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296 |
57193342279 |
Damayanti Sekarsari |
dr. Damayanti Sekarsari, SpRad |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Annular pancreas mimicking hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in a female infant |
Sekarsari D., Amal M.Y., Napitupulu M.R., Wityaningsih Y.S. |
Radiology Case Reports |
Q4 |
179 |
57224589606 |
Dewi Yunia Fitriani |
dr. Dewi Yunia Fitriani, S.Ked., Sp.Ok. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Assessing webinar outcomes for health professionals: A perspective from Indonesia during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic |
Yo E.C., Witjaksono A.N., Fitriani D.Y., Werdhani R.A., Parikesit D. |
Korean Journal of Medical Education |
Q4 |
437 |
57192910410 |
Wawan Mulyawan |
Kol. Kes. Dr. dr. Wawan Mulyawan, Sp.BS(K)., Sp.KP., AAK. |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Oxidative stress in the heart of rats exposed to acute intermittent hypobaric hypoxia |
Dewi S., Sadikin M., Mulyawan W. |
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal |
Q4 |
265 |
57224001785 |
Rizky Amaliah |
dr. Rizky Amaliah, Sp.B(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Influence of Intestinal Strangulation Release on Ischemiareperfusion Injury in Sprague Dawley Rats |
Yani A., Dorothy D., Amaliah R. |
Annals of African Surgery |
1 |
Q4 |
384 |
57190962171 |
Sidharta Kusuma Manggala |
dr. Sidharta Kusuma Manggala, Sp.An(K). |
Departemen Anestesiologi |
Diaphragm function in post-upper abdominal surgery: High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) versus nasal cannula a pilot study |
Manggala S.K., Aditianingsih D., Harijanto E. |
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association |
Q4 |
58 |
57204423225 |
Eka Susanto |
dr. Eka Susanto, Sp.P.A. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
A Dumbbell-shaped hypoglossal schwannoma managed by a combination of open surgery and endoscopic assistance |
Fachniadin A., Widi Nugroho S., Ananda Aman R., Ichwan S., Tandian D., Susanto E., Watanabe K., Nonaka Y. |
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management |
Q4 |
433 |
57204423225 |
Eka Susanto |
dr. Eka Susanto, Sp.P.A. |
Departemen Patologi Anatomik |
Intratumoral and Peritumoral Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and MGMT mRNA Expression in Different Meningioma Histopathological Grade |
Mulyadi R., Hatta M., Islam A.A., Murtala B., Tammase J., Firdaus M., Susanto E., Prihartono J. |
Indonesian Biomedical Journal |
Q4 |
265 |
57215433374 |
Ahmad Yani |
dr. Ahmad Yani, Sp.B., Sp.B.A. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Influence of Intestinal Strangulation Release on Ischemiareperfusion Injury in Sprague Dawley Rats |
Yani A., Dorothy D., Amaliah R. |
Annals of African Surgery |
1 |
Q4 |
303 |
57215433374 |
Ahmad Yani |
dr. Ahmad Yani, Sp.B., Sp.B.A. |
Departemen Ilmu Bedah |
Abdominal Injury-Induced Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Primary Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis in Adolescent |
Oswari H., Kresnawati W., Yani A., Handjari D.R., Alatas F.S. |
Indian Journal of Surgery |
1 |
Q4 |
425 |
35603752000 |
Telly Kamelia |
dr. Telly Kamelia, Sp.P.D.(K). |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Prediction model of exacerbations in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) at RSCM |
Amelia V., Siswantining T., Kamelia T. |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Q4 |