No records
112 |
Dr. dr. Merci Monica Br Pasaribu, SpPK(K) |
197311062014122002 |
Patologi Klinik |
Global Pharma & Drug Delivery Summit 2023 |
24/04/2023 |
Frankfurt, Jerman |
113 |
Dr. dr. Dewi Wulandari, SpPK(K), MSc |
197009051997022002 |
Patologi Klinik |
9th ASEAN Flow Cytometry Workshop |
11/02/2023 |
Thailand |
114 |
Dr. dr. Dewi Wulandari, SpPK(K), MSc |
197009051997022002 |
Patologi Klinik |
22/05/2023 |
Singapura |
115 |
dr. Sri Suryo Adiyanti, SpPK(K), M.Kes |
0108050330 |
Patologi Klinik |
The XXXVIth International Symposiuum on Technical Innovations in Laboratory Hematology |
11/05/2023 |
New Orleans |
116 |
dr. Oktavia Lilyasar, Sp JP (K) |
- |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler |
The Philippine Society of Pediatric Cardiologi |
23/02/2023 |
Cebu, Filipina |
117 |
dr. Lies Dina Liastuti, Sp. Jp (K), MARS |
196302051988032002 |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler |
Talk by Chief Professor Katsumi Mizuno on Human Milk Bank |
09/05/2023 |
Singapore |
118 |
Prof. Dr. dr. Tjhin Wiguna SpKJ(K), MSc |
19620419 199011 1 001 |
Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa |
The 11th Congress of The Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Proffesions (ASCAPAP 2023) |
26/05/2023 |
Kyoto International Conference Center |
119 |
Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto |
197811212008122002 |
Histologi |
ISSCR Annual Meeting 2023 |
14/06/2023 |
ISSCR Digital (Virtual) |
120 |
dr. Profitasari Kusumaningrum, SpKJ(K) |
197903162012122003 |
Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa |
2023 IPA Internasional Congress |
29/09/2023 |
Lisbon, Portugal |
121 |
Prof. Dr. dr. Tjhin Wiguna, SpKJ(K) |
19620419 199011 1 001 |
Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa |
The 11th Congress of The Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Proffesions (ASCAPAP 2023) |
26/05/2023 |
Kyoto International Conference Center |