tammase J., Firdaus M., Susanto E., Prihartono J. |
Indonesian Biomedical Journal |
Q4 |