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82 |
57211502355 |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
The efficacy of ilizarov method for management of long tibial bone and soft tissue defect |
Miraj F., Nugroho A., Dalitan I.M., Setyarani M. |
Annals of Medicine and Surgery |
Q3 |
443 |
57211502355 |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Ahmad Nugroho |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Integration of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Application in Hydroxyapatite-Based Scaffolds in the Treatment of Vertebral Bone Defect due to Spondylitis Tuberculosis: A Translational Study |
Rahyussalim A.J., Nugroho A., Zufar M.L.L., Fathurrahman I., Kurniawati T. |
Stem Cells International |
Q2 |
323 |
57192180884 |
Aldo Fransiskus Marsetio |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Rod and screw corrective manipulation technique, an alternative technique for rigid and severe scoliosis correction management |
Rahyussalim A.J., Marsetio A.F., Kurniawati T. |
AIP Conference Proceedings |
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349 |
57192180884 |
Aldo Fransiskus Marsetio |
Departemen Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi |
Functional outcome of implant-free bone-patellar tendon autograft versus hamstring autograft in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A prospective study |
Tua Lubis A.M., Budimansyah M., Made Febry Siswanto I.G., Yanuarso Y., Marsetio A.F. |
Annals of Medicine and Surgery |
Q3 |
133 |
6603548824 |
Herawati Sudoyo |
Departemen Biologi Kedokteran |
Mitogenomes reveal two major influxes of papuan ancestry across wallacea following the last glacial maximum and austronesian contact |
Purnomo G.A., Mitchell K.J., O’connor S., Kealy S., Taufik L., Schiller S., Rohrlach A., Cooper A., Llamas B., Sudoyo H., Teixeira J.C., Tobler R. |
Genes |
Q2 |
237 |
6603548824 |
Herawati Sudoyo |
Departemen Biologi Kedokteran |
Widespread Denisovan ancestry in Island Southeast Asia but no evidence of substantial super-archaic hominin admixture |
Teixeira J.C., Jacobs G.S., Stringer C., Tuke J., Hudjashov G., Purnomo G.A., Sudoyo H., Cox M.P., Tobler R., Turney C.S.M., Cooper A., Helgen K.M. |
Nature Ecology and Evolution |
4 |
Q1 |
189 |
57193342301 |
Ari Prayitno |
dr. Ari Prayitno, Sp.A.(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Mortality in children with positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction test: Lessons learned from a tertiary referral hospital in Indonesia |
Dewi R., Kaswandani N., Karyanti M.R., Setyanto D.B., Pudjiadi A.H., Hendarto A., Djer M.M., Prayitno A., Yuniar I., Indawati W., Prawira Y., Handryastuti S., Sjakti H.A., Hidayati E.L., Muktiarti D., Soebadi A., Puspaningtyas N.W., Muhaimin R., Rahmadhany A., Octavius G.S., Puspitasari H.A., Jasin M.R., Tartila T., Putri N.D. |
International Journal of Infectious Diseases |
1 |
Q1 |
217 |
57193342301 |
Ari Prayitno |
dr. Ari Prayitno, Sp.A.(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Prevalence, serotype and antibiotic susceptibility of Group B Streptococcus isolated from pregnant women in Jakarta, Indonesia |
Safari D., Gultom S.M., Tafroji W., Azzahidah A., Soesanti F., Khoeri M.M., Prayitno A., Pimenta F.C., da Gloria Carvalho M., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., Putri N.D. |
Q1 |
465 |
57210302708 |
Amir Aziz Alkatiri |
dr. Amir Aziz Alkatiri, Sp.JP. |
Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular |
The obesity paradox: Effect of body mass index on 2-years clinical outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in Indonesia |
Firman D., Arilaksono D.G., Ambari A.M., Radi B., Indriyani S., Siagian S.N., Pranata R., Alkatiri A.A., Iryuza N., Mangkuanom A.S. |
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences |
Q2 |
5 |
6602605635 |
Joedo Prihartono |
Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas |
Hemosiderin deposition evaluation in hemophilic ankle joints: association between US finding and gradient-recalled echo MR imaging sequence |
Prasetyo M., Mongan A.E., Chozie N.A., Prihartono J., Setiawan S.I. |
Insights into Imaging |
Q1 |