No records
227 |
57189088848 |
Retno Asti Werdhani |
Dr.dr. Retno Asti Werdhani, M.Epid. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Assessing webinar outcomes for health professionals: A perspective from Indonesia during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic |
Yo E.C., Witjaksono A.N., Fitriani D.Y., Werdhani R.A., Parikesit D. |
Korean Journal of Medical Education |
Q4 |
695 |
57189088848 |
Retno Asti Werdhani |
Dr.dr. Retno Asti Werdhani, M.Epid. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Kedokteran Kerja (S2) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |
No records
92 |
55748436600 |
Retno Wahyu Nurhayati |
Retno Wahyu Nurhayati, STP, M.Eng., Ph.D.Eng |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Alginate-chitosan microencapsulated cells for improving cd34+ progenitor maintenance and expansion |
Nurhayati R.W., Cahyo R.D., Pratama G., Anggraini D., Mubarok W., Kobayashi M., Antarianto R.D. |
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) |
Q2 |
423 |
55748436600 |
Retno Wahyu Nurhayati |
Retno Wahyu Nurhayati, STP, M.Eng., Ph.D.Eng |
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering Cluster IMERI |
Biomedical applications of bacterial exopolysaccharides: A review |
Nadzir M.M., Nurhayati R.W., Idris F.N., Nguyen M.H. |
Polymers |
3 |
Q1 |
No records
57 |
6507268400 |
Retno Wahyuningsih |
Prof.Dr.dr. Retno Wahyuningsih, MS, SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Serious fungal disease incidence and prevalence in Indonesia |
Wahyuningsih R., Adawiyah R., Sjam R., Prihartono J., Ayu Tri Wulandari E., Rozaliyani A., Ronny R., Imran D., Tugiran M., Siagian F.E., Denning D.W. |
Mycoses |
Q1 |
146 |
6507268400 |
Retno Wahyuningsih |
Prof.Dr.dr. Retno Wahyuningsih, MS, SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mould infections: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology and the American Society for Microbiology |
Hoenigl M., Salmanton-Garc?a J., Walsh T.J., Nucci M., Neoh C.F., Jenks J.D., Lackner M., Sprute R., Al-Hatmi A.M.S., Bassetti M., Carlesse F., Freiberger T., Koehler P., Lehrnbecher T., Kumar A., Prattes J., Richardson M., Revankar S., Slavin M.A., Stemler J., Spiess B., Taj-Aldeen S.J., Warris A., Woo P.C.Y., Young J.-A.H., Albus K., Arenz D., Arsic-Arsenijevic V., Bouchara J.-P., Chinniah T.R., Chowdhary A., de Hoog G.S., Dimopoulos G., Duarte R.F., Hamal P., Meis J.F., Mfinanga S., Queiroz-Telles F., Patterson T.F., Rahav G., Rogers T.R., Rotstein C., Wahyuningsih R., Seidel D., Cornely O.A. |
The Lancet. Infectious diseases |
18 |
#N/A |
149 |
6507268400 |
Retno Wahyuningsih |
Prof.Dr.dr. Retno Wahyuningsih, MS, SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Molecular typing and antifungal susceptibility study of Aspergillus spp. In intensive care unit (ICU) patients in Indonesia |
Rozaliyani A., Sedono R., Sjam R., Tugiran M., Adawiyah R., Setianingrum F., Jusuf A., Sungkar S., Hagen F., Meis J.F., Wahyuningsih R. |
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries |
Q3 |
318 |
6507268400 |
Retno Wahyuningsih |
Prof.Dr.dr. Retno Wahyuningsih, MS, SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Performance of ldbio aspergillus wb and ict antibody detection in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis |
Rozaliyani A., Setianingrum F., Azahra S., Abdullah A., Fatril A.E., Rosianawati H., Burhan E., Handayani D., Arifin A.R., Zaini J., Tugiran M., Adawiyah R., Syam R., Wibowo H., Wahyuningsih R., Kosmidis C., Denning D.W. |
Journal of Fungi |
Q1 |
566 |
6507268400 |
Retno Wahyuningsih |
Prof.Dr.dr. Retno Wahyuningsih, MS, SpParK |
Departemen Parasitologi |
Touch Biopsy: A Simple and Rapid Method for the Diagnosis of Systemic Mycoses with Skin Dissemination in HIV-Infected Patients |
Wahyuningsih R., Adawiyah R., Hoemardani A.S.D., Sjam R., Yunihastuti E., Imran D., Miranda E., Djauzi S., Tugiran M., Hariadi A., Surja S.S. |
International Journal of Technology |
Q2 |