No records
189 |
12771087900 |
Mulyadi |
Prof. Dr. dr. Mulyadi, SpA(K) |
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (Sp-2) |
Mortality in children with positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction test: Lessons learned from a tertiary referral hospital in Indonesia |
Dewi R., Kaswandani N., Karyanti M.R., Setyanto D.B., Pudjiadi A.H., Hendarto A., Djer M.M., Prayitno A., Yuniar I., Indawati W., Prawira Y., Handryastuti S., Sjakti H.A., Hidayati E.L., Muktiarti D., Soebadi A., Puspaningtyas N.W., Muhaimin R., Rahmadhany A., Octavius G.S., Puspitasari H.A., Jasin M.R., Tartila T., Putri N.D. |
International Journal of Infectious Diseases |
1 |
Q1 |
No records
6 |
15049026900 |
Noroyono Wibowo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Noroyono Wibowo, SpOG(K) |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-2) |
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) status in severe preeclampsia and preterm birth: a cross sectional study |
Irwinda R., Hiksas R., Siregar A.A., Saroyo Y.B., Wibowo N. |
Scientific Reports |
Q1 |
495 |
15049026900 |
Noroyono Wibowo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Noroyono Wibowo, SpOG(K) |
Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan |
Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-2) |
Oxidative Stress Induced Damage and Early Senescence in Preterm Placenta |
Saroyo Y.B., Wibowo N., Irwinda R., Prijanti A.R., Yunihastuti E., Bardosono S., Krisnadi S.R., Permata P.I., Wijaya S., Santawi V.P.A. |
Journal of Pregnancy |
Q2 |
No records
22 |
23475336100 |
Pradana Soewondo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Triglyceride/Glucose Index (TyG Index) as a marker of glucose status conversion among reproductive-aged women in Jakarta, Indonesia: The Bogor cohort study (2011–2016) |
Liberty I.A., Kodim N., Sartika R.A.D., Trihandini I., Tjekyan R.M.S., Zulkarnain, Pane M., Pratisthita L.B., Tahapary D.L., Soewondo P. |
Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews |
Q2 |
176 |
23475336100 |
Pradana Soewondo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Non-vascular contributing factors of diabetic foot ulcer severity in national referral hospital of Indonesia |
Yunir E., Tahapary D.L., Tarigan T.J.E., Harbuwono D.S., Oktavianda Y.D., Kristanti M., Iswati E., Sarumpaet A., Soewondo P. |
Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders |
Q2 |
233 |
23475336100 |
Pradana Soewondo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Knowledge and behavior changes in clinician after training of partnership for Diabetes Control in Indonesia |
Yunir E., Soewondo P., Soelistijo S.A., Rudijanto A. |
Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews |
Q2 |
583 |
23475336100 |
Pradana Soewondo |
Prof. Dr. dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD |
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (Sp-2) |
Autologous Bone-Marrow vs. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients |
Yunir E., Kurniawan F., Rezaprasga E., Wijaya I.P., Suroyo I., Matondang S., Irawan C., Soewondo P. |
International Journal of Stem Cells |
Q4 |
No records
563 |
55795863600 |
Purwanty Astuti Ascobat |
Prof. Dr. dr. Purwanty Astuti Ascobat, M.Sc., SpFK |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Outcomes of Daily Dose versus Part-daily Dose Treatment for Lung Tuberculosis: A Real-World Database Study in an Indonesian Hospital |
William W., Ascobat P., Instiaty I., Agustin H. |
Acta medica Indonesiana |
Q3 |
617 |
55795863600 |
Purwanty Astuti Ascobat |
Prof. Dr. dr. Purwanty Astuti Ascobat, M.Sc., SpFK |
Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik |
Farmakologi Klinik (Sp-1) |
Development of a module for the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions in the elderly at a primary health center |
Siregar A.S., Werdhani R.A., Ascobat P., Nafrialdi N., Syam A.F., Hidayat R., Wangge G. |
International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine |
Q3 |