Distribution of enteric protozoan infection among school children in rural and urban areas in West Indonesia: A comparative cross-sectional school-based study
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Collage of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Sari I.P., Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Wahdini S., Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Herman B., Collage of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; Sungkar S., Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, UI, (NKB-586/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022.2); Universitas Indonesia, UI
The authors send the greatest appreciation for the support from Universitas Indonesia, which has been granted research funding for this project. Universitas Indonesia had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or manuscript preparation. Funding: Universitas Indonesia HIBAH PUTI 2022 batch 1 NKB-586/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2022.2.