No records
684 |
56008103000 |
BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro |
dr. BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro, Sp.JP(K). |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
684 |
56221848700 |
Siska Suridanda Danny |
dr. Siska Suridanda Danny, Sp. JP |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
731 |
56543777300 |
Ardi Findyartini |
dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D. |
Departemen Pendidikan Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Kedokteran (S2) |
Twelve tips for developing a global community of scholars in health professions education |
Ramani S., McKimm J., Findyartini A., Nadarajah V.D., Hays R., Chisolm M.S., Filipe H.P., Fornari A., Kachur E.K., Kusurkar R.A., Thampy H., Wilson K.W. |
Medical Teacher |
2 |
Q1 |
716 |
56966625300 |
Kusmardi |
Dr. Drs. Kusmardi, M.S. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Ilmu Biomedik (S3) |
Potential of phaleria macrocarpa leaves ethanol extract to upregulate the expression of caspase-3 in mouse distal colon after dextran sodium sulphate induction |
Kusmardi K., Wiyarta E., Estuningtyas A., Sahar N., Midoen Y.H., Tedjo A. |
Pharmacognosy Journal |
2 |
Q3 |
626 |
57189320451 |
Aryo Tedjo |
Aryo Tedjo, S.Si., M.Si. |
Departemen Kimia |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Xanthine oxidase inhibition in sars-cov-2 infection: The mechanism and potency of allopurinol and febuxostat in covid-19 management |
Pratomo I.P., Ariane A., Tedjo A., Heryanto R., Paramita R.I. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
2 |
Q4 |
716 |
57189320451 |
Aryo Tedjo |
Aryo Tedjo, S.Si., M.Si. |
Departemen Kimia |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Potential of phaleria macrocarpa leaves ethanol extract to upregulate the expression of caspase-3 in mouse distal colon after dextran sodium sulphate induction |
Kusmardi K., Wiyarta E., Estuningtyas A., Sahar N., Midoen Y.H., Tedjo A. |
Pharmacognosy Journal |
2 |
Q3 |
716 |
57197805109 |
Yurnadi |
Dr. Drs. Yurnadi, M.Kes |
Departemen Biologi Kedokteran |
Pendidikan Dokter (S1) |
Potential of phaleria macrocarpa leaves ethanol extract to upregulate the expression of caspase-3 in mouse distal colon after dextran sodium sulphate induction |
Kusmardi K., Wiyarta E., Estuningtyas A., Sahar N., Midoen Y.H., Tedjo A. |
Pharmacognosy Journal |
2 |
Q3 |
554 |
55947833300 |
Johannes Albert Biben |
dr. Johannes Albert Biben, Sp.BP-RE, |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Evaluating the Safety of Intravenous Delivery of Autologous Activated Platelet-rich Plasma |
Karina K., Ekaputri K., Biben J.A., Purwoko R.H., Sibuea T.P., Astuti S.L., Loho A.M., Limengka Y., Nelfidayani, Agustini S., Krisandi G., Maryam A., Rosadi I., Rosliana I., Sobariah S., Subroto W.R., Afini I., Widyastuti T., Zakiyah A., Ernanda D., Aini N., Jusryanti, Sulaeha A.D., Prestiani S.I., Donna I.M., Habibi, Mutiara M.S. |
Journal of Health Sciences |
2 |
Q4 |
716 |
57212464367 |
Nurhuda Sahar |
Ilmu Biomedik (S2) |
Potential of phaleria macrocarpa leaves ethanol extract to upregulate the expression of caspase-3 in mouse distal colon after dextran sodium sulphate induction |
Kusmardi K., Wiyarta E., Estuningtyas A., Sahar N., Midoen Y.H., Tedjo A. |
Pharmacognosy Journal |
2 |
Q3 |
626 |
57192904477 |
Irandi Putra Pratomo |
dr. Irandi Putra Pratomo, Ph.D, Sp.P(K), FAPSR |
Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi |
Ilmu Penyakit Paru (Sp-1) |
Xanthine oxidase inhibition in sars-cov-2 infection: The mechanism and potency of allopurinol and febuxostat in covid-19 management |
Pratomo I.P., Ariane A., Tedjo A., Heryanto R., Paramita R.I. |
Medical Journal of Indonesia |
2 |
Q4 |