No records
448 |
Solichin I., Martika W., Wikanjaya R. |
Giant cell tumor of distal ulna treated using en-bloc resection combined with extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris tendon stabilization: A case report |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Purwokerto Orthopaedics Hospital, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia; Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital ? Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
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Q3 |
449 |
Pontoh L.A., Dilogo I.H., Hartono F., Rhatomy S., Fiolin J. |
Meniscal bearing dislocation following minimally invasive Oxford medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty treated with simple open reduction: Case report |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Fatmawati General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jl. RS Fatmawati no. 4, Jakarta Selatan, 12430, Indonesia; Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Diponegoro no. 71, Jakarta Pusat, 10430, Indonesia; Orthopaedic Center Pantai Indah Kapuk Hospital, Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 3, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta 14460, Indonesia; Orthopaedic Department, Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health of Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Klaten, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Jakarta Knee, Shoulder and Orthopaedic Sport Clinic, Pondok Indah Hospital, Jl. Metro Duta Kav UE, Jakarta, 12310, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
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Q3 |
451 |
Lalisang T.J.M., Situmorang I., Ibrahim F., Widianto P., Marbun V.M.G. |
Management of post-cholecystectomy bile duct injuries without operative mortality at Jakarta tertiary hospital in Indonesia ? A cross-sectional study |
Annals of Medicine and Surgery |
Digestive Surgery Division, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Surgery Department, Pelni Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Surgery Department, Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
Article |
Q3 |
452 |
Verdian H., Dilogo I.H. |
Early total care in polytrauma patient with floating shoulder and occlusion of bilateral subclavian artery: A case report |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
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Q3 |
453 |
Lubis A.M.T., Oktari P.R. |
Arthroscopic Bankart revision using all suture anchor in recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation: A case report |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Department of Orthopedic & Traumatology, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jalan Diponegoro No. 71, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
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Q3 |
454 |
Darwis P., Limengka Y., Muradi A., Telaumbanua R.S., Karina |
Endoluminal dilatation technique to remove stuck hemodialysis tunneled catheter: A case report from Indonesia |
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports |
Vascular and Endovascular Division, Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia /National General Hospital dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Elsevier Ltd |
Article |
Q3 |
458 |
Tedjasukmana D., Triangto K., Radi B. |
Aerobic exercise prescription in heart failure patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy |
Journal of Arrhythmia |
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Wiley-Blackwell |
Review |
Q3 |
463 |
Lisnawati Y., Marianna Y., Rohsiswatmo R. |
Increased levels of umbilical cord blood interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in premature infants of Vitamin D deficient mothers [Peningkatan Kadar Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Darah Tali Pusat dan Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP) pada Bayi Prematur Dari Ibu dengan Defisiensi Vitamin D] |
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Persahabatan Hospital; Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Dr., Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Article |
#N/A |
464 |
Witjaksono J., Witjaksono F., Perdana A.A. |
Role of lifestyle modification through dietary changes to endometrial receptivity on infertility women and obesity with polycystic ovary syndrome [Peran Perubahan Gaya Hidup melalui Perubahan Pola Diet terhadap Reseptivitas Endometrium Perempuan Infertil dan Obesitas dengan Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik] |
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Article |
#N/A |
465 |
Kusuma F., Matondang S.B., Nuranna L., Purwoto G., Khonsa O., Hyaswicaksono P. |
Postradiotherapy outcome on cervical cancer stage IIIB patients with and without paraaortic lymph nodes enlargement [Hasil Pascaradioterapi pada Pasien Kanker Serviks Stadium IIIB dengan dan tanpa Pembesaran Nodus Paraaorta] |
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
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#N/A |