No records
253 |
36902624600 |
Kristaninta Bangun |
Dr.dr. Kristaninta Bangun, Sp.BP |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Bedah Plastik (Sp-1) |
Bone Growth Capacity of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells and BMP-2 Seeded Into Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan/Gelatin Scaffold in Alveolar Cleft Defects: An Experimental Study in Goat |
Bangun K., Sukasah C.L., Dilogo I.H., Indrani D.J., Siregar N.C., Pandelaki J., Iskandriati D., Kekalih A., Halim J. |
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |
Q2 |
663 |
36902624600 |
Kristaninta Bangun |
Dr.dr. Kristaninta Bangun, Sp.BP |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Bedah Plastik (Sp-1) |
The Effect of Perichondrium and Graft Modification on the Viability of Conchal Cartilage Graft: An Experimental Study in Rabbit |
Hapsari N.P., Bangun K., Atmodiwirjo P., Ponco B., Dewi T.I.T., Halim J. |
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |
Q2 |
No records
67 |
36905206100 |
Anwar Santoso |
Dr.dr. Anwar Santoso, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Randomised controlled trial into the role of ramipril in fibrosis reduction in rheumatic heart disease: The RamiRHeD trial protocol |
Ambari A.M., Setianto B., Santoso A., Radi B., Dwiputra B., Susilowati E., Tulrahmi F., Wind A., Cramer M.J.M., Doevendans P. |
BMJ Open |
Q1 |
356 |
36905206100 |
Anwar Santoso |
Dr.dr. Anwar Santoso, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Cardiology trainees' attitudes towards clinical supervision: a scale development study |
Turu' Allo I.J., Santoso A., Findyartini A. |
International journal of medical education |
Q2 |
684 |
36905206100 |
Anwar Santoso |
Dr.dr. Anwar Santoso, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
No records
286 |
36981411100 |
Mohamad Sadikin |
Prof. dr. Mohamad Sadikin, D.Sc. |
Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler |
Ilmu Biomedik (S3) |
Phagocytosis and the antigen-processing abilities of macrophages derived from monocytes in spinal tuberculosis patients |
Putra M.D., Rahyussalim A.J., Jusman S.W.A., Iswanti F.C., Sadikin M. |
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases |
Q3 |
518 |
36981411100 |
Mohamad Sadikin |
Prof. dr. Mohamad Sadikin, D.Sc. |
Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler |
Ilmu Biomedik (S3) |
Oxidative stress in the heart of rats exposed to acute intermittent hypobaric hypoxia |
Dewi S., Sadikin M., Mulyawan W. |
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal |
Q4 |
No records
607 |
37066991400 |
Rahmat Cahyanur |
dr. Rahmat Cahyanur, Sp.P.D. |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp2) |
Diagnostic value of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and D-Dimer as biological markers of deep vein thrombosis in patients presenting with unilateral limb edema |
Rinaldi I., Hamonangan R., Azizi M.S., Cahyanur R., Wirawan F., Fatya A.I., Budiananti A., Winston K. |
Journal of Blood Medicine |
Q3 |
No records
291 |
37067234900 |
Noto Dwimartutie |
Dr.dr. Noto Dwimartutie, SpPD-KGer. |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-1) |
Frailty and Its Associated Risk Factors: First Phase Analysis of Multicentre Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Study |
Setiati S., Soejono C.H., Harimurti K., Dwimartutie N., Aryana I.G.P.S., Sunarti S., Budiningsih F., Mulyana R., Dwipa L., Sudarso A., Rensa R., Istanti R., Azwar M.K., Marsigit J. |
Frontiers in Medicine |
Q1 |