Publikasi Scopus 2010 s/d 2022

Trubetskoy V., Pardiñas A.F., Qi T., Panagiotaropoulou G., Awasthi S., Bigdeli T.B., Bryois J., Chen C.-Y., Dennison C.A., Hall L.S., Lam M., Watanabe K., Frei O., Ge T., Harwood J.C., Koopmans F., Magnusson S., Richards A.L., Sidorenko J., Wu Y., Zeng J., Grove J., Kim M., Li Z., Voloudakis G., Zhang W., Adams M., Agartz I., Atkinson E.G., Agerbo E., Al Eissa M., Albus M., Alexander M., Alizadeh B.Z., Alptekin K., Als T.D., Amin F., Arolt V., Arrojo M., Athanasiu L., Azevedo M.H., Bacanu S.A., Bass N.J., Begemann M., Belliveau R.A., Bene J., Benyamin B., Bergen S.E., Blasi G., Bobes J., Bonassi S., Braun A., Bressan R.A., Bromet E.J., Bruggeman R., Buckley P.F., Buckner R.L., Bybjerg-Grauholm J., Cahn W., Cairns M.J., Calkins M.E., Carr V.J., Castle D., Catts S.V., Chambert K.D., Chan R.C.K., Chaumette B., Cheng W., Cheung E.F.C., Chong S.A., Cohen D., Consoli A., Cordeiro Q., Costas J., Curtis C., Davidson M., Davis K.L., de Haan L., Degenhardt F., DeLisi L.E., Demontis D., Dickerson F., Dikeos D., Dinan T., Djurovic S., Duan J., Ducci G., Dudbridge F., Eriksson J.G., Fañanás L., Faraone S.V., Fiorentino A., Forstner A., Frank J., Freimer N.B., Fromer M., Frustaci A., Gadelha A., Genovese G., Gershon E.S., Giannitelli M., Giegling I., Giusti-Rodríguez P., Godard S., Goldstein J.I., González Peñas J., González-Pinto A., Gopal S., Gratten J., Green M.F., Greenwood T.A., Guillin O., Gülöksüz S., Gur R.E., Gur R.C., Gutiérrez B., Hahn E., Hakonarson H., Haroutunian V., Hartmann A.M., Harvey C., Hayward C., Henskens F.A., Herms S., Hoffmann P., Howrigan D.P., Ikeda M., Iyegbe C., Joa I., Julià A., Kähler A.K., Kam-Thong T., Kamatani Y., Karachanak-Yankova S., Kebir O., Keller M.C., Kelly B.J., Khrunin A., Kim S.-W., Klovins J., Kondratiev N., Konte B., Kraft J., Kubo M., Kučinskas V., Kučinskiene Z.A., Kusumawardhani A., Kuzelova-Ptackova H., Landi S., Lazzeroni L.C., Lee P.H., Legge S.E., Lehrer D.S., Lencer R., Lerer B., Li M., Lieberman J., Light G.A., Limborska S., Liu C.-M., Lönnqvist J., Loughland C.M., Lubinski J., Luykx J.J., Lynham A., Macek M., Jr, Mackinnon A., Magnusson P.K.E., Maher B.S., Maier W., Malaspina D., Mallet J., Marder S.R., Marsal S., Martin A.R., Martorell L., Mattheisen M., McCarley R.W., McDonald C., McGrath J.J., Medeiros H., Meier S., Melegh B., Melle I., Mesholam-Gately R.I., Metspalu A., Michie P.T., Milani L., Milanova V., Mitjans M., Molden E., Molina E., Molto M.D., Mondelli V., Moreno C., Morley C.P., Muntané G., Murphy K.C., Myin-Germeys I., Nenadić I., Nestadt G., Nikitina-Zake L., Noto C., Nuechterlein K.H., O’Brien N.L., O’Neill F.A., Oh S.-Y., Olincy A., Ota V.K., Pantelis C., Papadimitriou G.N., Parellada M., Paunio T., Pellegrino R., Periyasamy S., Perkins D.O., Pfuhlmann B., Pietiläinen O., Pimm J., Porteous D., Powell J.F., Quattrone D., Quested D., Radant A.D., Rampino A., Rapaport M.H., Rautanen A., Reichenberg A., Roe C., Roffman J.L., Roth J., Rothermundt M., Rutten B.P.F., Saker-Delye S., Salomaa V., Sanjuan J., Santoro M.L., Savitz A., Schall U., Scott R.J., Seidman L.J., Sharp S.I., Shi J., Siever L.J., Sigurdsson E., Sim K., Skarabis N., Slominsky P., So H.-C., Sobell J.L., Söderman E., Stain H.J., Steen N.E., Steixner-Kumar A.A., Stögmann E., Stone W.S., Straub R.E., Streit F., Strengman E., Stroup T.S., Subramaniam M., Sugar C.A., Suvisaari J., Svrakic D.M., Swerdlow N.R., Szatkiewicz J.P., Ta T.M.T., Takahashi A., Terao C., Thibaut F., Toncheva D., Tooney P.A., Torretta S., Tosato S., Tura G.B., Turetsky B.I., Üçok A., Vaaler A., van Amelsvoort T., van Winkel R., Veijola J., Waddington J., Walter H., Waterreus A., Webb B.T., Weiser M., Williams N.M., Witt S.H., Wormley B.K., Wu J.Q., Xu Z., Yolken R., Zai C.C., Zhou W., Zhu F., Zimprich F., Atbaşoğlu E.C., Ayub M., Benner C., Bertolino A., Black D.W., Bray N.J., Breen G., Buccola N.G., Byerley W.F., Chen W.J., Cloninger C.R., Crespo-Facorro B., Donohoe G., Freedman R., Galletly C., Gandal M.J., Gennarelli M., Hougaard D.M., Hwu H.-G., Jablensky A.V., McCarroll S.A., Moran J.L., Mors O., Mortensen P.B., Müller-Myhsok B., Neil A.L., Nordentoft M., Pato M.T., Petryshen T.L., Pirinen M., Pulver A.E., Schulze T.G., Silverman J.M., Smoller J.W., Stahl E.A., Tsuang D.W., Vilella E., Wang S.-H., Xu S., Dai N., Wenwen Q., Wildenauer D.B., Agiananda F., Amir N., Antoni R., Arsianti T., Asmarahadi A., Diatri H., Djatmiko P., Irmansyah I., Khalimah S., Kusumadewi I., Kusumaningrum P., Lukman P.R., Nasrun M.W., Safyuni N.S., Prasetyawan P., Semen G., Siste K., Tobing H., Widiasih N., Wiguna T., Wulandari D., Evalina N., Hananto A.J., Ismoyo J.H., Marini T.M., Henuhili S., Reza M., Yusnadewi S., Abyzov A., Akbarian S., Ashley-Koch A., van Bakel H., Breen M., Brown M., Bryois J., Carlyle B., Charney A., Coetzee G., Crawford G., Dracheva S., Emani P., Farnham P., Galeev T., Gandal M., Gerstein M., Giase G., Girdhar K., Goes F., Grennan K., Gu M., Guerra B., Gursoy G., Hoffman G., Hyde T., Jaffe A., Jiang S., Jiang Y., Kefi A., Kim Y., Kitchen R., Knowles J.A., Lay F., Lee D., Li M., Liu C., Liu S., Mattei E., Navarro F., Pan X., Peters M.A., Pinto D., Pochareddy S., Polioudakis D., Purcaro M., Purcell S., Pratt H., Reddy T., Rhie S., Roussos P., Rozowsky J., Sanders S., Sestan N., Sethi A., Shi X., Shieh A., Swarup V., Szekely A., Wang D., Warrell J., Weissman S., Weng Z., White K., Wiseman J., Witt H., Won H., Wood S., Wu F., Xu X., Yao L., Zandi P., Arranz M.J., Bakker S., Bender S., Bramon E., Collier D.A., Crepo-Facorro B., Hall J., Iyegbe C., Lawrie S., Lewis C., Lin K., Linszen D.H., Mata I., Murray R.M., van Os J., Rujescu D., Walshe M., Weisbrod M., Achsel T., Andres-Alonso M., Bagni C., Bayés À., Biederer T., Brose N., Brown T.C., Chua J.J.E., Coba M.P., Cornelisse L.N., de Jong A.P.H., de Juan-Sanz J., Dieterich D.C., Feng G., Goldschmidt H.L., Gundelfinger E.D., Hoogenraad C., Huganir R.L., Hyman S.E., Imig C., Jahn R., Jung H., Kaeser P.S., Kim E., Koopmans F., Kreutz M.R., Lipstein N., MacGillavry H.D., Malenka R., McPherson P.S., O’Connor V., Pielot R., Ryan T.A., Sahasrabudhe D., Sala C., Sheng M., Smalla K.-H., Smit A.B., Südhof T.C., Thomas P.D., Toonen R.F., van Weering J.R.T., Verhage M., Verpelli C., Adolfsson R., Arango C., Baune B.T., Belangero S.I., Børglum A.D., Braff D., Bramon E., Buxbaum J.D., Campion D., Cervilla J.A., Cichon S., Collier D.A., Corvin A., Curtis D., Forti M.D., Domenici E., Ehrenreich H., Escott-Price V., Esko T., Fanous A.H., Gareeva A., Gawlik M., Gejman P.V., Gill M., Glatt S.J., Golimbet V., Hong K.S., Hultman C.M., Hyman S.E., Iwata N., Jönsson E.G., Kahn R.S., Kennedy J.L., Khusnutdinova E., Kirov G., Knowles J.A., Krebs M.-O., Laurent-Levinson C., Lee J., Lencz T., Levinson D.F., Li Q.S., Liu J., Malhotra A.K., Malhotra D., McIntosh A., McQuillin A., Menezes P.R., Morgan V.A., Morris D.W., Mowry B.J., Murray R.M., Nimgaonkar V., Nöthen M.M., Ophoff R.A., Paciga S.A., Palotie A., Pato C.N., Qin S., Rietschel M., Riley B.P., Rivera M., Rujescu D., Saka M.C., Sanders A.R., Schwab S.G., Serretti A., Sham P.C., Shi Y., St Clair D., Stefánsson H., Stefansson K., Tsuang M.T., van Os J., Vawter M.P., Weinberger D.R., Werge T., Wildenauer D.B., Yu X., Yue W., Holmans P.A., Pocklington A.J., Roussos P., Vassos E., Verhage M., Visscher P.M., Yang J., Posthuma D., Andreassen O.A., Kendler K.S., Owen M.J., Wray N.R., Daly M.J., Huang H., Neale B.M., Sullivan P.F., Ripke S., Walters J.T.R., O’Donovan M.C., de Haan L., van Amelsvoort T., van Winkel R., Gareeva A., Shi Y., St Clair D., van Os J., Indonesia Schizophrenia Consortium, PsychENCODE, Psychosis Endophenotypes International Consortium, The SynGO Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia has a heritability of 60–80%1, much of which is attributable to common risk alleles. Here, in a two-stage genome-wide association study of up to 76,755 individuals with schizophrenia and 243,649 control individuals, we report common variant associations at 287 distinct genomic loci. Associations were concentrated in genes that are expressed in excitatory and inhibitory neurons of the central nervous system, but not in other tissues or cell types. Using fine-mapping and functional genomic data, we identify 120 genes (106 protein-coding) that are likely to underpin associations at some of these loci, including 16 genes with credible causal non-synonymous or untranslated region variation. We also implicate fundamental processes related to neuronal function, including synaptic organization, differentiation and transmission. Fine-mapped candidates were enriched for genes associated with rare disruptive coding variants in people with schizophrenia, including the glutamate receptor subunit GRIN2A and transcription factor SP4, and were also enriched for genes implicated by such variants in neurodevelopmental disorders. We identify biological processes relevant to schizophrenia pathophysiology; show convergence of common and rare variant associations in schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders; and provide a resource of prioritized genes and variants to advance mechanistic studies. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
allele; biological processes; cell; differentiation; genomics; heritability; Article; BCL11B gene; brain region; CACNA1C gene; cell differentiation; central nervous system; comorbidity; developmental disorder; disease association; excitatory neuron; FAM120A gene; FOXP1 gene; gene expression regulation; gene identification; gene locus; gene mapping; gene mutation; gene set enrichment analysis; gene structure; genetic association; genetic risk score; genetic variability; genome-wide association study; GRIN2A gene; human; inhibitory neuron; MYT1L gene; nerve cell; nervous system function; neurologic disease; neuropathology; neurotransmission; nonhuman; ontology; receptor gene; regulator gene; RERE gene; schizophrenia; single nucleotide polymorphism; SLC39A8 gene; SP4 gene; synaptic membrane;
National Institutes of Health; National Institute of Mental Health; Fundación Alicia Koplowitz; Takeda Pharmaceutical Company; King’s College London; South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust; National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression; Mental Health Research UK; Wellcome Trust; Horizon 2020 Framework Programme; Seventh Framework Programme; Pennsylvania Game Commission; Medical Research Council; Economic and Social Research Council; University College London; European Co
The National Institute of Mental Health (USA) provides core funding for the PGC under award no. U01MH109514. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The work of the contributing groups was supported by numerous grants from governmental and charitable bodies as well as philanthropic donation (detail
The National Institute of Mental Health (USA) provides core funding for the PGC under award no. U01MH109514. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The w
A. Palotie is a member of Astra Zeneca’s Genomics Advisory Board. V. Salomaa has consulted for Novo Nordisk and Sanofi and has ongoing research collaboration with Bayer (both unrelated to the present study). M. F. Green is a paid consultant for AiCure, Bi
Nature Research