No records
605 |
57192905252 |
Marcel Prasetyo |
Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, Sp.Rad.(K) |
Departemen Radiologi |
Radiologi (Sp-1) |
Ultrasonography evaluation of the normal ulnar nerve in adult: Comparison of the cross-sectional area at elbow extension and flexion |
Prasetyo M., Rahardja R.R., Yanuar A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
European Journal of Radiology Open |
Q3 |
605 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Ultrasonography evaluation of the normal ulnar nerve in adult: Comparison of the cross-sectional area at elbow extension and flexion |
Prasetyo M., Rahardja R.R., Yanuar A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
European Journal of Radiology Open |
Q3 |
No records
606 |
36905206100 |
Anwar Santoso |
Dr.dr. Anwar Santoso, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
606 |
56008103000 |
BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro |
dr. BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro, Sp.JP(K). |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
606 |
56221848700 |
Siska Suridanda Danny |
dr. Siska Suridanda Danny, Sp. JP |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular (Sp-1) |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
606 |
35286148600 |
Bambang Widyantoro |
Bambang Widyantoro, dr., Ph.D, Sp.JP(K) |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
Ilmu Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah |
May measurement Month 2018: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia |
Turana Y., Widyantoro B., Situmorang T.D., Delliana J., Roesli R.M.A., Danny S.S., Suhardjono, Sofiatin Y., Hermiawaty E., Kuncoro A.S., Barack R., Beaney T., Ster A.C., Poulter N.R., Santoso A. |
European Heart Journal, Supplement |
2 |
Q3 |
No records
608 |
56955579800 |
Dewi Selvina Rosdiana |
Dr.dr. Dewi Selvina Rosdiana, M.Kes. |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Tpmt genetic variability and its association with hematotoxicity in indonesian children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in maintenance therapy |
Rosdiana D.S., Setiabudy R., Andalusia R., Gatot D., Louisa M., Bardosono S., Instiaty I. |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine |
Q2 |
608 |
55703138400 |
Instiaty |
dr. Instiaty, Sp.FK., Ph.D. |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Tpmt genetic variability and its association with hematotoxicity in indonesian children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in maintenance therapy |
Rosdiana D.S., Setiabudy R., Andalusia R., Gatot D., Louisa M., Bardosono S., Instiaty I. |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine |
Q2 |